Friday, October 5, 2012

Governor Mitt Romney: Once a Liar, always a Liar.

How can you reasonably and objectively debate someone - a presidential candidate for that matter - who is not principled enough to take a stand on any issue and be steadfast about it?

Truth is VERY VERY important, especially when you are aspiring to become the President and First Family of God’s own country.  Governor Mitt Romney misrepresents facts deliberately and relentlessly during his first debate with the President. He purposely and knowingly propagates falsehood in order to assume a new and clean profile that is patently bogus, even before the deaf and the blind. We want to know who Governor Romney is. Presently, he is no longer the extreme conservative, tea party loving /sympathizer guy who ran with the Republican extremist right-wingers, propagating hawkish and 'government is the enemy' baloney throughout the primaries. All of a sudden, he wants to become the liberal Republican who ran against Senator Kennedy in 1994.

Granted that President Obama was a little bit professorial during the debate, but he is consistent. We know who he is; he does not pander to right-wing or left-wing talk heads on radio and TV in order to appear relevant. He told us exactly what he would do if Osama Bin Laden is in Pakistan and the Pakistani government fails to apprehend him or cooperate with American forces to apprehend him. And he did exactly as he promised. That is a fact no Dick Cheney or any Republican propaganda machine can distort.

Governor Romney does not stand for anything. He ran away from the Healthcare policy that he helped to put in place in Massachusetts, because President Obama embraced it at the national level.  Now, he wants to be a part of it. He lambasted American 47%, now he is embracing them.  He never subscribe to Reagan's School of thought, now he is a Reagan lover. He used to be an advocate of women’s right (pro-choice), now he is pro-life. He wants Detroit (auto industry) to go bankrupt, now he is telling the people of Michigan and Ohio that he is one of them. And he had the audacity to declare during the debate that Government did not trickle down under President Obama. He questioned hiring Police Officer, Fire Fighters, and Teacher, yet he is telling the American people that he is a lover of the middle-class.

He wants to give tax break to millionaires who do not need it, yet he wants to invade Iran, while fighting two wars. How do you grow an economy, if you do not invest, and those in position to pay taxes to Government are not doing so? You want to cut spending in those essential areas of our lives that make American what it is today! So far, Governor Romney has not been able to tell the American people the areas he is targeting. And it better not be the Department of Education.

Truth is, Mr. Romney is too detached from American reality and he is depending on pundits on radio, TV, and Newspaper to goad him.  And they are goading him real good on the choices he makes.  Now you know why he flips-n-flops like a butterfly contending with extreme weather condition. President Obama has been very steady, despite the right wings resolution to frustrate him.  That’s a President we need - a steady-mind. 

The race has just begun and Governor Romney has plethora of unanswered questions to answer before the American people. President Obama did more than he promised the electorates in 2008, the economy has regained its lost glory and job health has improved tremendously. That is a statement of fact, whether the Jack Welch and the conspiracy theorists out there like it.

Victory is for the just and the meek. Victory is ours. President Obama will be vindicated and he will be elected again to another four years by the American people to be able to complete the bold ideas and transformation mechanisms he has engineered. 

Finally, I do not have any problem with members of the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) or their consultants embracing our progressive thoughts and rephrasing them to suit their purpose, but certainly not the Romney Campaign stealing and twisting our ideas purposely to burnish the distorted image of their flag bearer who is not and cannot be described as "firm of purpose". That is roguish and intellectually dishonest. 

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