Thursday, June 28, 2018

Straight Talk: Of Fulani Killer Herders and the Case Against President Buhari

"We will write this for all to read. Anyone, soldier or not that kills the Fulani takes a loan repayable one day no matter how long it takes." 11:51 AM - 15 Jul 2012

Today, under the leadership of President Buhari, Cattle and Cows are more valuable than human beings in Nigeria. The group, Miyetti-Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) does often, and with righteous vigor, claim responsibility for the death and destructions visited on private farmlands and agrarian communities in the Middle-Belt, South-South, Niger-Delta, and some parts of the Western region of Nigeria. And they do so under the pretext of protecting their cattle or avenging the death and disappearance they experienced within their fleet. We know that is not true. Its all about the invasion, with the intent to conquer and commandeer. And the stakeholders are happy. As complicit and heartless as they are in the gruesome ethnic cleansing unfolding momentarily, they are seemingly unperturbed by the magnitude of the bloodshed eating away the once luscious heartland of the Benue/Plateau. It is about strength, and it matters. They have it. And they are not afraid to use it. 

Normadic pastoring has been with us since the amalgamation. But herders are not known to traverse public parks or private farmlands with reckless abandon. Today, the reverse is the case. They invade public places, institutions of higher learning, and private farmlands with impunity. They do so, destroying cash crops, raping innocent women, and killing defenseless farmers who dare to stop them. 

The malice is unquestionably apparent. And the intent is obvious. After the killing, they go about appropriating the now deserted farmlands and villages as conquered territories. That is the goal - the genesis of the animosity between the herders and the host communities all over Nigeria. To invade, kill, and occupy.

Reprisal attacks or cattle rustling are collectively offshoots of the indiscriminate destruction of commercial farms and private properties of native landowners by the guest herders. In other words, but for the malicious trespassing into private properties of the host communities, there wouldn't be any disappearance of cow or cattle. Therefore, President Buhari and MACBAN are having problems with the truth. They are grossly malevolent in their blames allocation analysis. 

President Buhari knows or has a good understanding of the architects of the killings as well as their modus operandi. Governor El'Rufai of Kaduna State, the apostle of "... anyone, soldier or not that kills the Fulani takes a loan repayable one day no matter how long it takes", is privy to the philosophy of 'invading with the intent to conquer and occupy' of his untouchable tribesmen. And the Almighty MACBAN is an unrepentant channel in the funding process - arming and providing logistics support to the armed wing of the privileged herders. 

Mr. El'Rufai, the man I once dubbed on my Blog as the third Nigerian best prepared to govern this country after Papa Awo and Abubakar Atiku, is taking bigotry and unproductive propaganda to an obscene scale. In the past few days, he has populated the social media via his Facebook posting, with an unintelligible definition of fake news. 

As you read, he is collaborating with a BBC apologist to perpetuate a false narrative in the social media that the gory pictures and videos streaming the lifeless bodies of butchered women and children all over Nigeria are not real. What makes it so fraudulent is that the Governor and his BBC "real news" reporter dwelled on isolated occurrences but failed to address the 7 a.m massacre that took place in Nimbo village in Enugu State on April 25, 2016, and the highly documented ethnic cleansing campaign that took place in Jos a few days ago. 

His sensitizing concepts are akin to a page from Cambridge Analytical - pushing a dubious narrative to supplant substantive news, and qualifying them as mere innuendoes that must be rejected. As you read, someone is perfecting the same concepts in the United States of America - concorting unfounded allegations and random jottings as major news, and at the same time, discrediting the media and authentic news events as fake news. That is what Governor El'Rufai is perfecting right now in Nigeria.

Thanks to smartphones; we do not need a BBC reporter and Mr. Righteous El'Rufai to lecture us or to fool the global audience into swallowing their hocus-pocus that news and pictures of the atrocities of the Killer Herders in Nigeria are products of someones in imaginations. 

