Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Moving Forward. My Position on the Ongoing Suppression Campaign of IPOB by the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Posted on My Facebook Timeline on September 16, 2017

Kanu is Relevant Because There is a Vacuum - A Massive Disconnect Between the Leadership and the People, referred to as "avoidable failures." Apology to Mr. Benjamin Omole. That disconnect, that failure of leadership must first be uprooted and supplanted for the show of force to serve the intended goals. Otherwise, many Kanus will mushroom from the thick cloud of disillusionment and the entire Nigerian landscape will become a huge theater of fireballs.
For the purpose of records, I am for "Decentralization without Disintegration." That is my position. And it has been my position since January 2012, following the publication of my essay, titled "The Search for True Federalism: Balancing Feudal Interests with Southern Greed and Opportunism in Nigeria."HTTP://hamiltonatlarge.blogspot.com/…/search-for-true-feder….
My position is the position of the majority of Nigerians as well as the international community. Therefore, the earlier Abuja start dismantling that unbridled concentration of power at FCT (Aso Rock Villa and at the National Assembly), the better it is for our democracy.
With respect to the overtly militarized suppression campaign of IPOB unfolding in the South-East at the instance of the Armed Fores of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I want to state for the record that I support dialogue. In addition, I do not see anything wrong with aggressive agitation for equal rights and justice. Nevertheless, I am unequivocally against militarized secessionist campaign and insurrection. Let's give REFERENDUM a chance - let the people decide.
That said, any government that provides cover for the barbaric display on the attached video does not deserve a day longer in office.
Barbarism is barbarism, no matter the tribe or region at the receiving end. Bloodshed is bloodshed and it is irrelevant whether it is Biafran Blood or a Doma Blood. Enough of the era and of the government of the Retired Generals.
They and the greedy elite power brokers that they incubated, ceded Bakassi Peninsular to Cameroon on a platter of gold. And, much as they have tried, they couldn't defeat Boko Haram - a once ragtag para-military forces occupying a landlocked territory and surrounded by three friendly neighboring countries. They institutionalized nepotism, corruption, and embezzlement of public funds. And the culture of low expectations gained ascendancy under their watch.
They decimated our Navy and grounded our Air Force, a once pride of Africa. They turned the Nigerian Police Force into an extortion unit. They feign ignorance as Herdsmen, in line with Gestapo tactics, turned countryside farmlands into killing fields and deviant sexual exercises with defenseless women.
Simply put, they don't have answers to the protracted Nigerian political questions. If they do, we wouldn't be in this mess today. They have to go or taken out by force for Nigeria to experience its greatness.
It takes one helpless, lonely roadside food hucker in Tunisia to instigate the Arab Spring. It is not about Kanu's antics or messages anymore. It is about a willing audience - willing followers who are victims of the troubling disconnect between the ruling class and the people. You can suppress Kanu, but you cannot suppress the grievances of the talakawa (the downtrodden) - be they Igbo, Edo, Hausa, Kanuri, Yoruba, or Urhobo. We are the oppressed and we are all Talakawa.

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