Monday, November 30, 2020

  The Sacrifices they Make in Search of Education

Like most fresh Nigerian Immigrants to the States, I drove a Taxi when I arrived in the US. With the intent of renting my own house and knowing that my pay won't do it for me on time, I went into cab renting to supplement my income. And it became a habit whenever I am in School. That was before the advent of Uber.

It was during one of the extended weekends on the steering that I gave this young smartly dressed lady a ride. She was going to the Train Station on her way to New York. And she was worried that I was not driving fast enough. That was when the discussion about who she is, where she is going, and why she is in hurry came up.

She told me she is a student in Boston (she mentioned the name of the university). Adding she is going to New York to work. Going to New York to work, and you are a student in Boston? "Yes." How and what kind of job is that? "I am a stripper." A stripper? "Yes." Why New York and not Boston? "Because New Yorkers are big spenders."

And you don't miss classes? "Nope." How is that possible? "I don't have lectures on Friday and Saturday. So, I have Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights to work. Starting from Thursday night, I get into the 6 p.m. train from Boston and arrive at New York Pen Station by about 10 p.m. and straight into the club." "At 3 a.m. it's all over and I'm back at the Pen Station to take the Grey Hond Bus to Boston." "And I use Sunday to rest and prepare for my lectures." Wao, that's a fully packed weekend you have, I said. "Yeah, I have to do it." "I am the first in my family to go to college." Glad to hear that.

Before she drops, she asked if I do this full time. I replied no, adding that I am also a student. And we have the same schedule because I don't have lectures on Friday, too. She asked which school, and I told her. "Now I can see why you are so comfortable discussing with me, most cab drivers don't even want to talk to you or interested in what you do." "Good luck in your studies," she said, as she alighted from my cab. Good luck to you, too. And have a safe trip. She looked back, smiled, and waved. And I waved back.

Lesson learned: If you don't know them, don't tell their stories.

(By the way, most of the schools in Boston and Cambridge do not have classes on Friday).



When love trump title, 

Comes peace of mind 

And a paparazzi-free life. 

It's about the sacrifices we make. 

For those we love

Sunday, November 29, 2020

 The Search For Empathy For the Northern Poor.

Growing up, I was quite familiar with the Lagos/Ibadan Press Axis epithet coined and popularized by Northern public affairs commentators to decry the slanting of news coverage by the press in favor of the South. The advent of the Internet and social media no doubt exacerbates the existing divide, thus, casting the Northern region (excluding the Middle Belt) as undeserving of nation-wide sympathy in the face of the escalations in Boko Haram's barbarism.
Today, most Souther commentators who find time to write about the security meltdown in the old Northern region of Nigeria, do so only as breaking news: "Five Bandits died and four Nigerian Soldiers also died in a fresh attack at Chibok." "Boko Haram beheaded about 43 farmers." "A whole village in Zamfara State is deserted following the invasion by Bandits." "The Governor of Borno State is lucky to be alive from an assassination plot engineered by Boko Haram sect." Those are some of the headlines that populate Facebook every day.
In other words, though Southern writers or commentators share the news on their Facebook pages, they do so NOT for an expression of a sense of empathy for the victims. But to showcase the failure of President Buhari in his oath of office to ensure peace and security of lives and properties throughout Nigeria. Also, to dramatize the helplessness of the leadership of the Nigerian Armed Forces in its war against Bandits and Boko Haram warriors.
Thus, the victims, unfortunately, are seen as the fruits of the sins of their own brothers who appropriated political power at the top by any means necessary, but lack the wisdom and capacity to make the best of it. Therefore, to overcome that perception and ensure compassionate coverage, a few dangerous lies that underscore the danger of ethnic chauvinism and religious divide must first be recounted. And that is what this essay is about.
The loss of that sense of empathy for the victims is not by design. It is subconscious. Influenced by resentment of the disinformation campaign that Northern political leaders have used over the years to hijack the sensibility of their own people into believing that they are fighting a common enemy in Lagos and Abuja for a common purpose.
The common enemies are the Southern political leaders and Igbo Military Officers. And the common purpose is religious freedom, even when their fundamental right to be a Muslim is never under threat. The usual playbook is that they want to colonize you, take away your Quran, and impose the Bible on you. In spite of the obscene level of Illiteracy in the North, they were able to propagate that false narrative with the aid of the Transistor Radio via Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, and the Hausa Service of the BBC.
That's how the two networks have succeeded in their indoctrination of the helpless and underprivileged Northerners with seeds of entitlements and of discords. They poison their minds, feeding them with Kafir (infidel) label on the unbelievers and the concept of two nations in one, with them as the superior race. Because there are no alternative views available on the airwaves to debunk the systemic lies, it is very difficult to preach civility or love thy neighbor in the event of tribal or religious conflict. And that has been the history of the Nigerian race tragedy.
With that indoctrination in place and fully established, no amount of preaching by Southern commentators, decrying the oppression, poor standard of living, and general deprivations confronting the average Northerners can strike attention in them. It is always about the unfounded lies against freedom of worship that has taken root. And it is about the bogus narrative that Southern political leaders are out to steal political power away from them.
The same reason why a Governor from the North could declare openly that the Almajiri culture is to them, a celebrated culture worthy of continuation. And he was never sanctioned. It is on the same premise that President Buhari and his administration could discontinue the Almajiri Integrative Education Initiative brokered by President Goodluck Jonathan, and no one is complaining in Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara, Katsina, or Adamawa.

