My First Encounter with President Obama.
My encounter with President Barrack Obama in social media dates back to late 2011 or early 2012. I was very critical of him in my first two comments. First, I was not comfortable with the fact that Mr. President easily capitulated in the face of open resistance to his unemployment benefits proposal to displaced workers by the GOP. As you would remember, Republican members of congress threatened to shut down the government and they succeeded in tying the expiring President George Bush’s tax breaks for the rich to the extension of unemployment benefits to displaced workers. My position was that the President shouldn't have yielded ground without a fight, arguing further that a fight of that nature is very legitimate and worth fighting.
Days later, I wrote a short essay on Leadership and Accountability, with an opening line stating: leadership is not for the fainthearted. In the second piece, which I placed on my Facebook Wall, I argued that the fact that President Obama capitulated without a fight, was in my judgment, painted a picture of a political neophyte all around him. To my greatest surprise, President Obama was to address the issue of him being labeled a political neophyte later that same day on camera.
After watching the President’s address on TV, I went back to my Facebook Wall to reread my post. And I said to myself, no way, it can’t be me. That was the last of such impolite or hash comments I ever wrote about Mr. President. Even in the face of his disappointing performance in his first debate with Governor Mitt Romney, I refused to let my anguish surface in my follow-up piece. See “President Obama: the Danger of Changing A winning Formula,” published October 10, 2012. I will address this piece later.
My first major break came on June 08, 2012. Incensed that some very prominent Democrats (former Governor El Rendell, Mayor Cory Booker, now a Senator, and the effervescence James Carville) and a prominent Business News Anchor, Maria Bartiromo were already reciting a dirge note for Obama's second term Presidential bid, I wrote a very lengthy piece, titled "Obama: Citizen United, Invisible Resistance and the Hacking of American Democracy,” published June 08, 2012, on this Blog and my FaceBook Wall. In it, I argued against the position of the three prominent democrats. In categorical order, I gave a detailed analysis of the areas or issues that the gentlemen warned Obama’s campaign team to abstain from. I argued, with verifiable facts that those forbidden areas or issues are what make his opponent vulnerable and at the same time the center point of his Presidential run.
We warned that any attempt of Obama’s camp to stay away from making these certain areas or issues the butt of his campaign is tantamount to providing Governor Romney a sure part to the White House. The Obama team, God Bless them, followed my lead to the letter. In the end, the essay made unprecedented impacts, not only revamping the Presidential campaign but ensuring a decisive outcome at the end.
Our decision was strategic; influenced substantially by anger and the need to set the record straight. We thought then that a no holds barred rebuttal to the memo from Mr. Carville and the "don't say this and don't say that" warnings from Ed and Cory flying all over the airwaves is needed urgently; otherwise, these influential Democrats and partisan TV Anchors would derail and bury the Obama Presidential campaign alive in no time. And I am glad I dare to dream.
Daring To Act
June 08, 2012, was the day I put everything I have learned in the art of politicking into effective use. I repeat, into effective use, not into the test, because I knew I was on the part of righteousness. Mr. Matt Lauer of NBC Today Show had on his studio, MS Maria Bartiromo of CNBC as his guest. And she was at her usual best, shielding her conservative bent with well-crafted financial nuances. After making so many uncomplimentary remarks about Obama’s economic policies, Mr. Lauer asked: what can the President do now? She declared in no uncertain terms: “There is nothing he can do right now. The guys on Wall Street will not spend their money until a new President is sworn in in January.” Just like that! No qualm in her disposition or pronouncement. She appeared, wearing the gab of an unbiased Business Analyst, but a closer reading of her style of analysis, reveals the trait of a hardcore Wall Street apologist, plotting President Obama’s defeat.
The Money they are sitting on, the money they are not willing to spend until Obama is kicked out of the White House was accumulated in the last three years under the economic policies (Wall Street Bail Out Package, among others) introduced and implemented by President Obama. Now they don't want to spend the money?
Talking to my TV, I made a solemn declaration that the Presidential candidate that MS Bartiromo had in mind will not be sworn in as the President in January 2013. President Barack Obama will be sworn in come January of 2013 for a continuation of his second term as the President of the United States of America, I boasted to myself. And I went to my desktop to start typing.
That I took it personally was an understatement. I brought a huge load of emotion into the task that I set out to accomplish. The main issue is that Barrack is Black. If he were to be a person of another race or color, at that point in time in the US economic expansion, and given the near depression the situation was when he came into office, he would have been openly celebrated. But they want him out. Not because he did not perform, but because he is black. In my own calculation, the first black guy ever to occupy the Oval Office, will not go down in defeat. I took his victory at the poll as a noble challenge and as a personal odyssey. And I went to work – writing what works.
The essay generates instant buzz and gained momentous consensus within and outside of the mainstream media, heralding what has become known as the definition of Governor Mitt Romney, the Republican Presidential candidate, in the Presidential campaign. Pundits and consultants came on board in droves, repeating every line and every syllable of the piece until Election Day. It was magical and catchy. And it all began here, on this very Blog. Only in America!