So, Nigerians should get over that childish illusion, to wit, that there is an administration out there at Abuja, genuinely worried, empathizing with them, feeling their pains, and ready to rein in on the Killer Herders, with a view to confining them to privately funded ranches. 

As long as President Buhari remains in office, and El'Rufai remains his Outside Chief Counsellor on herders conquering mission,  the killings and forced occupation of private farmlands will remain unabated. 


There is no doubt, Nigerians are inherently docile. Please, let me rephrase that sentence. There is no doubt, the Non-Fulani tribes in Nigeria are inherently docile and sheepish. That is the main reason Nigeria is still one country. That is the main reason the stakeholders, the influential Cattle Merchants of Nigeria entertain no scruple importing and arming terrorist killers from neighboring countries.

Our docility induces the Herders and the alleged collaborators from Niger, Chad, and Mali to exude an aura of braggadocio, disdaining fear of counter-attacks, whenever they initiate attacks on any village or community. With the only exception so far of a community at Ile Ife, Osun State, where reprisal attack was spontaneous, ferocious, balanced, and with fatalities at both ends. Is that what President Buhari and Governor El'Rufai really want in Nigeria? 

October 13, 2000, General Muhammadu Buhari, General Buba Marwa, Alhaji Aliko Muhammed, Alhaji Abdulrazak, and Alhaji Hassan matched to the Oyo State capital to confront Governor Adesina over a bogus allegation of killing and mass-burial of Fulani herdsmen at Saki, Oyo State. A claim later debunked by the State Commissioner of Police and the Director of DSS. Whereas, the reverse was actually the case. According to the two gentlemen, it was actually the herders that were engaged in killing and burial. The General Buhari who descended on the Great Oyo Empire on that October afternoon with his fellow merchants has not changed, even as a President. 

September 15, 2017, President Buhari mobilized the entire Nigerian Armed Forces and invaded the South-Eastern States of Nigeria under Operation Python Dance, killing and maiming separatist agitators on sight. Today, neither the President nor his Service Chiefs can tell the world the whereabouts of Nnamdi Kanu (the leader of IPOD) or the location of his cadaver. He decimated IPOD, while the protected privileged Fulani Killer Herdsmen remain invisible. 

Today, members of the Boko Haram sects are wallowing in obscene largesse in the name of negotiating or agreeing to participate in peace initiatives. They are laughing their way to the banks with our hard earned oil money. But we decimated IPOD who are fighting a legitimate course unarmed.

It is no more a secret, the Herders and their heavily armed supporters within the Nigerian Armed Forces are waging a war of conquest in the Middle-Belt and the Southern regions of Nigeria, and we continue to call it another name.  

February 14, 2018, one Efe, the leader if a vigilante group in a village at the outskirts of Benin City was shot to death execution-style by a member of the Nigeria Armed Forces. The tragic event became a spectacle fit for a gangsta movie when the apprehended Herdsmen who invaded and wrecked havoc on the victim's farmlands were set free by the same Military personnel who shot Efe to death. 

The execution of Efe is not an isolated development. It was a similar story at Uguleshi in Agwu Local Government Area of Enugu State, where men in Military uniform stormed the village and whisked away 76 farmers for allegedly PLANNING A PROTEST against Herdsmen who turned their farmlands into one of the extorted kisses and killing fields. Yes, arrested for planning a protest. On the other hand, the real perpetrators of mayhem remain invisible to their so-called tight security networks. 

Let me state for the record that the Hutu/Tutsi ethnic rivalry, prior to its escalation to the magnitude of mass execution and indiscriminate destruction of private properties, was not as egregious as the ongoing ethnic cleansing evolving presently in Nigeria. 

Here is the truth, the Fulani tribe is a minority tribe in Nigeria and within the Nigeria Armed Forces. Granted, you occupy strategic positions all over our security networks, when push comes to shove, you will realize that it takes more willing hands to fire a mortar than to deploy cutlass, bows, and arrows.  Please, don't push Nigeria into another civil war. Your intolerance is beyond the pale. No tribe is a pushover in the union.


