Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DEMOCRATS: Are the Recent Economic Numbers Stupid? (Chris Matthew)

Democrats and the Unwillingness to Spin and Celebrate Success in the Face of Unprecedented Accomplishments - By Alex Aidaghese.
First Published July 7, 2014

It is Deja vu all over again. Mrs. Hilary Clinton and most Democrats running for reelection for Congress are acting evasively amidst fantastic and unprecedented accomplishments of The Obama Administration - talking and walking defeatist instead of triumphantly. They are unwilling to celebrate success or identify with President Obama and his record of achievement in the past six years. Vice President Al Gore exhibited the same level of naiveté during his 2000 Presidential race with then Governor George Bush of Texas. Al Gore ran away from huge success story of The Clinton Administration in order to be "his own man." And at the end, he paid for it. He was defeated, in spite of the fact that he was a viable component of the President Clinton's miracle team of eight years. Yes, the same Vice President Al Gore who debated and flawed the irrepressible Ross Perot on CNN Larry King Live on behalf of the Clinton's administration in 1993. Sadly, when his appointed time came, he miscalculated: It was the House Republican Managers who wanted President Clinton impeached. Not the American voters.

About a month ago, I had my mind made up to send a brief message through this Blog and on my Facebook Timeline to Democrats and Hilary to remind them that playing Al Gore in the face of glaring improvements in the unemployment rate as well as in the housing market and on Wall Street is not the right way to win election. Problem was, I didn't have the time to develop or expand on the framework of the essay. However, watching Hardball with Mr. Chris Matthews this evening, I realized that I am not the only one wondering why Democrats are unwilling to spin and celebrate their achievements under President Barack Obama. They are watching while Republicans are spinning their success story into failure.

About fourteen years ago, Vice President Al Gore deliberately distanced himself and his campaign team from President Bill Clinton, because of the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. Mr. Al Gore wanted to be "I am my own man" by all means. To consolidate that objective, he settled for a running-mate who brought nothing of electoral value to the ticket, except for the fact that the guy was the first, and if I am not mistaken, the only USA Senator, and a Democrat for that matter, to rise up on the Senate floor to lampoon President Bill Clinton for a conduct that was not an offence or impeachable when it happened. At the end, though Al Gore succeeded in being "I am my own man" to the delight of Clinton's adversaries and antagonists, he woefully failed to integrate Clinton's unprecedented performance - performance that he was part of - into his presidential campaign.

Disappointingly, Al Gore didn't win in Arkansas (President Bill Clinton's own State). And he didn't win in Tennessee, either - his own State. If Al Gore had collaborated with President Bill Clinton in the campaign and won in either of the two States, electoral college vote counts or not; Florida or no Florida; intervention of the Supreme Court or not, Vice President Al Gore would have defeated then Governor George Bush for the November 2000 USA Presidential election. He succeeded in being "I am my own man", but failed to be the President of the United States of America – a position he rightly deserved and earned more than any candidate at that point in time.

Presently, Democrats, especially those running for re-election as well as Mrs. Hilary Clinton (a leading candidate for the Democratic ticket in the next Presidential election) are making the same mistake that Vice President Al Gore made. The reason for that is quite obvious: President Obama is not doing so well at the poll. And Republicans have succeeded in spinning the Affordable Healthcare Law into something of a voodoo policy or job killer. However, the job reality on the ground does not support their diabolical mudslinging. The unemployment rate has dropped down considerably to about 6 percent under President Obama. Yet, Democrats running for Congress are finding it difficult to rebut Republicans campaign of calumny and craft a pragmatic narrative for re-election. If the Affordable Healthcare Act is a job killer as Republicans want Americans to believe, why then the noticeable improvements in the unemployment rate? I do not have much to say or write about the political harms that Hillary and Democrats are inflicting on themselves presently.

Suffice it to say that they have forgotten what the situation was on Wall Street and on Main Streets when Obama took over from President George Bush Jr. They have forgotten the unemployment rate then. They have forgotten that bonus and end-of-year partying and packages were alien on Wall Street then. They have forgotten the name Osama Bin Laden. They have forgotten the two wars. They have failed to realize that Arlington National Cemetery is more peaceful now than seven years ago. They have forgotten the unprecedented breakthrough in health care coverage for the poor and the middle-class as well as the resuscitation of the auto industry. And they are not seeing the bubble in the Banking and Housing sectors.

