Saturday, September 28, 2019

THE POET LIED: The Hypocracy of Mr. Abubakar Malami, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of Nigeria

The Hypocrisy of Mr. Abubakar Malami, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of Nigeria over the incarceration of Mr. Sowore Omoyele have gone beyond the pale. This is a short piece and it is a protest piece. The focus is not the justiciability or otherwise of the allegations leveled against Sowore, but the professional ethics implications and the duplicity of the AG in gauging the essence and fundamentals of an "Independent Judiciary."
According to the Attorney General:
"Well, as far as I am concerned, treason is treason … we have an obligation and right to present our case before the court. And for your information, we OPERATE A SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT THAT RECOGNISES THE INDEPENDENT OF THE JUDICIARY AND THE THREE ARMS OF GOVERNMENT. So, what we have done is to PRESENT OUR CASE BEFORE THE JUDICIARY WICH ENJOY INDEPENDENT AND FREEDOM TO DETERMINE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. Not that we have taken the law into our hands by way of adjudging him guilty, but presenting him before the judiciary so that he could be accorded the opportunity to present a counter case for the consideration and determination of the court." The emphasis is mine.
That was the AG of Nigeria, before a BBC Reporter.
If the AG so much pride himself of upholding to the universal tenets of the rule of laws and presiding over an independent judiciary under the three arms of governments, the question remains: why is the retired Col Dasuki still in prison? Why are El Zakzaky and his wife still in prison? How come Sowore Omoyele is still in detention or prison despite series of contrary rulings by the same independent judiciary? You cannot all of a sudden turn an advocate of a jurisprudential philosophy that you do not subscribe to when your interests and those of the administration that you serve are threatened. And that is the height of hypocrisy.
Please, I want to reiterate as I said in the opening paragraph that this piece is not about the charges leveled against Mr. Omoyele - bogus and frivolous as they are - but the blatant displace of arrogance by an AG who ought to have been disbarred and stripped of his SANship by now over uncountable records of violations of court orders.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Elizabeth Warren: A True Democrat.

“There is nobody in this country who got rich on their own. Nobody. You built a factory out there - good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory... Now, look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea - God bless! Keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.”
There is nobody in this country who got rich on their own. Nobody. You built a factory out there - good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your g...

Mayor Pete and the Hypocrisy of Republicans and the Religious Right

"I can't believe that somebody who was caught writing hush money checks to adult film actresses is somebody they should be lifting up as the kind of person you want to be leading this nation." "It's something that really frustrates me because the hypocrisy is unbelievable." "It's hard to look at his actions and believe that they are the actions of somebody who believes in God."
“The Republican Party likes to cloak itself in the language of religion,” “We should call out hypocrisy when we see it. For a party that associates itself with Christianity, to say that … God would smile on the division of families … that God would condone putting children in cages, has lost all claim to ever use religious language again."

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

.Debating Black Agenda by the Hip-Hop World

T.I., Killer Mike, Candace Owens, & More Talk: Black Agenda, Voting, & D..

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Congratulations to President Buhari and Vice President Osinbajo.

The Presidential Election Petition Tribunal has spoken, and its time we move on. The Atiku/Obi Ticket did the right thing by going to court. We must stop legitimizing our thuggery proclivity under the banner of "growing our democracy." We have had the First Republic. The Second Republic. And now, the Third Republic. Yet, we are still excusing our failures, growing our democracy. Our Democracy has come of age and it has outgrown its puberty stage. A sixty years old man is no longer a juvenile, learning to separate rights from wrongs. It was on that understanding that I fully supported the decision of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar to proceed to the Tribunal. And he did. That he was not successful is beside the point.
Today, all the President Men and election manipulators at Abuja have come to the realization that the years of putting pressure on the defeated candidate at a fraudulent election to sleep on his rights for the sake of peace are over. Thuggery is a crime and must be condemned in its totality. Electoral malpractices must be condemned and treated as a treasonable felony. Appointing one's family members into the electoral body must be treated as criminal interference with the electoral process. And such appointment must be a ground for declaring an election null and void to the extent of the participation of such appointee.
The next question now is, should Atiku and his team proceed to the Supreme Court? My answer is unequivocal NO. When the present administration shamelessly tempered with the leadership structure of the Supreme Court, the goal was to preempt Alhaji Atiku Abubakar from litigating his imminent defeat that was already planned out by INEC and APC leadership. But he did and the Tribunal says he didn't prove his case. Even though he was not successful, his legal team exposes the naivety and the level of integrity deficit afflicting the Chairman of INEC. Above all, they expose the emptiness of the people managing our federal system. Their stories and the documentary evidence relating to the proof of possession of the West Africa School Certificate by the President was shocking and totally ludicrous. I will come back to this later.
Mahmood Yakubu, the Chairman of INEC, expended a huge chunk of his running capital acquiring state of the art technology, aimed at ensuring smooth transmissions of election results from the polling units and collation centers to a dedicated server. But contrary to the overwhelming endorsement and celebration of that technological feat, he later jettisoned the idea (allegedly) just to facilitate electoral malpractices. Because, with the server in place and running smoothly; collations, verifications, and authentication of result counts would have been a child play. He said he didn't deploy any, and the Tribunal concur. Also, the Tribunal seemingly did not reckon with the testimony of the witnesses (INEC Agents) who testified that they did transmit the results electronically as they were thought pre-election. Rather, the Tribunal alluded to a fake website as the crux of Atiku's case for the existence of a server which they did not buy into.