The strident demands for RESTRUCTURING and TRUE FEDERALISM remains gravely so, because of the proven facts and documented evidence of your abuse of power.

You celebrate wastage. You glorify bloodshed. You perpetuate nepotism and gerontocracy as the norms rather than the exceptions. You play the race card and the religious card at your whims and fancies. And the culture of low expectations is your hallmark.

You and your folks made this country ungovernable. You squandered our oil money. You killed free education because you argued it won't benefit your region, but in the process, you created the Almajiri culture. You invented Boko Haram, now you are wasting our financial resources appeasing them and setting up shelters for the internally displaced persons (refugees in their own country). Only in Nigeria.

You defended Boko Haram killers throughout the Jonathan's Presidency. You unleashed Killer Herders on us, but turn around to blame their carnage on Libyan mercenaries. So, who makes you 'born to rule' or fit to be the President of this country?

And who makes you the landlord, the overseer or custodian of my Father's Land? Why do Nigerians of my ethnic and religious backgrounds have to appease you to secure a spot in the management of our Father's house?  Why do we have to secede or contemplate secession from the union to find peace?

Why must the Biafran man seek to secede to experience economic breakthrough? Why must the people of Birom secede to be able to experience the sustainable use of their fertile land and rich culture? Why is the drumbeat of the renaissance of the Oduduwa Republic more potent now than before? And why is every tribe on the run from you?

Tell me, Mr. El'Rufai, what have you done lately for the Talakawa and the Almajiri population? I am the author of the "Integrative Model", a blueprint that a Nigerian President from the Niger Delta adopted to bring Western education to the thousands of the forgotten Talakawa and Almajiri that you and your oligarch folks created and abandoned. 

So, who are you to gauge the Nigerian in us? Who are you to set the benchmark for my qualification or fit for a leadership position in Nigeria? Who makes you the Landlord of my Father's land? Who are you to question the eligibility of an Esan indigene for the Chairmanship position of the FCT or the Minister of Internal Affairs? Who are you to vet our qualifications for the Minister of Defense or the head of the EFCC? Why am we not fit to head the Department of Custom and Immigration?

We have the crude oil and the fertile land of the Benue Plateau. Yet, we're the one pleading for a piece of the pile. I am hunted. I am invaded. I am polluted. I am persecuted. And I am blacklisted for demanding you get your wastage and killing machines off my Father's land. Yes, I am the bigot, for identifying and condemning the bigotry in you.

The Nigerian Army, you have corrupted in fulfillment of your ethnic driven agenda. And the age-old esprit de corps, pride of the Armed Forces all over the world, you and your folks have irredeemably perverted in Nigeria.

There is no doubt, you have emerged as the most insecure President in the history of our amalgamation. You are fantastically tribalistic. Your prejudices against Non-Fulanis in the Nigerian Armed Forces and our security agencies aptly manifest in the lopsided constitution of your Security Advisory team, favoring your tribal folks. Take a look at the profile of your Service Chiefs. These aren't the traits of a real leader. If you can't trust me with power and authority, why must I trust you with my land and my oil?

Show me your conscience, Mr. President! Show me a shade of human kindness in you, if any. I love Nigeria, you don't. You love your cattle and the crude oil of the Niger Delta. Your bigotry knows no boundaries. Calling you an ethnic chauvinist is an understatement. Islam is not under attack or threat of attack in Nigeria. The Fulanis are loved and respected. You and your folks are the threat to peace and tolerance in Nigeria. 

I am a patriot, brother. More patriotic than you and your folks. You are the problem; the enemy of peace and tolerance in Nigeria. You, Mr. Presdient, applauded the importation of Sharia Law into our legal system, promising to defend the import with your blood. Today, Zamfara State, the state that blazed the trail in the application of the Sharia Law is in turmoil, academically strangulated and economically bastardized. And a state of anomie is unfolding.

