Friday, June 8, 2012

OBAMA: Citizen United, Invisible Resistance, and the Hacking of American Democracy

Standing up for President Barack Obama!  

Taking a stand for President Barack Obama's re-election is a stand for what is right, just, and equitable because he wants the very best for every American family, judging by what he has done so far and attempted to do.  I stand for the President because it is the right thing to do. Above all, a stand for President Barack Obama is a stand for the truth, audacity, creativity, and innovation. Republicans want him to fail, not necessarily on account of what he is doing wrong, but because of resentment rooted in hatred and unwillingness to embrace the likelihood of American history recording the first of his kind as a "Great President". Now that the political system is overwhelmed with corporate money, Americans should brace for surprises, lies, and misinformation from Karl Rove and his plethora of Super PACs. 


The Crusade to buy President Obama out of Power with Super PACs and Corporate money made possible by the decision of the US Supreme Court in the Citizen United case is analogous to the politics of money in Nigeria that has eaten deep into the fabric of our political culture and made popular democracy a travesty. There is no difference between the reactionary elements within the Republican Party in the United States and the reactionary elements that dominate the political culture in Nigeria – trust deficit, greed, lies, bigotry, homophobia, hatred, hypocrisy, and misinformation; tell me more. They profess family values and moral purity, yet they see the less-privileged in society as another category of the human species, deserving nothing and worthy of nothing. They wear patriotism on their shoulders but exploit political power and governments as investment tools on behalf of a selected few at the expense of the generality of the governed.

If I may ask, what the heck is the connection between Campaign Finance (political speech) and First Amendment rights?  Where is the nexus between the right to talk and express oneself as defined by the US Constitution under the First Amendment and the right to fund an election with an undisclosed amount of money, without disclosing your identity or the amount of money contributed as the US Supreme Court ruled in the Citizen United case?  

Mr. Karl Rove and his PAC, American Crossroads and other Super PACs are raising millions of dollars from unknown sources every day and every night in preparation for war against change and civilisation. When President Obama, on January 27, 2010, during his State of the Union Address, seemingly took exception to the decision of the Supreme Court in the Citizen United Case ( people considered the President's remarks condescending. Now we know better. Governor Mitt Romney decimated Newt Gingrich politically in Iowa and Florida during the just-concluded Republican primaries, thanks to  PACs money. They've only just begun. And the whole world is watching! Watching what they would do against President Barack Obama with the Millions they are stockpiling presently.

In the words of Vice President Al Gore, "Our democracy has been hijacked." See "View Point with Governor Elliot Spitzer" on Current TV,   

President Obama did more for this country in three years than what Karl Rove and his administration did in eight years. President Obama revived a comatose economy and stabilised a dysfunctional financial industry despite the filibuster ammunitions ceaselessly and shamelessly deployed by Republican members of Congress to frustrate his administration. In addition, thanks to the patriotic and unpretentious support of his Security team, President Obama decimates terrorism and terrorist cells all around the World without risking the precious lives of our men and women in uniform. A development that's in sharp contrast with the enormous wastage and mass casualties incidents that characterised Karl Rove's incubated administration. 

Power is not only about winning an election, as Mr. Karl Rove is reputed to. It is more about purposeful governance - empowerment. It is about raising the standard of living of the middle class and supporting the less privileged, which Karl Rove and his hawkish bedfellows do not know how to do. It calls for synergy realignment for growth, making capital available to entrepreneurs, and creating opportunities for businesses and economically dislocated/disadvantaged Americans. 

Mr. Karl Rove and his numerous Super PACs failed Americans abysmally when they were there for eight years. They squandered the surplus left behind by President Bill Clinton (a Democrat) and watched helplessly as Wall Street degenerated into a mob scene where inside trading and indiscriminate betting on taxpayers' money turned out to be the hallmarks.

Now, they are fighting to reinstate the inglorious past, hoping to buy out President Obama from power through corporate money and campaign finance loopholes by any means possible.  That's what the election is about on the part of Republicans - resentment of change and sending President Obama back to Chicago, as some of them boasted. It won't happen. Because Americans know better. 