So, what exactly are our national priorities? Can our national priorities be defined from the perspectives of a Southerner or Southern political leaders? Never. Not in the history of the 1914 amalgamation. A Governor can afford to spend at least three days in the state where he is the Governor and the rest twenty-seven days at Abuja. Is that democracy or feudalism?
We are confronted with different realities and our priorities are different. While it was appropriate to label the EndSARS struggle as a Southern conspiracy to topple President Buhari, on the other hand, ending kidnapping by armed Fulanis or the destructive proclivities of the Cattle herders is not a national priority. It is in the same light that annihilating Boko Haram enemy combatants or shooting at sight Terrorist Bandits is not a national priority.

Again, who determines the national priorities? They are the Hausa/Fulani who dominated the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The main reason one Rtd Lieutenant General Azubuike Ihejirika, President Jonathan's Chief of Army Staff didn't qualify to lead the war against Boko Haram in the opinion of Rtd General Buhari and Mallam El-Rufai.
That is why today, Northerners are more worried about the motives of EndSARS peaceful protesters than the killings by Boko Haram and the reign of terror of Bandits ravaging Sokoto, Zamfara, and the Katsina State. Also, in their opinion, Southern Social Media and the EndSARS peaceful protester are motivated by a common goal to kick President Buhari out of office.
As you read, the prosecution of the participants at the EndSARS protest has taken the magnitude of Treasonable Felony threshold, thus, warranting the deployment of the CBN by the Presidency to do its dirty job. Nigerians should not allow it to happen. It was a peaceful protest before the government hired hoodlums came and embark on a vandalism rampage.
Therefore, to debunk the age-old false narrative that the Quran is under threat and the pervasive misinformation of Southern political leaders coming to take over their God-given political power as historically perfected by Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, and the New Nigerian Newspaper, requires an unbiased approach to the true state of affairs in the North by Northern commentators and opinion leaders. The Quran is not under threat. The Federal Government is not your birthright - Allah did not give it to you. And Southern political leaders are not out to colonize the North. So, enough of the lies you are using to shield your managerial deficiencies.
Ending these lies is the first approach to creating a sense of equality and brotherly love between the regions and engendering compassionate tones from Southern commentators. And a society where an eminently qualified Ehibor Osahon from Edo State or Ehijirika Okonkwo from Anambra State can comfortably be a Minister of Defense or a Security Adviser to President Buhari, without subjecting him or her to an ethnic or religious test.
Finally, I must applaud my good friend, Shehu Mustapha Shehu Mustash, the publisher of the Politico, followed by the former Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi. And last but not the least, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa'ad Abubakar, the latest entrant into the progressive struggle. If the custodian of Northern Feudalism is crying out loud about the clear and present danger confronting our sovereignty, I see no reason why Northern powerbrokers should not rally around him to unravel the suitability in office of the man holding court at Aso Rock.
To be continued.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saving the North From Self-Annihilation and the Lies of their Fathers.


Growing up, I was very deep into the Nigerian Newspapers industry. And I was quite familiar with the Lagos/Ibadan Press Axis epithet coined and popularized by Northern public affairs commentators to decry the slanting of news coverage by the press in favor of the South. The advent of the Internet and social media no doubt exacerbates the existing divide, thus, casting the Northern region, excluding the Middle Belt, as undeserving of nation-wide sympathy or attention in the face of the escalations in Boko Haram's barbarism.