On the question of acquiring a basic qualification for Presidential eligibility, I've made myself very clear on that in 2015 when the same issue came up. My position was: Candidate Buhari is eminently qualified - you cannot disqualify a man who rose to the position of a General or Major General in the Armed Forces of his country on the theory that he did not possess a Grammar School Certificate, which is the basic requirement for participating at a Presidential race. However, lying about it if you don't have it is perjury per se. But whether that is pre-or-post election eligibility scrutiny was not resolved by the Tribunal. And I want to address that here. 
At the stage of our democracy, our electoral laws must be very clear on what constitute pre-election requirements that must be done with before the real election, and if not so resolved, must be taken as lapsed. And I do not think the question of the qualification of a candidate is a pre-general election resolution only. As between candidates of the same political parties, yes. But certainly not applicable to a candidate of another political party.

The question is whether a candidate of a different political party can petition for the disqualification of a candidate of another party when the general election has not taken place? I do not think so. At that stage, he has no standing to intervene, until after the general election. Therefore, the party who fielded an unqualified candidate must face the consequences of its action after the general election.
In the instant case, the issue is not just whether Candidate Buhari meets the educational requirements consistent with the demands of the enabling laws, but at what stage in the electoral process must the issue be raised? Is it during the Primaries or during the general election or both? The fact that the issue of eligibility or otherwise of Candidate Buhari was not raised or litigated between him and his party folks during the APC primaries did not vitiate such inquiries during the general election. I am of the view that it can be integrated amongst other grounds in the petition.

INEC was never at any time impartial or exhibited any modicum of independence throughout the election. They complicated the process of collating results from the onset with a view to making it difficult for Mr. Atiku Abubakar to prove his case in the event of litigation. In addition, I do not see the possibility of this country ever overcoming the culture of under-age voting prevalent in the North and the mass thumb printing of ballot papers copiously documented in the North East that we saw during the election. That a region that was so ravaged by the scourge of insurgency and its people dislocated and remain state-less to achieve close to 90% of voters accreditation, explains the enormity of the irregularity that characterized the presidential election. With the bogus accreditation figures, results were awarded or allocated accordingly throughout North Central and the North East. 
Nevertheless, given the dramatic removal of Justice Onoghen from the Supreme Court, the possibility of obtaining fair justice at the apex court on the election petition is infinitesimally shallow. THIS SUPREME COURT WILL NEVER REMOVE PRESIDENT BUHARI FROM OFFICE. Period. And I remain steadfast to that holding based on the facts on the ground until I am proven wrong. It has nothing to do with the jurisprudential acumen of the Atiku/Obi legal team or their case management prowess. It is the Nigerian system - a system that defines eligibility, not on the character of the candidate or on the basis of what he is bringing to the office as a leader, but on the basis of his place of birth and his faith and belief system. That is what we must fight against if we must maintain our unity. 
I do not know the nature of the counsel Mr. Atiku and Mr. Obi are getting right now from their Lawyers and Advisers. I humbly believe that it is time to move on, and send a congratulatory message or phone call to the President-elect and his Vice President and wish them well. On my part, I want to use this opportunity to extend my congratulatory wishes to President Buhari and Vice President Osinbajo.
To Mr. President and Professor Osinbajo, if you cherish this victory, you must also cherish the freedom of Col Dasuki, Sowore, and El Zakzaky and other Nigerians suffering undue persecution under your command. Congratulations, once again. Long Live the Federal.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

President Donald Trump: Gambling with the Magic of Blackness.