Governor Mitt Romney wants American voters to elect him President because he has a better grasp of Economics and Management than President Obama. That argument is anchored on his exploit at Bain Capital and as Governor of Massachusetts. Surprisingly, American pundits and TV anchors do not want the President and Democrats to talk about Bain Capital. Bain Capital is Governor Romney's bargaining chip. You cannot discuss Governor Romney's management credentials without integrating a discussion of his years at Bain Capital as well as the pains and sufferings unleashed by Bain Capital on the management and employees of their affiliates.    

There is no denying the fact that Bain Capital is a very successful firm using "returns on investment" indices. They achieved that liquidity status through over-leveraged capitalism - borrow large, acquired companies, fire existing workers, cash out big, and laugh their way to the banks, while the companies are left embroiled in massive debts, contending with bankruptcy as the last option. 

That, of course, is what most venture capital and private equity firms do: making money for themselves and their investors/shareholders. Which is cool. But that is not the same as governance or being the Governor of a State or President of a country. That explains the magnitude of the uninspiring performance that Governor Mitt Romney recorded as Governor of Massachusetts. Because he couldn't replicate Bain Capital's model in his management of the affairs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

I want to reiterate that I do not nurse any grudge against Bain Capital or its business model. However, suffice it to say that managing a venture capital or private equity firm is not in any shape or form analogous to managing the affairs of a state - governance is about the people, rich or poor. Governor Romney's performance in Massachusetts lends credence to that assertion. Therefore, applying that standard, he lacks what it takes to be a successful President and cannot perform at the level of President Obama, despite GOP intransigence. 

President Obama did not aspire to the Oval Office/White House to enrich himself and his management staff. Governance is about the people, all the people, and not for a privileged few or shareholders. President Obama is on the side of the people. That includes the rich and the famous, the multinationals, the small businesses, as well as millionaires who do not have any economic need for a tax break. The programs and policies that he introduced and pursued since the beginning of his Presidency support those claims. And that, my friends, is the difference between being a President of a country and being a CEO of venture capital or private equity firms. 

A few days ago, Mr. Romney inadvertently revealed his true intent when he tried to make a pejorative remark about the recent statement credited to President Obama 'that the private sector is doing fine. Governor Romney declared: "Is he really out of touch? He wants to hire more government workers, he wants to hire more Teachers, more Policemen, and more firefighters..." In a quick rebuttal, when has it become sacrilegious or an aberration to hire Teachers, Fire Fighters, and Policemen! Are they not eligible for the American  Dream? 

The truth is, most Republicans never hide their disdain for Teachers and their plan to eliminate the Department of Education. For Mr. Romney, a Presidential candidate for that matter, to have a problem with hiring more Teachers, Fire Fighters, and Policemen is blatantly absurd. It shows how unconnected Governor Mitt Romney is from American realities.

By the way, the few Democrats who have expressed some reservations about the position of the President on Bain Capital and Wall Street are missing something. With due respect, I beg to disagree with them. It's all about interest; Obama's Campaign should know that. The fact that an argument is good for some guys - career-wise, business network, budding or future political career - doesn't mean it is good for the President's campaign. In addition, Governor Mitt Romney's claim to managerial superiority over his political opponents is his activities at Bain Capital and stewardship in Massachusetts as the Executive Governor. That's it. So why won't Democrats and President Obama's campaign team talk about Bain Capital?  

Yes, we must talk about Bain Capital and Massachusetts. We must talk about 'Let Detroit Go Bankrupt' because it is vintage Mitt Romney. And it is his resume. See Governor Mitt Romney's op-ed article published in the New York Times:

Left for Mr. Romney, Detroit would have been history by now. 

Today, General Motors is back to business, and it is once again on top of the Auto industry. In addition, there is a boom in the ancillary sectors all around Ohio, thousands of jobs saved, thousands of jobs created, and unquantifiable smiles in many American homes thanks to President Obama's initiative and foresight. Mr. Romney cannot undo that. Republican and Karl Rove's Super PACs cannot rewrite credible history. 

Yes, we must talk about Bain Capital and General Motors. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts was once a victim of the "I am a job creator" campaign and slogan; American voters shouldn't forfall that bait.

