Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Unfinished Business

It was about the third week of February 2019, and I remember standing by the roadside when I sighted a huge Black Cow with white patches on its side, giving birth to a Calf (a new baby cow).  The calf was huge, looking healthy. In excitement, I shouted, "look at this Cow giving birth in broad daylight across the street." There were other Cows beside the one giving birth, but they were not as big. As the head, the fore-legs (front legs), and down to the waistline came out, but before the hind-limbs could come out, something unusual happened. I saw two men wearing what appears like a brown robe, walked on to the huge Cow that was giving birth. and climbed onto the horns of the Cow, one on each side of the head. In spite of the weights on the head of the Cow, it didn't collapse to the ground or succumb to the pressure from the two men.
Seeing the ugly scene evolving, I shouted, saying, "hey, look at these two men climbing and sitting on top of the horns of a Cow that is giving birth to a new calf." Instantaneously, I dashed across the road to attack or chase away the intruders, with a view to rescuing the Cow and the Calf. As I ran across the street, towards the Cow and the attackers, I opened my eyes; it was just a dream.
I stood up shaking, perplexed, not knowing what to do. I knew it was not a healthy sign. I then proceeded to do the usual: I prayed and commit the process into God's hand to take control. Not knowing what to make of it, I went to Google for possible explanation or interpretation, but nothing useful manifest in my search.
I know childbirth ought to represent a new dawn. And I can also conclude to a certain degree that impeding the process of childbirth could represent frustration of a purpose. Nevertheless, deciphering the dream was made more complicated because I was not expecting a new contract, job, or business opportunity. Much as I tried, I couldn't tie the knots. Though I was disturbed, I wasn't disillusioned, given the fact that the Cow did not collapse to the ground and the Calf did not suffer any harm. 
Above all, the fact that someone intervenes to chase away the intruders and about to rescue the Cow and the Calf elicited a sense of optimism in me. In other words, the attack occurs when the process was insurmountable. Forcing the calf back into the Mother's womb is like inducing a cattle to sail through the eyes of a needle.  A little bit relieved, I went about doing what I know how to do in the face of uncertainty: fasting and praying for God's intervention.
As I said earlier, I couldn't attach the dream to anything or any aspect of my life, whether businesswise or family related that I was anticipating a breakthrough. But today, about three months later, and after a series of quiet introspection, prayer and fasting, I have gained some new insights into the revelation. It isn't about me or about a personal business prospect. It was something bigger. 
Medically, as well as in real life, when a woman is about to put to bed, and the legs of the baby came out first, that by itself is a disaster waiting to happen. On the other hand, when the head and the hands are out first, there is a cause for joy. Because at that stage in the delivery process, even a novice can help to pull the baby out of the Mom's cavity. Worst case scenario, only a little push is required, and the baby is out.
Also, if the attack was during pregnancy and labor, it would be a different matter entirely. Here, the birth was about 99.9% completed - the Baby was almost out of its Mom's womb, healthy and bigger than usual. The frustration of purpose or the attack, jejune as it was, came too late. That it was not allowed to eject completely is an exercise in futility.   
If the attack was in the dark or in a secluded area or in secret, then, the attackers could mount a vigorous defense that indeed there was no attack (we didn't orchestrate frustration). In the instant case, the birth (victory) was in the open and the attack (frustration of purpose) was in the open - witnessed by the general public. You can't dispute the obvious. And when you had a rescuer on board, poised to inflict maximum damage to rescue the Mama and the Baby, you could rest assured that the newborn will kiss the earth. Also, the fact that the Cow didn't collapse to the ground under pressure, creates rooms for optimism, to wit, the process may be delayed, but cannot be completely vacated. It may only take some times. In spite of everything, I am optimistic, that what will be will be. For it is stated, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth. Amen.

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