Thursday, June 23, 2016

Why Hilary Must Give the VP Slot to Tim Kaine

Mr. Kaine is a First Class gentleman, very articulate, Ivy League educated, impeccable public service records, Obama's staunch supporter, amiable, an intellectual and GOOD FAMILY MAN to boot. The truth is he doesn't spit fire and brimstone like Elizabeth Warren, but he is devastatingly blunt and knows how to hit below the belt when push comes to shove. I like him as a person, not just as a politician. He is someone you can unreservedly trust with your vote to help bring out the best in President Mrs. Hilary Clinton. So, as you can see, I have many reasons to pick him as Mrs. Clinton's Running-mate. In addition, Mrs. Clinton, as a woman, is a minority; therefore, she cannot objectively speaking, pick another woman who is invariably a minority in this context. In other words, being a woman, unfortunately, is a disqualification for the irrepressible Senator from Boston, Elizabeth Warren. In a similar vein, that is also an automatic disqualification for the all-around progressive, up and coming, vivacious, Ivy League educated Julian Castro who is Spanish - another minority group. Whether you like it or not, you must not dispense or undermine the influence and financial power of the so-called angry White men. They are in charge, whether you like to accept it or not. Wall St Influence aside, Hilary needs their support. So, I am giving it to Mr. Tim Kaine - a true Democrat, Progressive, God fearing and a quality debater from a swing state - as VP of choice to Mrs. Hilary Clinton for the 2016 US Presidential Election. 

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