Given the emergence of bonanza madness on Wall Street once again, President Obama has proved that it is possible to regulate Wall Street and position it to make a profit without undermining the interest and protection of the middle class and the less privileged in society. But Wall Street is not taking the regulation lightly, despite the huge bonuses they are enjoying presently. That is what this election is about: Standing for the truth. 

For Wall Street and Big Business to cast the Obama Administration as unfriendly is a mockery of objective judgment. We must set the record straight as plainly as we could.


President Barack Obama did more for Business and Wall Street than any President before him. He bailed out AIG, Bank of America, General Motors, Chrysler, and much more. Yet, American pundits will never stop deafening our ears with 'President Obama not being friendly with Business and Wall Street'. Which business? And which Wall Street? What we are witnessing is a blatant mischaracterisation of the President and his true intent and outright misrepresentation of facts. It is analogous to giving a dog a bad name to hang it. 

Establishing regulatory mechanisms in the financial sector to eliminate inside trading and reckless betting with taxpayers’ money that almost paralyses Wall Street on the eve of President Obama's inauguration is consistent with good governance and real leadership. We do not want a repeat of the uncontrollable state of affairs in the financial industry created by the disappearance of oversight that unavoidably culminated in the Wall Street meltdown a few years back.

This baloney about President Obama's animosity towards business, capitalism, and Wall Street, especially in the news media, has racist undertones. It has no support in fact or reality. We do not want another Lehman Brothers fiasco. Wall Street has to be regulated for the good of Wall Street, for the good of American Business, and for the good of the American people. Period.

Furthermore, President Obama and his administration created a favourable investment culture/climate and engineered numerous incentives that made it possible for Wall Street and the private sector to rake in much more profits, unlike a few years back. What they did in return was provocative disbelief. Instead of spending, reinvesting, and hiring new workers as expected, they sat on their wealth and profits to stultify job growth, frustrate the President's economic expansion drive, and imperil his presidential campaign. 

The profit that Businesses are sitting on was accumulated under President Obama's administration and the bailout that he selflessly pumped into the Auto industry and into the financial sector. How, then, could pundits and politically biased TV anchors find grace in justifying the refusal of Businesses and Wall Street to reinvest their profits and escalate hiring on the pretext that President Obama is hostile to business? 

The much-hyped hostility or not-so-friendly relationship between President Obama and Business is unsubstantiated. How could you reasonably state that the President is hostile to Business when he is the one who made it possible for Business and Wall Street to be back to a profits-making position and bonus bonanza madness? 

The President's ideas on reviving Wall Street, the auto industry, Manufacturing, the development of Green Energy, Technological innovations, and infrastructural renewal are well-thought-out and well-embracing. Yet, Republicans, Christian Right, and Tea Party want to pigeonhole the President in an attempt to reinforce their "out of touch" and "want to redistribute wealth" vibes.  

Let the pundits or the tea party members name one policy or one program introduced by this administration that tends to favour some groups at the expense of others. From Health Care Reform to Student Loans, Mortgage Refinancing, Auto Bail-out, and Small Business Loans - they favour everyone across the board and equally. 

In addition, President Obama did allow Bush Tax cuts for Millionaires and the rich to continue, even when the facts on the ground do not support continuation. Without any Economic explanation, on Christmas Eve of 2010, Republican members of Congress shamelessly conditioned the extension of unemployment benefits for the poor and displaced workers to the continuation of Bush Tax cuts for the rich. As we all know, the tax cuts did not create jobs as intended since their inception. President Bill Clinton balanced the national budget without Tax cuts for Millionaires. What, then, is the justification or economic explanation for continuing with the tax holiday for those who do not really need it, given the fact that it did not create new jobs or catalyse economic expansion? It is politics. And it is class warfare.  And it is Republican at its best.

When has it become an aberration or crime to the police and regulate market manipulation and financial recklessness? President Obama, as any President, has every right to put in place an appropriate regulatory framework to ensure sanity, transparency, and accountability in the financial sector. That is the difference between President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, who want a repeat of the past - a past that created the recklessness that doomed the housing market and almost paralysed Wall Street. Taxpayers do not want a repeat of the infamous past that Governor Mitt Romney is romanticising with.


