Thursday, January 14, 2016

An Encounter with Heavenly Flames

I was walking along this road going somewhere I cannot remember exactly. As I hurried down the road, I saw thick clouds up in the sky emerging steadily towards me from the direction I was heading. Judging by the thickness, I readily assumed that heavy rainfall or thunderstorm is imminent. My first thought was: “I am going to get drenched and I do not have umbrella with me.” And I was worried, not knowing exactly what to do next. There was no building or a house in sight for me to seek shelter. As I ruminate on the appropriate course of action to take, I saw the clouds gathering speed progressively towards my direction. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, I witnessed a thunderous collision within the dark clouds - a thunderous explosive sound, at a volume I have never heard before. The impact was more than deafening. It was earth-shattering. I was momentarily drenched in bewilderment, disoriented. 

And as the collision reverberated, there appear straight out of the dark clouds, flames of fire - bigger than lighting - something characteristics of volcanic eruption. What I saw was an insurgency of fireball, huge flames, sprouting unhindered from within the disappearing clouds. It was like cotton seeds or budding flowers embracing the kisses of the sunlight. And within seconds the entire cloud transformed into huge flames of fire – no smoke, but just flames. It was massive, casting overcast above the earth, but in motion; steadily in motion, coming down the earth right above me.

When I saw what was evolving before my eyes, I turned back towards my house or where I was coming from, running as fast as I could to evade the glowing pinkish flames, seen responding vigorously and dutifully to the law of gravity. 

And when I looked up again, I was completely overshadowed by the flames - now ahead of me, spreading faster and colonizing the air space in the direction I was running, and simultaneously, descending towards the earth with a purpose. It was frightening. 

The more I ran, the more it dawn on me that I won’t be able to outpace the descending flames before it touches the earth. Mindful of that reality, I decided to take a detour. Instead of continuing running straight towards my house on the same course with the flames, I turned left and ran into an open field. But that move turned out to be a futile endeavor. When I looked up again, it was as if a miracle just happened above me - the  flames split up and I saw just right ahead of me, in the new direction that I was running to, a section like the size of a Tennis Court coming down right at me as an aircraft about to land on my face. I was now running towards what I was trying to evade.

At that point, I could see the giant flames clearly. Though it has an image and formation of flames, it wasn’t wavering or responding to wind or air as regular fire does. Yes, like cloud, it has shape and form, but translucent, glowing brightly - in motion, and descending steadily intact.

As it descends directly towards me - now in close proximity like a giant movie screen - I saw at the edge of the left side, an image of a person or human-being, translucent just like the flames, and holding a long staff, more like a slim eben/ada (a Benin leaf-shaped traditional/ceremonial sword). And that was the last I could afford to view of it, because at that point, the image and the flames were now directly before me, landing, and I began struggling to get out of the way from where I was supposedly standing. Then, it dawn on me that I was no longer standing, but actually lying down, trying to roll over to the right hand side of my bed. And I opened my eyes. I was only dreaming. I got off my bed, frightened, short of words. 

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