Today, most Souther commentators who find time to write about the security meltdown in the old Northern region of Nigeria, do so only as breaking news - "five Bandits died and four Nigerian Soldiers also died in a fresh attack at Chibok," or "Boko Haram beheaded about 43 farmers," or "a whole village in Zamfara State has been deserted following the invasion by Bandits," or "the Governor of Borno State is lucky to be alive from an assassination plot engineered by Boko Haram sect."Those are some of the headlines that populate Facebook every day.

In other words, though Southern writers or commentators share the news on their Facebook pages, they do so not for an expression of a sense of empathy for the victims. But to showcase the failure of President Buhari in his oath of office to ensure peace and security of lives and properties of every Nigerian. And to dramatize the helplessness of the leadership of the Nigerian Armed Forces in its war against Bandits and Boko Haram warriors. They are seen as the victims of the sins of their own brothers who appropriated political power at the top by any means necessary, but lack the wisdom and capacity to make it work? To overcome that perception and ensure compassionate coverage, a few dangerous lies that underscore the danger of our racial divide and intolerance must first be recounted. And that is what this essay is about.


The loss of that sense of empathy for the victims is not by design. It is subconscious. Influenced by the disdain and the misinformation that Northern political leaders have used over the years to pollute the sensibility of their own people into believing that they are fighting a common enemy for a common purpose.

That common enemy is the Southern political leaders and Igbo Military Officers. And the common purpose is religion - their freedom to be Muslim that is never under threat. They want to colonize you, take away your Quran, and impose the Bible on you. In spite of the obscene level of Illiteracy in the North, they were able to propagate that false narrative with the aid of Transistor Radios and Radio Nigeria, Kaduna. You can take away everything from Aboki, but you dare not tamper with his Transistor Radio

So, why you are contending with NEPA for a regular supply of electricity or with NNPC for the availability of gas/petrol to power your generator to be able to watch the new, our Talakawa and Aboki friends and the Fulani nomad somewhere in Enugu forest don't need NEPA or NNPC. There is always a friendly Mallam around the corner hawking batteries and petty stuff. That's how Radio Nigeria Kaduna and the Hausa Service of the BBC have succeeded in their indoctrination, feeding these helpless and underprivileged Northerners with Kafir (infidel) doctrine and the concept of two nations. Because there are no alternative views available to them to debunk the systemic lies, it is very difficult to preach civility or love thy neighbor in the midst of tribal or religious conflict. And that has been the history of Nigeria.

With that indoctrination in place and fully established, no amount of preaching by Southern commentators, decrying the oppression, poor standard of living, or deprivations confronting the average Northerner can strike attention in them. It is about the unfounded lies against freedom of worship. And it is about the bogus narrative by Northern opinion leader and Radio Nigeria Kaduna that Southern political leaders are out to steal political power away from them.

The same reason why a Governor from the North could declare openly that the Almajiri culture is part of their celebrated culture worthy of continuation, and he was never sanctioned. It is on the same premise that President Buhari and his administration could discontinue the Almajiri Integrative Education Initiative brokered by President Goodluck Jonathan, and no one is complaining in Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara, Katsina, or Adamawa. So, what exactly is good for you or a national priority? Cornering and embezzling more public funds under your control and sending your children and grandchildren to Grammar School and Universities overseas?

We fight a different fight. The EndSARS struggle was a Southern conspiracy to topple President Buhari. On the other hand, ending kidnapping by armed Fulanis or the destructive proclivities of the Fulani Cattle Nomad is not a national priority. The same reason that annihilating Boko Haram enemy combatants or shooting at sight Terrorist Bandits is not a national priority. Who determines the national priorities? They are the Hausa/Fulani who dominated the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The main reason one Rtd Lieutenant General Azubuike Ihejirika, President Jonathan's Chief of Army Staff didn't qualify to lead the war against Boko Haram in the opinion of Rtd General Buhari and Mallam El-Rufai.