The herding of cattle is a private business. You do not have any right, legal or constitutional, to demarcate national funds for the establishment of cattle ranches anywhere in Nigeria. Period. You and all the El'Rufais of the Fulani tribe have knowingly elevated terrorism and ethnic cleansing campaign in Nigeria to a scale unseen in the history of cattle rearing in Nigeria. The blood of the innocent kids slaughtered in the past few days in Plateau State and throughout the Middle-Belt region and beyond is on the head of every cattle merchant who is aiding and abetting the Fulani Herder Killers on the lingering killing rampage all over Nigeria

Mr. President, the time is now. Call your killer Herders to order. You are fighting a war you cannot win. This is not the era of Uthman Danfodio. The trust factor - the secrete of your dominance - is gone, and no one is ceding any land.

There is too much blood in the land and in your hands. You can't secure our borders and you can't protect lives at home. You're not in charge, and you're not capable of being in charge. Your infirmity is telltale - a disqualification per se. And your bigotry pronouncements over the years on the subject aren't just unconventional or an aberration, but deplorable and disqualifying. Therefore, you are no longer fit to be the President of this country, Nigeria. I was with you against President Jonathan. Today, my loyalty is in the air.

Alex Aidaghese is the author of "Debating the Rule of Law: Why I Stand With President Buhari" - NigeriaVillageSquare, January 31, 2016.

The Last Dance: The Real Wailers, and The Echoes of Disconnect

El'Rufai, Oshomhole, and the Real Wailing Wailers are seen here in the video dancing their Soul away at Abuja, while Killers on the Rampage descended on the Plateau, and turned it into an ocean of bloodshed. I have never seen such an arrogant, heartless, vindictive, and self-righteous bunch of oligarchs occupying the seat of government in the history of our independence. General Sani Abacha thought he was impregnable, but he was wrong. Think twice, brothers; political power is such a transient and flighty commodity. The whole World is watching your macabre dance. Someone someday will have to give an account of the bloodshed eating away the precious landscape of the plateau. If not to man, but to God Almighty. Anyway, enjoy it while it lasts. It is your last dance.



Why President Buhari is no Longer Fit to be the President of Nigeria

Attention: President Buhari 
Life Has No Duplicate: When it is taken, it is GONE forever.

An ethnic cleansing campaign is unfolding at the Middle-Belt region of Nigeria, and President Buhari is not in any hurry to act. The President and his Cattle Merchants friends are turning Nigerian landscape into a massive killing field, with a view to annihilate and conquer the host communities, and ultimately, turn the vast land into one of cattle colony. Yes, it is about the Cattle, the Grazing Fields, and the Total Control of the Luscious Landscape of the Benue/Plateau.  We have never had it so bloody, so ruthless, and so daring on the part of the invading herders and their heavily armed fighters. And everyone knows the people behind the killing, but no one knows where to find them. 

Friday, June 15, 2018 An Overview came into existence on May 05, 2011 as a private Blog, but was opened to the general public on January 2012. We set it up to address the perversion of our federal system of government by successive Military administrations, and at the same time, cover some fundamental issues in our body politic that, in our opinion, do not enjoy adequate coverage by the regular press, our established writers, and public affairs commentators. The reasons for that are not far-fetched: ignorance of the contentious issues posing the greatest threats to our fragile unity in diversity, pandering to political correctness, the urge to be dubbed a detrabilzed commentator/writer, and above all, the fear of being blacklisted by the Federal Government on employment or job placement opportunities.  

Indeed, we see weakness. And we see neither strength nor patriotism in pandering to political correctness and courting Federal Government's jobs; thus, creating rooms for the man to die in you. Time and time again we have been vindicated; prominent objective opinion leaders have come to add weight to our line of reasoning - reinstating the views that we share on this Blog. For instance, our opinion on the modalities for bridging the education gaps between the northern and southern regions of Nigeria are consistent with the views of Elder statesman, Chief Balarebe Musa on the same subject in his interview with the Guardian Newspaper of Nigeria. See "Bridging the Educational Gap Between Southern and Northern Regions of Nigeria: The Need for an Integrative Model and a Progressive Political Option."

