Monday, June 11, 2018

Of Sophisticated Morons and the Crucification of Ochereomen Nnanna (the Chairman of Vanguard Newspaper Editorial Board): My Verdict.

We Are All Sophisticated Morons, unless, of course, we chose to be in DENIAL of the political events post the Nigerian Civil War. A historical period where the major political actors and top influencers of events and history - negatively, though - are mostly from the Western region of Nigeria - Obasanjo as Military Head of State, Akinjide, Shonekan, and Obasanjo again. Today, the story remains the same.
But for Asiwaju's sophisticated maneuvering of the political/electoral process in the Western Region in the 2015 General Election, there would not have been a President Buhari, a self-confessed ethnic and religious chauvinist, who, all the Nanna's prosecutors, claimed did not possess a High School Diploma.
A Presidential Election was fought and won on the platform of a PROGRESSIVE IDEALISM (change), but midnight into the inauguration, a CABAL that knew no Asiwaju and contributed little or nothing in the evolution of the CHANGE MANDATE, came into town and hijacked the political process. It took the First Lady no dilly-dallying to cry out loud, lamenting the insurgency of interlopers at Aso Rock. And Senator (Mrs) Tinubu, followed suit about three years later to apprise Nigerians of the humiliation of her husband by the same group. Yours truly was the first to see the handwriting on the war following the constitution of the executive by the new President. See the essay titled "If Not Sonala Olumhense, Who? And, If Not Now, When? "
Where is the SOPHISTICATED Asiwaju today, in the scheme of things? A glorified Mr. Reconciliator, in the shadow of a roguish OLIGARCHS. Now he can only watch, watching helplessly as the cabal exude a nonchalant poise in the face of innocent blood enveloping the land. But you are demanding the resignation of Nnanna, for daring to cry out loud, disdaining political correctness.

Where is your conscience? Where is the MAN in you? Where is your sophistication, if you could only exercise Presidential power only to the extent or time that the Buharis, the Babangidas, and the Abachas of Nigeria permitted? Who is making an atonement for the ignominy that Asiwaju suffered in the same administration that he singlehandedly incubated? 
Give me a break! Moshood Abiola was crucified for daring to stand up to the system, demanding the restoration of his Presidential mandate. Only to be celebrated at death. The emasculation of the Yoruba race by the Hausa/Fulani began with the famous Treasonable Felony Trial - the prosecution and incarceration of Chief Obafemi Awolowo that plunged the region into a perpetual economic limbo. 

Prior to the incarceration of Awo and some of the prominent members of his Action Group political party, the economy of the Western Region of Nigeria was ahead of any country or regional group in Africa. It was comparable to those of the advanced countries in Europea and South East Asia. Where is Portugal or Spain today in comparison to the Western Region of Nigeria in terms of economic strength and infrastructural facilities? Certainly not in the same league.
Things may never change for the better in Nigeria for two main reasons. One, the Yoruba man loves economic power and "Big Political Positions". And two, the Igbo man loves gratuities and crumbs falling down from the High Table. And time without number, both groups have been gambled, swindled, and outmaneuvered in the political process by the so-called less sophisticated Hausa/Fulani political operatives. The proclivity of the Yorubas and the Igbos to play a subservient role in almost all the Military and Civilian administrations since October 1st, 1960 feeds life into the "born to rule" reputation and the sense of "entitlement" enjoy by the Northern political and Military leaders.

From all indications, only the minority tribes can set Nigeria free and place it on the part of greatness. Because, to us in the minority regions, Nigeria comes first. Not our tribe, not our religion, and not our geographical space. 

Now, consider these firsts. The late Chief Anthony Enahoro of blessed memory, an Esan/Ishan by tribe, moved the first motion for the Independent of Nigeria at the then Western Regional House of Assembly. Also, former President Jonathan of the Ezon/Ijaw tribe in the Niger Delta, (a gentleman I didn't support), implemented the Almajiri Educational Initiative, based on the "Integrative Model" theory developed by yours truly, the author of this Blog, also of a minority tribe (Esan/Ishan). President Jonathan built and successfully funded Hundreds of Schools for the rejected talakawa and almajiri populations all over the Northern region of Nigeria. Something never before tried by any President or Military Head of State in Nigeria. 
Anyway, I would not have used that term "sophisticated morons" to describe the Yoruba. Gullible, yes. However, suffices it to add at this juncture that if after so many years of being used, outsmarted, and dumped by a pocket of a self-serving cabal, who, the majority of you enthusiastically, ceaselessly, and unapologetically dubbed Abokis, then, something is fundamentally wrong with our sophistication - all of us.
Please, see the number two essay on this Blog.

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