According to President Donald Trump, some "criminals and bad people" and "very bad gang members" sneaked into the Bahamas praying for the occurrence of a Hurricane Dorian or any natural catastrophic occurrence, with a view to cashing in on the opportunities that the devastations would provide to secure entrance into the US as refugees. Very Smart "bad people" you may say. Just the same way Barack Obama's Mumsy, after given birth to Barack in Kenya, sneaked away from Kenya a few days after Obama's birth, and miraculously appeared in Hawaii with the infant baby. 
On her arrival in Hawaii, she stealthily inserted Barack Obama's name into two Hawaiian Newspapers as being born in Hawaii when the Editors were sleeping. Obama's Mum, the smart lady she was, knew or had a premonition on that first week of August 1961, that the infant Obama would grow up to run for the office of the President of the United States of America in 2008 against Senator John McCain. These Hawaiian helpless hurricane victims and Barack's Mum are very very very smart people, and only President Trump knows how to unravel their black magic and stop them in their track. Not so smart buddy. President Donald Trump is not taking chances this time. Obama's Mum outsmart him in August 1961, but these time around, these "bad black people" from Hawaii are going down.
Senator Mitch McConnell boasted that his goal is to make President Barack Obama a One-Term-President. He failed woefully. President Obama defeated former Governor Mitt Romney in a landslide, winning the Electoral College votes and the popular vote counts.
Bill O'Reilly of Fox News declared on air that his prayer is for President Obama to fail in office as President. Barack didn't fail in office. He emerges as one of the best in the history of American democracy. What about the O'Reilly man? He was booted out of his job after his Fox News Network became tired of dolling out millions of dollars on allegations of sexual harassment from co-workers.
Glen Beck, after orchestrating the resignation of Van Jones from the newly formed Obama's White House team, also declared like Bill O'Reilly that his prayer is for President Barack Obama to fail in office. Within a few months, Glen Beck was booted out of his daily show on Fox. Back Obama did not fail in office as President, he is one of the most revered names in America and all over the world, today. On his part, Van Jones is still smiling as always and he is one of the top contributors to CNN since leaving Obama's White House.
President Barack Obama spent eight years in office as the President of the United States of America and no one scandal or investigation on record against him or his staff. President Donald Trump is about three years old in office as the President of the United States of America, and no one can count the number of his White House employees serving jail terms as well as the number of investigations and inquiries hovering over President Donald Trump himself and members of his immediate family.

The 2020 Presidential race is gathering storms when Democrats settle for a candidate, the World will know the Power of Blackness and whether Black Magic is real.

The Breakdown
Trump Warns Of 'Bad People' Fleeing The Bahamas
The Young Turks posted an episode of The Breakdown.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Leadership and the War Against Free Education at all levels.