Since the arrival of President Obama in the White House, the goal of Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate Leader, is to make President Obama a one-term President. He declared on the floor of the House and on other occasions that his goal was to make President Obama a one-term President. For the first time in the history of America, a supposedly honourable member of Congress, TV Anchors, and Talk Radio personalities declared, time and time again, that their desire is for President Obama to fail. Please see the link:   

Oftentimes, to the chagrin of most liberal Democrats, the President veered from his liberal position and moved to the right of centre on most issues - yes, right of centre - anticipating that Republicans would reciprocate to engender common ground for collaboration and purposeful governance. What did they do in return? They moved further to the right and, with ignominy, filibustered a significant percentage of new appointments and economic initiatives introduced by the President. 

The same people who never stop celebrating President Reagan's virtues are unwilling to embrace Reagan's policies introduced by President Obama, who, unfortunately, is not one like them. If President Obama is a Socialist as the GOP wants the World to believe, invariably, President Reagan and most Republicans who espouse his ideas and policies are Socialists. Because there is no significant political or ideological difference between Reaganomics and Obama's ideology. It has never been about the policy or the program. It's all about the name and the man. Let's call a spade a spade.

The President and his Security team made substantial progress at home and abroad, rooting out enemies of civilisation and dismantling terrorism and terrorist networks all around the globe because Republican members of Congress do not participate in the attack process or preparation. The deployment or approval for the deployment of Navy Seal and Drone attacks on 'flighty enemies' is exclusively a decision for the President and his Security team to make. If the takedown of Osama Bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki were subject to Congressional vote or debate, both men would still be walking free today. The attacks were successful because Republican members of Congress did not participate and did not have the opportunity to filibuster rapid-response attacks. The President and his Economic team are not making the intended progress in reviving the economy because of Republicans involved in the process. They gave filibuster a new meaning to stagnate the economy and kill job growth.

Now, they are fishing for scandal in the name of "classified documents". This is a White House that humbled Osama Bin Laden after months of planning and strategising without a hint of it coming into the public domain. The same man that Karl Rove and his hawkish bedfellows couldn't trace for years is now a dead man. If Osama Bin Laden had been captured or killed under a Republican White House, that would have signalled the demise of Democrats for a run for the White House for many years to come. 

Now, they don't want Democrats to talk about Security. They want to blemish the White House over an immaterial issue (fast and furious) to cloud President Obama's success stories and accomplishments in the war against terrorism! They will fail. Americans are smarter, and they know better. The Attorney General deserves better treatment from Republican members of Congress.


America is not a dictatorship - there are rules, and there are regulations. There is a Separation of Powers as well as Checks and Balances. President Obama can only do what the law permits. Republicans, the Tea Party, the Christian Right, and the numerous talk heads on Radio and TV would rather the economic collapse than work with the President to save it. 

They know he is patriotic and has the requisite vision and intellectual wherewithal to revive the economy and make America great again. But the deep-seated resentment that they harbour against the President makes collaboration a Herculean task. They are befuddled by his virtues, stultified by his stoicism, and peevish by his innovative ideas and decision-making skills. They would rather Americans starve to death than subscribe to a collaborative, productive engagement with a President who is a person of colour. It is a sheer display of resentment and hatred rooted in racism and fear of history, recording President Obama as one of the few 'Great Presidents' in the history of America. 

American electorates are not in exile, they are living witnesses to Republican intransigence and vicious attacks on the poor and the middle class while they vehemently promote and protect tax loopholes for those who do not need them.

Despite everything, Americans are wiser, and they can read the handwriting on the wall. Today, the news is about hiring, construction of new plants, and revitalisation of old ones. It is no longer stories of the closure of companies and retrenchment of workers that used to be the major headline news before the arrival of President Barack Obama at the Oval Office. 

We are making progress, and we are moving forward. President Obama will be vindicated, and he will triumph over the Mitch McConnells of American politics. 

God is on the side of the meek and the peacemakers. And God is on the side of President Barack Obama because he wants the very best for every American family. That is why I am standing for him. And that is why I am asking that you stand with me to stand for him. 

God Bless America. 

Disclosure: the term "Invisible Resistance" was used recently by Professor Mike Eric Dyson on his appearance on "The ED Show": MSNBC. 

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