That is why today, Northerners are more worried about the motives of EndSARS peaceful protesters than the killings by Boko Haram and the reign of terror of Bandits ravaging Sokoto, Zamfara, and the Katsina State. Also, Southern Social Media and the EndSARS peaceful protester are motivated by a common goal to kick President Buhari out of office. As you read, the prosecution of the participants at the EndSARS protest has taken the magnitude of Treasonable Felony threshold, thus, warranting the deployment of the CBN by the Presidency to do its dirty job. Nigerians should no allow it to happen. It was a peaceful protest before the government hired hoodlums came and embark on a vandalism rampage.

Therefore, to debunk the age-old false narrative that the Quran is under threat and the pervasive misinformation of Southern political leaders coming to take over their God-given political power as historically perfected by Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, and the New Nigerian Newspaper, requires an unbiased approach to the true state of affairs in the North by Northern commentators and opinion leaders. The Quran is not under threat. The Federal Government is not your birthright - Allah did not give it to you. 

Ending these lies is the first approach to creating a sense of equality and brotherly love between the regions and engendering compassionate tones from Southern commentators. Where an eminently qualified Ehibor Osahon from Edo State or Ehijirika Okonkwo from Anambra can comfortably be a Minister of Defense or a Security Adviser to President Buhari, without subjecting him or her to an ethnic or religious test. And where excusing or condemning the pitiful performance of a President and his administration is devoid of political correctness or ethnic factors.  

On those grounds, I must applaud my good friend, Shehu Mustas Shehu, the publisher of the Politico, followed by one of my ardent followers in social media, the former of Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, and last but not the least, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa'ad Abubakar, the latest entrant into the struggle. If the custodian of Northern Feudalism is crying out loud, I see no reason why Northerners should not rally around him to embrace radical political reforms and free the North from the stranglehold of the Buhari's pre-amalgamation doctrine.

To be continued.

Friday, November 27, 2020

 Another Legal Blow from Pennsylvania: Only in God's Own Country. 

“Voters, not lawyers, choose the President. Ballots, not briefs, decide elections.” Says, Judge Stephanos Bibas.

It may interest viewers to know that Judge Stephanos Bibas is an appointee of President Donald Trump. Yes, Mr. President appointed him to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Pennsylvania. Not only that, it was a unanimous decision or judgment by the three-judge 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals. And above all, the three judges are GOP/Republican appointees. The party of the outgoing President. Neither Lawyers nor Judges can give you a mandate that the voters disapproved. Only in God's Own Country.

 Moving Forward.

The earlier the Sultan and people of good conscience in the North start demanding and questioning President Buhari's loyalty the better for the security of the North and Nigeria in general. Is he a Nigerian and a Nigerian President whose loyalty to the flag and the people of Nigeria is indisputable and unquestioned? Or is his loyalty to the Fulani people scattered all over the West Coast of Africa? 

During the last Presidential election, President Buhari and his APC Campaign Advisers violated our territorial integrity by allowing two Governors from the Niger Republic and more than a hundred Nigerien to enter the country to participate actively in President Buhari's Presidential campaign. That is not done anywhere. First, it is a violation of our electoral law and a violation of our sovereign status. 

Also, Northern Cattle Merchants, allow Thousands of West African Fulani's Cattle Rearers and Fighting Warriors or Jihadist to enter this country to (1) rear their herds, and (2) to fight, kill, displace villagers and become occupants of the conquered territories. This is what the people of Benue and Plateau States have been going through for years. But no one from the influential traditional council of the North cares. Because the victims are not Fulani. 

And two, because the sponsors and those who are arming and importing the warriors to Nigeria are Fulanis who dominate our federal institutions and government. This is the stark reality. So, the starting point is to start asking President Buhari and all the influential Fulanis in the Federal Government and outside, whether their loyalty is to the flag and people of Nigeria or to their Fulani diaspora. 

Another poser is, how come the Fulani of Niger Republic, Mali, Senegal, Guinea, Ghana, or the Gambia are not engaged in slaughtering, conquest mission, and land grabbing campaigns in those countries the way they are doing in Nigeria? Why is President Buhari funding billions of Naira rail lin project and highways to the Niger Republic when you cannot fix Nigeria roads? 

Where is President Buhari's loyalty? You have all the crude oil wealth. You have total control of all the security apparatuses of Nigeria. Your people control the Armed Forces, Customs, and Immigration Services. What else do you need to secure the safety lives of your people and Nigerians? Why are we allowing non-Nigerian Fulani Bandits to invade Nigerian territories and start collecting taxes and ransom from indigenes? 

