Saturday, September 15, 2012

Op Ed: As long as people need a bogeyman, America will be a target

Op Ed: As long as people need a bogeyman, America will be a target


"Hatred of America is a form of self-hatred, the fruit of frustration and despair in the Muslim world at its relative decline. And not only in the Muslim world. Anti-Americanism will always be with us so long as people need a bogeyman on which to hang the evils of the world. It speaks to all that is small and envious and insecure in us, and unfortunately that, too, is a constant."  Andrew Coyne, Edmonton Journal, September 15, 2012.

The escalating riotous situation in the Middle East and the Muslim World in general, is not in any shape or form, a reflection of the leadership style of the occupant of the White House. It has never been, and it won’t be. It is simply a reflection of the reality of time and the crazy World that we live in. As the author above rightly stated, "Anti-Americanism will always be with us so long as people need a bogeyman on which to hang the evils of the world."


Overcoming the crisis in the Middle East and the Muslim World at large requires a two-pronged approach. One, Socio-economic approach: That requires investment in education coupled with development of human resources and infrastructural facilities in the affected regions. Adding to that, eradicating corruption and nepotism, and checking the profligacy of some of the military and political leaders in that part of the world, would significantly alleviate poverty and helplessness that often elicit mayhem within the fold. And two, Teaching of tolerance: Granted that we cannot regulate free speech and religious related activities World-wide, but if those who are vested with the authority to teach at places of worship, do so with a dose of civility, neighborly love, value for human life, peaceful co-existence, and financial freedom here on earth, and less of incitement and martyrdom, that would go a long way to enlivening the social and entrepreneurial consciousness of the adherents of the faith.

It's all about entrepreneurial spirit, love of life, self-awareness, and noble vision. Together, they engender a sense of community commitment, leadership drive and responsibility. The leadership of the faith can’t do less, because their present, their future, and the future and well-being of their children and grandchildren are integral component of a purposeful religious teaching.

There are examples of countries, regions, and cities all over the World where the dominant religion is Islam, yet these people live peacefully with their neighbors and people of other faiths. The reasons for that are not far-fetched: education, education, and education, coupled with entrepreneurial spirit and economic freedom. In addition, the separation of religion from state and cultural activities is a significant factor. Sadly, as history teaches us, we cannot force or unilaterally impose changes, well intended or not, on the unwilling. That urgency, that intensity for change, the democratic principles and the progressive spirit must take root in the heart and soul of the generality of the populace in that part of the World for permanent peace to subsist. 


The earlier the West and the rest of the World do the unthinkable and leave the troubling Muslim world alone, the safer and better it is for the unwanted guest and the rest of the World. This is not about weakness or surrendering in the face of heightened tension. The Muslim world will only be receptive to ideas for change generated from within, induced by factors or circumstances beyond their control and must be agreeable to their cultural and religious beliefs. That is the only way the potential visitor with the magic wand - capital and expertise - and with the ability to arrest those troubling circumstances (begging for answer) can be loved and appreciated.

To overcome the madness of the moment and similar occurrences in the future, we need a Mother Teresa, a Martin Luther King Jr. and a Nelson Mandela to champion the call for tolerance and self-awareness. Indeed, we have many a Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi within the Islamic faith. But the trouble is, the struggle and the narrative are not in any shape or form about tolerance, nor consistent with political and socio-economic emancipation. It is not what Mahatma Gandhi lived and died for. It is not what Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King Jr. preached. And it is not what President Nelson Mandela suffered for and went to jail for. It is something else – something fundamentally and radically different in scope, style, content, and goal.

That is the dilemma that the World is facing. That spirit of change, of renewal, of acceptance and tolerance must come from within for it to be meaningful and sustaining. It cannot be imposed from outside. You cannot change the situation with diplomatic niceties or foreign investments. It must be internally generated by realities in search of new beginning. In other words, the circumstances that would make changes coming from outside appreciated must be internally generated for it to be sustainable and enduring. They have to want the changes. 

Yes, we must leave the Muslim world alone to police and develop itself at its option and at its own pace - it must be willing to open itself to the outside World and the attendant social compact.  If they have need of your capital, your technology or your technical expertise, if they really cherish you as a human-being, to be loved and respected, let the final call be yours to make. Then, you can rightly and justifiably bargain from a position of strength, height, and superiority, with conditionality to boot. In that case, you are intervening on humanitarian ground and not to colonize or appropriate what is not yours. Until it comes to that, you are still who you are or who they believe you are - 'an unwanted Yankee, a kafir on a colonizing mission to corner our resources, desecrate our way of life and hijack our future.'


Indeed, the departure will create enormous capital flight and alter the dynamics of foreign investments and movement of goods and services in the troubled regions all over the World. That's not too much a sacrifice to make by host nations and foreign governments, or foreign investors for tolerance and acceptance to take root and thrive. On the long run, it would create a more sober comity of nations where people of diverse socio-economic, cultural, and religious background can engage in commerce, without regard to contents of a blasphemous literature or movie. 

Insulting God, Allah, Mohammed, or Jesus Christ is never the right way to exercise First Amendment Rights or Freedom of Speech anywhere in the World. Any conduct by anyone calculated to create political upheaval and turn mankind against itself should be rejected by everyone. 

No doubt, the Internet makes the World a global village and a better place to be. It creates the social media, and that, in turns, creates social awareness, markets for ideas, and a place for goods and services. Above all, it brings out the good, the bad, and the ugly about us to our bedrooms and to the palm of our hands. And that is the reality of our time.  That in turn, creates the unavoidable choice - the willingness to take or separate the wheat from the chaff.

As long as the Internet remains with us, good or bad, users will continue to see and read stories and information, ennobling and disdainful of the people - dead or alive - who they hold in the highest esteem. No government, no president, and no institution can police or legislate their non-occurrence in any society. Call it clash of civilizations if you wish, but it is the inevitable truth. The earlier nation-states, religious leaders and their million followers take cognizance of that reality - the inevitable clash of civilizations as well as institutional and governmental helplessness - and accept  them the better it is for our emotional stability and a new international political order.

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