Thursday, January 24, 2019

Osamudiamen. Enosamudiana Ekhide.

The Lord is My Strength and I am Unconquerable.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty. I say of the Lord, He is My Refuge and My Fortress. My God in Him I have My trust. 

Surely, My Lord shall deliver me from the spying eyes of the hackers and the laughter of the boastful agents. The Lord covers me with His Feathers and under His Wings, I am protected. 

Osamudiamen. Enosa mudia na, ekhide. The Lord is My Strength, and I am inconquerable. The Truth of the Lord remains My Shield and Guidance. I am anointed and fully blessed. No weapon directed at me will prosper.

I am not afraid of the hackers at night time, nor of the arrow that flies by day. Nor daunted by the conspiracy of spying agents who walk in secrecy. On their heads and in their lifetime they will inherit and suffer the iniquities they perpetuate. 

A thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but no harm shall near me because Osamudiamen and I will not falter. With our eyes, we will witness the destruction of the wicked. 

Because I have made the Lord my Protector and the Most High my Shield, no evil shall fall on me, neither shall any evil forces and hacking agents come by my house or my business. For the Lord has sent His Angel charge over me to keep me all the way protected. 

The Lord and the Almighty shall be my Guide and I will not stumble or capitulate in the face of clear and present danger pose by man or demonic forces. I will triumph over forces of darkness as well as the iniquities of hackers and the infectious kisses of spying agents. 

I will tread upon the attackers and the young domestic hackers and their foreign agents. And I will trample them under my feet. 

Because I have set my love and trust upon the Lord; therefore, the Lord will deliver me and protect me. The Lord will set me in high places because I know His Name. His name is Jesus Christ the Son of the Almighty God. He died so that I can be saved. And I am saved.

I called upon the Lord, and He answered me. The Lord Almighty will be with me in time of trouble, in good time, and in every situation I find myself. The Lord will deliver me and honor me. With long life, the Almighty Lord will satisfy and show me His Salvation. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name, I pray, Amen.

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