We remember the tragedy of Azubuike Ihejirika, President Jonathan's Chief of Army Staff. We remember the "they are killing my people" protest of then General Buhari (Rtd) during President Goodluck Jonathan. And we remember this tweet by Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai "We will write this for all to read. Anyone, soldier or not that kills the Fulani takes a loan repayable one day no matter how long it takes. - July 15, 2012. And we remember his threat to bundle Azubuike before the World Court at the Hague for a war crime. His offense? For fighting to defeat the Boko Haram sect. 

And that brings us to the final question: How would the Sultan, El'Rufai, and President Buhari feel if a Southern Soldier under a Southern led Military Command, shot and killed any of those AK47 displaying bandits?  And that's the tragedy of the divided loyalty of Nigerian Fulanis. Until Northerners start asking that question, it is naive to start thinking and constructing solutions from other means. 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

In Nigeria, you are more likely to be classified as a bigot or found guilty of bigotry and, therefore, blacklisted from Federal jobs or contracts for simply identifying or complaining about the bigotry conduct of others. For a start, there is nothing wrong with this essay. The author is simply telling the truth about President Buhari's divided loyalty. In Nigeria, the author is more likely to be blacklisted from Federal jobs for life because of his opinion. The essay, from a Northerner's perspective, projects anti-Northern sentiments. Therefore, he is a bigot. Not President Buhari who has abandoned Lagos/Badagry Expressway, but devoting Billions of our money to fund a rail line and an expressway to the Niger Republic. And that's the Nigerian tragedy. I will explain it. 

As a Northerner or Northern intellectual, the more ardent you are in vilifying Southerners or being disdainful of Southern interests, the faster your climb in Federal establishments. 

Take, for instance, one Dr. Jubril Aminu, when he was the Executive Secretary of the National University Commission. In about a 50-page long memo, he argued against the introduction of free education at all levels under discussion by the Obasanjo-led Military Government. His thesis was that Boko is Haram in the Northern region of Nigeria. His main argument was never on the ability or otherwise of the Federal Govt of Nigeria to fund the program, but on the strength of Northern aversions to western education. He stated unequivocally that implementing the program will make it possible for Southerners who were not able to go to school before because of the payment of school fees, to do so now. On the other hand, his own people, because of their aversion (haram) to Western education (Boko) will not take advantage of the policy. The result, according to him, will widen further the existing educational gaps between North and South. On that ground, the program is not a national priority. Military Head of State, Olusegun Obasanjo, bought his argument hook line and sinkers. And they went further to remove federal government subsidies on student feeding. Maybe some of you will still remember the Ali Must Go student protest. I know we were very young then. And they did something else; Federal Government-funded Schools of Basic Studies sprouted all over Northern Nigeria. 

The same Dr. Aminu was later appointed the VC of Unimaid. And as a VC, he told the world that Southern Lecturers are not welcome in his University. His hiring policy in other of priority was as follow - Northerners, Whites, and Indians. Southerners should not apply. The man later became a Professor, the Minister of Education, and lastly, the Minister of Energy and Petroleum Resources. He collaborated with Northern Technocrats and political leaders to kill the free education at all levels program but went ahead with the Federal Government funded School of Basic Studies all over Northern Nigeria and the aborted Nomadic Education program under President Obasanjo. And no Nigerian politician complain or raise a voice. The only guy that did was the radical lecturer from Uniber, Dr. Festus Iyayi who is now late. But we remember what IBB and the Minister of Education Jubrin Aminu did to him. They went to Iyaro Motor Park, hired some Agberos, and took them to Festu's residence inside Uniber Staff Quarters to remove his belongings. They dumped them at Uniben gate by the roadside. 

Now, let's come to our territory: law, legislation, and the legislative process. 

The Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) is a beautiful law and it is the latest Nigerian energy regime. As you all know, the Bill has been battling with legislative rigmarole and unproductive shenanigans at the National Assembly for more than 15 years. By the way, Mr. Felix Ayanhruoh wrote about the Bill in one of the Nigerian newspapers. And yours truly did the same in a long essay on the website of the Nigeria Village Square. As a matter of fact, there is nothing wrong with it other than a section in it that provides that 10% of the net profit of the IOC as well as indigenous oil companies doing business in the Niger Delta be paid to a consolidated fund, know as the Host Community Funds. 