However, contrary to all expectations, President Obama decided to put my talking points or essay to the test in his first debate with Governor Mitt Romney, the GOP Presidential candidate. To say the least, the outcome was devastatingly humiliating. President Obama, for reasons I couldn’t fathom, did not use one term or expression from the very successful talking points he had successfully deployed in the past in his debate. In the end, not only did Governor Mitt Romney dominate and outshines the President - flipping the content of the same talking points to his advantage - President Obama appeared looking subdued, unprepared, unlettered, and unlearned. It was a dismal outing seen all over the world. A republican commentator in a sarcastic, but celebratory mood, called the President a wimp after the debate – stating, Americans do not need a wimp for a President. I couldn’t stomach my disgust; I went to work again to pen another essay, titled “President Obama: the Danger of Changing A winning Formula,” published on October 10, 2012.
However, in the second debate, the President was able to resurrect his groove, showing strength and audacity. Only then did he remember the same lines, the same terms that did the magic for him before the first debate.
Given Governor Mitt Romney's performance in the first debate, it didn’t take me time to realize that his campaign team has become acquainted with my Blog, particularly, the essay on the talking points. In the first debate, he wasted no time borrowing copiously from my essay and flipping them to drive home his conservative philosophy throughout, especially on the issue of trickles down economy.
His campaign team didn’t stop there. They started following me all over the place on social media. One morning, I posted a comment on a friend’s Wall on Facebook. The thread was centered on the absence of religious issues in the Obama/Romney campaign. I argued that the Christian Right and Mr. Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition are playing it safe, because of Mitt Romney’s Mammon background. To my greatest amazement, the Romney team took me up on that comment immediately. Later that day, Mr. Ralph Reed appeared at a hastily arranged press conference with Governor Romney’s running mate, Mr. Paul Ryan, wherein Ralph, among other explosive comments, labeled President Obama anti-Christ. But then it was too late. The damage has been done. However, sensing that I have become a known and crucial factor in the campaign, I resolved to stay low.
After the second debate, my phone started ringing off the hook – people I do not know were calling to speak with Alex. My Son would pick up the call and I would signal to him to tell the caller that Daddy is not home. Most often, when I pick up, I would simply tell them to call back that Alex is not home. My reason for dabbling into the Presidential campaign is obvious: my love for the man, my brother, my President who reassured the World that black guys can think and reason. And I have no more reason to continue to inject myself into the debate or limelight. I have successfully played the part I cut out for myself and it is time for me to move on.
After the third debate, I knew that victory is assured for President Obama, with or without North Carolina and Florida. And I went on to pen a piece that turned out to be the most accurate prognosis or a forecast of the 2012 US Presidential election. See “Obama Will Win Decisively,” posted on November 1, 2011.
By the way, Maria Bartiromo is no longer with CNBC. She moved to the ultra-right Fox Business Channel after the election. Now you can see what I saw on that morning of June 08, 2012, watching the NBC Today Show. Millions of Americans watched that show that very morning. But I saw what Millions of Americans did not see, a voice of one seeing President Obama's defeat as ordained by the conservative god. And I responded appropriately, with what has become a historic adventure guide by common sense, audacity, and unparalleled confidence. I have performed a similar feat for Nigeria in the US, unannounced. See the series on Social Intelligence.
Daring To Dream: The Confluence of Thoughts
The one essay that I will never forget was the one where I defined President Obama’s war against terrorism. I labeled the emerging trend “the Obama School of thought” on the war against global terrorism. In my usual self, I bragged about the fact that no one has talked about it or written about it. In other words, I am the first to see a trend, to perceive a pattern in his approach to global terrorism. And I went ahead to define the School of thought.
Three days later, President Obama addressed a Press Conference at the Rose Garden, focused on his approach to stemming the scourge of global terrorism, and, of course, went ahead to define his new approach. If you had seen my piece written three days earlier and watched Mr. President that very day, you would think I prepare the speech for him to align with my analysis of his war against global terrorism, written about thirty-Six hours earlier. It was a one-of-a-kind experience or coincidence I will never forget. His stated approach was in all four with my definition or hypothesis.
In all the instances cited in this essay, where there exists consistency between my works and the President’s pronouncements or actions, in no instance would you see similar views expressed elsewhere – not before and not after, by another person, but just his world and my world, always in sync, always at peace with each other.
For, instance, when I wrote “Obama: Citizen United, Invisible Resistance and the Hacking of American Democracy”, it was like a bolt from the blue – all the pundits, especially the progressive pundits, knew that I was right on the money, but they were skeptical of their judgment (not voicing their thoughts), maybe, because of the caliber of the democrats who argued the contrary. However, when I stepped onto the scene, there was a pandemonium of the joy of instant gravitation to a job no one was audacious enough, or creative enough to assemble - a bandwagon effect resulted instantaneously.