Also, this Blog blew the lid off the desecration of our criminal justice system by powerful, influential, and not so influential lawyers via the application of some nebulous procedural rigmarole and delay tactics, otherwise known as injunctions, ex parte orders,  and adjournments. Hitherto, the focus was on the  Immunity Clause (Section 308 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria). And we said no. The Immunity Clause is the least impactful of our criminal justice system or the perversion of it. And we won the argument, culminating in the retention of the section by the National Assembly Committee on Constitutional Review in 2014. See "IMMUNITY: THE SCOPE AND EXTENT OF SECTION 308 OF THE 1999 CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA",  the number one essay on this Blog.

In a similar vein, in our maiden essay, "The Search for True Federalism: Balancing Feudal Interests with Southern Greed and Opportunism in Nigeria,we unmasked the derailment of our Federal system of government by successive military regimes and how they supplanted a tested true federal model with a unitary option. We simplified the distinctions between the unitary system, the confederal option, and the disappearing true federalism, knowing full well that the majority of our writers and commentators are not lawyers or did not take Governments as a subject or course in Grammar School.

We faulted the calibration of the Nigerian Federation into smaller, weaker units - insolvent units, collectively and individually dependent on the almighty, all-powerful Abuja for monthly handouts and sustainability. 

In hindsight, the creation of state or local government councils was not executed with a view to bringing government closer to the people or making governance more efficient, but to create a culture of dependency - weaken resistance from the fringe and to redistribute the national wealth disproportionately for not so hidden agenda. 

How can you reconcile an arrangement where Kano State, for instance, has 44 Local Government Councils, while Lagos State, with a little over Kano State in terms of population and head counts, has 20 Local Government Councils. It doesn't make sense. But to General Abacha, the late Military dictator, a northerner and of Kano State original, who presided over the last creation of states and local governments exercise as the Head of State, knew exactly what he was doing. Interpretation: The more states and the more local govt councils a region has, the more of federal revenue allocations to the region. What if there was no crude oil? 

Today, Abuja has appropriated so much power at the center; cornered so much of the nation's oil wealth than it has the capacity to manage. That is the crux of the matter - the structural deformity, defined as the Nigerian question. A national question we shouldn't be addressing in whispering mode. It's about the narrative. And we helped to place the call for decentralization of power at the pedestal that it is enjoying today. 

Be that as it may, I would insist we focus unfailingly on the bigotry and the ill-defined policies that are seemingly corrosive of the true essence of our cohesion as a Federation, and endeavor to proffer commonsense solutions and exit strategies as appropriate. It is not enough to make demands for Sovereign National Conference (SNC) and Restructuring, without, first, articulating the inequality in the system that promotes your grievances and demands.

To move this country forward, to make it stronger once again as one nation, one destiny, and indivisible under God, we cannot and we must not be afraid to confront issues that divide us or creating in some of us feelings of rebellion, of insurrection and of secession. That spirit of cohesion under a true federal structure, informs the tone of the essays that you are about to read. It is Moving Forward, with a progressive tone, and certainly not to disparage any individual, incite ethnic hatred or impugn the integrity of anyone or group.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Of Sophisticated Morons and the Crucification of Ochereomen Nnanna (the Chairman of Vanguard Newspaper Editorial Board): My Verdict.