In 2014 or so, Nigerian Governors under the Nigeria Governors' Forum, met in Port Harcourt and resolved mong other things, to fast track the passage of the PIB into law. In that case, all the Governors were mandated to exert pressure on their Senators and House members to expedite the process of the passage of the Bill into law. Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State was the Chairman of the Governors' Forum at the time and a Jonathan from the Niger Delta was the President. What else can a region bost of! And they had Senator Enang from Akwa Ibom State, a brilliant lawyer, who is well versed in the nitty-gritty of Nigeria oil politics.

About a week after the meeting, the former Governor of Niger State, Prof Babangida Aliyu, did a summersault on the Bill. He told the world that Northern Senators will not take action on the Bill until Northern Governors seek the counsel of professionals adept in Energy Law. A few days later, Chief Anthony Sani echoes his views, adding that Niger Delta is already enjoying NDDC and the Ministry of the Niger Delta. He said more money is being "skew" to the region at the expense of the North. Another former Governor, Shekau, joined them in obstructing the passage of the PIB into law. Followed by Professor Ango Abdulahi, the former VC of ABU. It doesn't matter that the funding is from private oil companies doing biz in the region and not from the Federation Account. 

Senator Enang was the only noticeable figure from the Niger Delta to make some noise. He published an essay in a few Nigerian newspapers where he gave a breakdown of the allocations of oil bloc in Nigeria and the list of who is who that control the industry. When President Buhari came into office, he recruited Senator Enang to be his Liaison to the National Assembly and presently, his Adviser on Niger Delta. So, who else is making noise for Niger Delta at Abuja or at the National Assembly? Nobody.

Yesterday, at the South-South Summit held in Port Harcourt, you watch in amazement as the Deputy Senate Leader, Barrister Omo-Agege, and Urhobo man, lying to Nigerians that we need a constitutional amendment to be able to restructure Nigeria. That is not true. Restructuring is a voluntary exercise. The truth is, if Northerners were the ones agitating for Restructuring or True Federalism all these years, they would have gotten it long ago. They don't give a fuck about your opinion. Any one of the following characters: Umaru Dikko, Dr. Junaid Muhammed, Prof Ango Abdullahi, and Professor Jubrin Aminu, Governor Kwankwaso would have been able to do it alone for the North. Simply put, they don't want True Federalism or Decentralization of power. Otherwise, they would have gotten it, long ago, as I said earlier. They know the greed and inadequacies of their Southern colleagues at the Federal level and National Assembly. 

Give a Northern intellectual or Technocrat a job at the Federal level, he or she would concentrate efforts in cornering more of federal presence, funding, and infrastructural facilities to the Northern region not knowing when another opportunity would come. On the other hand, those from the South would be the greatest antagonist of Southern interest just to please the master and to secure another Federal lever plum job when the instant one is over. That's slave mentality amplified by greed. And it is the culture of Southern Technocrats holding Federal level jobs or appointments. 

That is why you see President Buhari is constructing a Highway and a Rail line to the Niger Republic and Fashola and Rotimi Amaechi are clapping along like zombies. Today, Lagos-Badagry Expressway, Lokoja - Benin City Highway, and Benin-Ughelli-Porth Harcourt roads are in a deplorable state, and no Niger Delta political leader is standing tall on behalf of the region to be counted. The PIB and the now-abandoned UN-Sponsored Ogoni-Cleanup exercise are challenges before Senator Enang (Presidential Adviser on Niger Delta), Senator Omo-Agege, and my dear alumni colleague, Mr. Festurs Keyamo (SAN). There is no excuse. 

Finally, while Northern Technocrats are busy crafting legislation and policy statements, transferring wealth and federal funded infrastructural facilities to the North, their Southern colleagues are busy perfecting the craft of excuses on why so and so federal project is abandoned in the South or no longer viable. Consider, for instance, the now-abandoned Cattle Colony; no one knows the identity of the individuals at the Ministry of Agriculture who crafted the program. It was abandoned, not because of the opposition from Southern political leaders, but because of me and you in the social media, writing and cataloging the Northern excesses and the timidity or greed of Southern leaders. 

Thank you all for taking much of your time. And thank you, brother Jide, for sharing the Vanguard essay. Much much luv.