After watching the video playing below, I kind of differs a little bit from the views of the Lady. You cannot condemn the almajiri culture without calling on Northern political leaders to give an account of their stewardship over the years. And you cannot separate the scourge of Banditry and Boko Haram insurgency from the ills of Illiteracy. Education is a right and not a privilege. The same people they failed to educate while fighting hard to impede the educational goals of the Nigerians in the geographical south are now the ones turning against them and every one of us. What is missing within the Hausa community is lack of motivations. The entrepreneurial culture reputed of the Ndigbo is disturbingly missing in the far North. On that theory, I am on all fours with the Lady. It is very sad today that the same people who built the famous Groundnuts Pyramids of Kano skyline are now regarded as the laziest inhabitants of the Nigerian geographical space. They are the major casualties of the crude oil wealth. That petrodollar impact is outside the scope of this essay. 
On the attainment of independence on October 01, 1960, the Coalition Talk between Sir Ahmadu Bello and Abubakar Tafawa Balewa of the Northern People Congress (NPC) on the one hand and Chief Obafemi Awolowo of the Action Group (AG) on the other, did not materialize because of Awo's insistence on Free Education at all levels. Balewa and Ahmadu Bello were not for it. Then they went to Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe of the NCNC, and a government was eventually formed. Zik became the Ceremonial Head of State, while Balewa took the position of Head of Government as the Prime Minister. Zik did not bring any demand to the coalition talks that would benefit his people. Back Home, the Ndigbo educated themselves with the support of the Christian Missionaries. On his part, Papa Awo, though was not part of the Federal Government, did not relent on his Free Education program in the Western region. But the talakawa majorities of the North were left in the cold academically, in spite of the fact that one of their own was the Prime Minister. Thus, leading to escalations in the almajiri population.
In a similar vein, in 1979, a proposed Accord between Alhaji Shehu Shagari of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) and Chief Obafemi Awolowo of the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) to jointly form a government at the center did not work out because of Awo's insistence on Free Education at all levels. Alhaji Shehu Shagari, like Balewa and Ahmadu Bello, opposed it. As expected, Alhaji Shehu Shagari went into a Successful Accord with Zik. This time, Zik did not benefit personally. One of his men was made a Minister in the Shagari's government. But the Accord Concordiale did not last long. As it was the case in 1960, Papa Awo and his new party, the Uniparty of Nigeria, went about implementing Free Education at all levels in the Western region and Bendel State. While the Ndigbo toiled to foot their educational bills, nothing revolutionary happens in the North, except in Kano State under the government of Abubakar Rimi of the PRP.
In 1975, or thereabout, that inherent disdain for western education for everyone under the sponsorship of the Federal Government, was placed on a full blast by Dr. Jubril Aminu when he was the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian University Commission. In about 50 pages of a protest memo to the Military Government at the time, he argued that Free Education at all levels as being planned by the Fed is not realistic. His contention had nothing to do with financing the program or the inability of the Nigeria Federal Government to afford it. He stated unequivocally that the program will only benefit the South, because of the aversion of the idea of Western education by Northerners. They took his advice, hook line, and sinker. Obasanjo was the Military Head of State at the time. But the federal government took a step further. They removed the Federal Government Subsidy on Students' feeding. That decision led to the famous "Ali Must Go" protest by Nigerian University students.
The three gentlemen who opposed Free Education at all levels in the First Republic and in the Second Republic, as well as the author of the infamous memo, were Northerners. The political parties that opposed Free Education at all levels in the two republics were headed by Northerners. Where are we today? Boko Haram, Banditry, and the establishment of Cattle Colony are the dominating policy debates at the moment. The educational crisis is a moral issue. And it represents a failure of leadership.
Their retrogressive policies didn't stop the Southern parents from toiling hard to send their children to Grammar Schools and Universities. And it did not stop those who couldn't secure admission or afford the exorbitant tuition from concocting "Oluwole" and bailing out of the country. What you might not know is that the majority of the Northern political leaders behind these retrogressive policies, trained their children overseas, starting from Grammar School level. But not the same with the talakawa and the almajiri population. Our educational problems are directly connected to the feudal leadership system prevalent in that part of the country, which the Northern political leaders espouse with reverence.
And as long as they continue to dominate the leadership and the political system, attaining the Obafemi Awolowo educational philosophy, will remain an illusion for long. And until educated Northerners like the lady below start to speak truth to power, reminding the influential Northerners that non-natives are not their enemies, I do not see any reversion from status quo in the horizon. No one is born to worship poverty and decadence. Northern Political leaders perpetuate that culture with their "some animals are more equals than others" approach to leadership and governance.
Why is this essay necessary? All of us are now paying for the ethnic chauvinism and feudal bent of a few. Today, even the most protected Governor cannot travel by road from Kaduna to Abuja. Also, traveling by road from Abuja via Lokoja to Benin City as well as from Shagamu to Benin City are replete with unfathomable health hazards, courtesy of professional kidnappers, most often dubbed as Northerners. I do understand the frustrations of the Lady in the video playing below, but you cannot condemn the almajiri culture without calling on Northern political leaders to atone for their sins of purposeful abandonment. The scourge of Banditry and Boko Haram insurgency is directly linked with the ills of Illiteracy. Education is a right and not a privilege. The same people they failed to educate while trying to impede the educational goals of some others are now the ones turning against every one of us. Be careful of what you do with power. And no one is safe.
Emeka Gift
Bitter Truth the northerners and some Igb

America's Ongoing Pursuit of Justice and Democratic Values

Tyranny thrives on fear, silence, and compliance. Democracy demands courage - Illinois Governor JB Pritzker. Extremist ideologies, like Nazi...