As usual, Republicans are wining in spinning failure and socialism. President Obama doesn't need any talking points from his speech writers, from me or from his special advisers to market his performance to the America people. He has the talking points right in front of him. He was - and still is - the major player: the main character in the unfolding events. He should take his performance and ongoing programs to the road right now for the sake of posterity. No one knows it better than the King.

Finally, Mrs. Hilary Clinton should not run from her record - Benghazi or no Benghazi. She should strive to celebrate her accomplishments as Secretary of State and don't turn her back on the President under whose administration she did so much for so many all around the World. And she should never contemplate playing Al Gore. The attacks on her from GOP shouldn't be unexpected. She is a formidable candidate and a dreaded opponent. July 07, 2014

(By the way, I watched the Al Gore v. Ross Perot debate live in our Living Room in Lagos, Nigeria in 1993 - 3 am Nigerian Time, 9 pm American Time. I was a student then in Lagos, Nigeria, and I had to travel home to my elder brother's house at the opposite end of Lagos to watch the interview - as at then, there was no Satellite Cable Receiver on Campus. If I may add, I bought and installed the Cable Receiver in the house with part of my education allowance to be able to follow up with the Clinton phenomenon whenever I am home. I did not regret it. Part of the sacrifices I made that made this Blog what it is. Nothing here is a guess work. I sacrificed my breakfast for the most part of the five years I was a student in Nigeria to be able to buy and read the Guardian and other magazines. It feels great to have your work being a part of the speech made by not less than three Heads of State and Government in the just concluded UN General Assembly. Or telling a Constitutional Law Professor in the class that America Government, being the highest contributor to UN funding (that was before Japan step into the scene in early 1990) can unilaterally override most of the resolutions of the General Assembly, by using its financial muscles to compel the UN Secretariat to adopt the structural reforms that America demanded. I took exception to the Professor's repeated assertions that the UN General Assembly has the power to apply its numerical strength to defeat American veto power, if America does not relent in its demands for financial and structural reforms at the UN. And it came to pass about a year later exactly as I said in class. You all remember Boutros Boutros Gali of Egypt and his topsy-turvy relationship with the American Government over his unwillingness to embrace the demands for structural changes coming from Washington. When he was confronted with imminent collapse of activities at the UN over severe financial shortfall, no one reminded him that he has to play along with Uncle Sam. He did reluctantly, but it was too late. When the time came for his second term vote, Uncle Sam dropped the hammer - they vetoed his candidacy, leading to the emergence of Kofi Annan. I would also like to add that after the Professor berated me for not standing up to be recognized or raising my hand, he awarded me five points ahead of the final exam in that class.  The next day, one of the most, if not the most visible student in my class, and one of the prominent lawyers in present day Nigeria, accosted me and wanted to know the text book that published the comment that I made in the Constitution Law Class the previous day. Without blinking, I told him I read the Guardian Newspaper. He was in a state of shock - wanting to know if Guardian Newspaper was my source. My friend, not exactly, I declared. Reading the Guardian Newspaper every day, places me in a position where I could walk tall, talk tough, take a stand authoritatively in any issue - politics, public affairs, leadership, and international relations, and of course, be audacious enough to make that declaration in class, not minding the Professor or  how he will react. My celebrity-lawyer-in-the-making friend just looked at me and said, “I dey fear you o, Alex.” And walked away. In similar vein, when a former US Governor, a Mayor, a Presidential Adviser came up on TV repeating ad nauseam that President Obama and his Campaign Team shouldn't talk about Wall Street and Bain Capital in the Presidential race against Governor Mitt Romney, it was yours truly who took the opposite stand – arguing forcefully on this very Blog and on my Facebook Timeline why President Obama and his team should do the contrary. They complied. It was not only the President and his team that adopted the talking points, every progressive commentator and pundit on TV adopted it. Once, Mr. Chris Matthew was to ask on his Show: Did x and x make mistakes for arguing that President Obama and his campaign team should not campaign with Wall Street and Brain Capital? That was after the drastic rebounds at the poll. I know it, and I am saying it here, because I made it).

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