Alex Aidaghese

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

“For my family, as for so many generations of Americans, America has literally been the last best hope on earth,” “My grandfather, Maurice Blinken, fled pogroms in Russia and made a new life in America. His son, my father Donald Blinken, served in the Air Force during World War II and then as a U.S. ambassador. He is my role model and hero.

“His wife, Vera Blinken, fled communist Hungary as a young girl and helped future generations of refugees come to America. My mother, Judith Pisar, builds bridges between America and the world through the arts and culture. She is my greatest champion.”

His mother’s second husband was a Holocaust survivor, author, and memoirist.

“And my late stepfather, Samuel Pisar, was one of 900 children in his school in Bialystok, Poland, but the only one to survive the Holocaust after four years in concentration camps.” 

“At the end of the war, he made a break from a death march into the Bavarian woods. From his hiding place, he heard the rumbling sound of a tank. Instead of an Iron Cross, he saw a five-pointed White Star. He ran to the tank. The hatch opened. An African-American GI looked down at him. He fell to his knees and said the only three words he knew in English that his mother had taught him: God Bless America. The GI lifted him into the tank, into America, into freedom. That’s who we are. That's what Amerca represents to the rest of the world, however, imperfectly. Now we have to proceed with an equal measure of humility and confidence. 

Anthony Blinken, President-Elect Nominee for Secretary of State.


Dear Father, I thank you for your wisdom at work in me, causing me to use time wisely and prioritize my activities for today. The Holy Spirit guides me to be productive and effective in everything I do today, to significantly make progress, advance the work of the Kingdom, and improve my life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Dear Father, thank you for the Holy Spirit whom you’ve sent to live in me and guide me in all things. Even now, He lifts my vision and enables me to see and live as a master over everything in this life. I control and dominate the forces of nature and the world, and live above circumstances by the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessed be God! Amen

 Change of Mind About Rotimi Amaechi 

I have been a strident critic of former Governor Rotimi Amaechi, now the Minister of Transportation. A few years ago, I dubbed him along with Kogi State Governor, Yahaya Bello, and Joe Igbokwe as the worst thing that can happen to a tribe. My change of heart is least connected with the question of his reform or otherwise as to the worst thing that could happen to a community. It has everything to do with the unprecedented progress he has made in the railway sector in the past five years. The truth is if all the Ministers before him in that portfolio did half of what he has done so far, the whole of the country would have been linked by now by railway. 

My opinion did not take into account the fact that the coaches are not as beautiful or modern as what obtains in Morroco or Ethiopia as I alluded to derogatively in some of my previous essays on the man and his performance. Also, it is interesting to juxtapose his perforce with those of other Ministers in this administration and those before him to reach a conclusion. 

After more than five years on the job, the former Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Fashola cannot link Nigeria by road with the countries on the west coast of Africa. The Lagos - Badagry Express Way is in a mess. And he remains helpless in the sight of the gridlock that paralyzes road transportation between Abuja and Benin City. It is like Amaechi and Fashola are not in the same administration. 

On a final note, linking the Niger Republic with Kano by rail line is not Amaechi's call; that's President Buhari's way of reciprocating a few of the Niger Republic Governors and their huge delegation for participating and supporting him actively, and, in fact, by driving to Kano to show support during the last Presidential election. In other words, Minister Amaechi serve at the mercy of the President who appointed him. Therefore, I am willing to cut him some slack on the basis of his tremendous stride in doing what no Minister has ever done in that sector. 

We thank every one of you who participated in this debate, especially our elders: Benson Bello, Bart Irianan, Henry Okoh, Austin Ordia, and Peter Ebeleghe for your contribution. We also want to thank Professor Imhonde, Pastor Ilekhomon, and Mr. Godwin Aluge for your opinion.  

Please, we don't want members to confuse the goals and objectives of the alumni association with the policies that we set up to ensure that things are going well on the platform. They are completely different. Zero-tolerance is not a goal, it is an enforcement mechanism set up to ensure that things work smoothly on the platform. It was introduced to ensure that members stay focused on the goals and objectives of the alumni association and to avoid turning the platform into a Dugbe Market like Facebook. That's it. 

All over the world, there are three major policy objectives of alumni associations.

The first of the three is to support the alma mater through donations and funding of specific programs, endow a chair or professorship, awarding of scholarships to deserving students, and job placement opportunities for qualified students.

