Once a Privileged Scammer always a Privileged Scammer.
Please find below, my opinion about Rep Tom Price, on January 19, 2017, when he was picked by President Donald Trump to serve as his Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). I urged the new President to withdraw his name because of the troubling and proven allegations of Insider Trading leveled against him. Today, he is no more a part of All The President's Men. Tom Price has stepped down over allegations of wastage of public funds on luxurious private jets. - Culled from my Facebook Timeline of September 30, 2017
Rep Tom Price and Insider Trading
The earlier Mr. Donald Trump drop Rep Tom Price as his Health Secretary nominee the better for his budding Administration. The Congressman's conduct constitutes a classic textbook definition of insider trading.
When you knowingly embark on stock buying escapades, taking advantage of protected information that is not available to the general public, you are as guilty as charged.
That conduct is easily distinguishable from Private Placement. Under private placement, information about proposed stocks is available to the general public, but buying is restricted to friends, family members, employees and privileged few.
As a member of the House of Representatives, buying stocks of specific drug companies you are writing legislation to regulate, and did regulate favorably, and subsequently made stupendous gain in the process is not only a classic violation of capital markets and securities rules, it is also abuse of House Rules and criminal in every respect.
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