We Are All Sophisticated Morons, unless, of course, we chose to be in DENIAL of the political events post the Nigerian Civil War. A historical period where the major political actors and top influencers of events and history - negatively, though - are mostly from the Western region of Nigeria - Obasanjo as Military Head of State, Akinjide, Shonekan, and Obasanjo again. Today, the story remains the same.
But for Asiwaju's sophisticated maneuvering of the political/electoral process in the Western Region in the 2015 General Election, there would not have been a President Buhari, a self-confessed ethnic and religious chauvinist, who, all the Nanna's prosecutors, claimed did not possess a High School Diploma.
A Presidential Election was fought and won on the platform of a PROGRESSIVE IDEALISM (change), but midnight into the inauguration, a CABAL that knew no Asiwaju and contributed little or nothing in the evolution of the CHANGE MANDATE, came into town and hijacked the political process. It took the First Lady no dilly-dallying to cry out loud, lamenting the insurgency of interlopers at Aso Rock. And Senator (Mrs) Tinubu, followed suit about three years later to apprise Nigerians of the humiliation of her husband by the same group. Yours truly was the first to see the handwriting on the war following the constitution of the executive by the new President. See the essay titled "If Not Sonala Olumhense, Who? And, If Not Now, When? "
Where is the SOPHISTICATED Asiwaju today, in the scheme of things? A glorified Mr. Reconciliator, in the shadow of a roguish OLIGARCHS. Now he can only watch, watching helplessly as the cabal exude a nonchalant poise in the face of innocent blood enveloping the land. But you are demanding the resignation of Nnanna, for daring to cry out loud, disdaining political correctness.

Where is your conscience? Where is the MAN in you? Where is your sophistication, if you could only exercise Presidential power only to the extent or time that the Buharis, the Babangidas, and the Abachas of Nigeria permitted? Who is making an atonement for the ignominy that Asiwaju suffered in the same administration that he singlehandedly incubated? 
Give me a break! Moshood Abiola was crucified for daring to stand up to the system, demanding the restoration of his Presidential mandate. Only to be celebrated at death. The emasculation of the Yoruba race by the Hausa/Fulani began with the famous Treasonable Felony Trial - the prosecution and incarceration of Chief Obafemi Awolowo that plunged the region into a perpetual economic limbo. 

Prior to the incarceration of Awo and some of the prominent members of his Action Group political party, the economy of the Western Region of Nigeria was ahead of any country or regional group in Africa. It was comparable to those of the advanced countries in Europea and South East Asia. Where is Portugal or Spain today in comparison to the Western Region of Nigeria in terms of economic strength and infrastructural facilities? Certainly not in the same league.
Things may never change for the better in Nigeria for two main reasons. One, the Yoruba man loves economic power and "Big Political Positions". And two, the Igbo man loves gratuities and crumbs falling down from the High Table. And time without number, both groups have been gambled, swindled, and outmaneuvered in the political process by the so-called less sophisticated Hausa/Fulani political operatives. The proclivity of the Yorubas and the Igbos to play a subservient role in almost all the Military and Civilian administrations since October 1st, 1960 feeds life into the "born to rule" reputation and the sense of "entitlement" enjoy by the Northern political and Military leaders.

From all indications, only the minority tribes can set Nigeria free and place it on the part of greatness. Because, to us in the minority regions, Nigeria comes first. Not our tribe, not our religion, and not our geographical space. 

Now, consider these firsts. The late Chief Anthony Enahoro of blessed memory, an Esan/Ishan by tribe, moved the first motion for the Independent of Nigeria at the then Western Regional House of Assembly. Also, former President Jonathan of the Ezon/Ijaw tribe in the Niger Delta, (a gentleman I didn't support), implemented the Almajiri Educational Initiative, based on the "Integrative Model" theory developed by yours truly, the author of this Blog, also of a minority tribe (Esan/Ishan). President Jonathan built and successfully funded Hundreds of Schools for the rejected talakawa and almajiri populations all over the Northern region of Nigeria. Something never before tried by any President or Military Head of State in Nigeria. 
Anyway, I would not have used that term "sophisticated morons" to describe the Yoruba. Gullible, yes. However, suffices it to add at this juncture that if after so many years of being used, outsmarted, and dumped by a pocket of a self-serving cabal, who, the majority of you enthusiastically, ceaselessly, and unapologetically dubbed Abokis, then, something is fundamentally wrong with our sophistication - all of us.
Please, see the number two essay on this Blog.

America's Ongoing Pursuit of Justice and Democratic Values

Tyranny thrives on fear, silence, and compliance. Democracy demands courage - Illinois Governor JB Pritzker. Extremist ideologies, like Nazi...