The second major goal is business development. And it involves partnership collaboration with fellow alumni, presenting business opportunities to alumni colleagues, informing members of job opportunities, and supporting one another with useful investment leads.  

And three, rendering financial support to members who are in need or bereaved as may be defined in the constitution. 

These are the major goals of any alumni association, applying global standards. And our constitution covers those areas succinctly. In our case, we are not there yet because of the unique position we find ourselves in. We are helping to build an abandoned school from the scratch. And in the process, we leave the implementation of the major goals in the cooler. 

In spite of our precarious position, when a post or a message by an alumni colleague falls into the three major categories, we have to let it slide without sanction. That we are not there yet is immaterial. We just have to do the right thing. We are helping to promote the investment and business opportunities of members. 

Harvard University is the richest institution in the world today, not because it is charging exorbitant school fees. But because of the contributions from rich alumni members and the investment of its endowment funds. 

According to Mr. Amhande: "I believe I should be able to collaborate in every area of the rebuilding the great PBGS Ewohimi of our dream. thank you all and God bless. signed Mr. Simeon Amhande."

In the field of advertisement, there is what they called "subliminal message." It is burying a major message inside another message that the public is seeing. When I saw Mr. Simeon Amhande's post, that was what came into my mind. However, reading his closing remarks, I saw no harm and I decided to let it slide. We just don't want to kill a dream or punish a member because he is bringing to the attention of the association his line of business and his willingness to collaborate in building the school. 

On a final note, PBGSE Alumni Association is interested in the progress and in helping to expand the business line of members. The arguments of Professor Imhonde is very persuasive.  But I think, with all due respect, he didn't avert his mind to the fundamental objectives of alumni associations. It is about goals and it is about support. 

Finally, to my good friend, Professor Imhonde, and every one of you reading this, if you have teaching opportunities or scholarship opportunities for our kids in your school, please, do not hesitate to inform the house. Also, if you have business opportunities,  job opportunities, partnership collaboration, or investment opportunities, please, let members know about them. 

Please, the zero-tolerance policy is still in force. Avoid the temptation, don't come here with get-rich-quick kind of deals, cut and paste, or 419 stuff. The Exco and BoT will not hesitate to block you permanently.  

Thank you and God Bless. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Call it a taboo, label it polygamous, or dub it promiscuity, but it is not going away soon. It has been with us for ages and Mr. Mike Nwaorgu is given expression to a part of our being that has suffered undeniable rejection, with no one seeing it, feeling it, or fathoming a recompense for the victims.

And as long as the population of women continues to outstrip that of the men, and as long as most educated and uneducated men are finding it difficult to get a job or secure a sustainable means of income and settle down, women will continue to remain single and living single. The acceptance or rejection of Mr. Mike Nwaorgu's precedent is not going to be exclusively a men's call. The ladies must be directly involved. Because they are the ones who suffer untold deprivations: conjugal relation or the lack of it as well as procreation. In other words, it is the ladies who will make the final call on whether or not they want to be a second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh wife. And they should have the right to make that choice. 

There is a video trending on WhatsApp of an Imo State lady, lamenting that Anambra, Enugu, and even Benin men have abandoned them. Adding that their beloved Imo State men are busy building hotels and acquiring wealth, but forgetting about marital life. In a similar vein, during the recent EndSARS protest in Benin City, one of the participants (a lady, to be precise), was on video, calling on her friends to join the protest and take advantage of it to hustle for (odor) a husband. To those of us who understand the Edo dialect, may want to laugh it off as comic relief. However, when you weigh the psychology of it, you will see a pattern, a social issue that is peculiar and tormenting the ladies and parents, but evading the public attention or interest.  

Why was it the most dominant thought in her mind in the midst of chaos and public safety concerns at that very moment? It is a parallel world. Their trouble is not our trouble. And we may never understand.

I remember a scene in the movie, "My Cousin Vinny" featuring Mr. Joe Pesci. Cousin Vinny was working round the clock, not only to set his cousin free from prison in Alabama, he was confronted with a hostile prosecutor, unfriendly witnesses, and a judge who had problems understanding his New York accent. And in the midst of all that headache, was his young pretty turbulent fiancee, played by Marisa Tomei, who was more interested in her biological clock ticking away, than the peace and serenity her fiance needed that night to concentrate on his legal reearch. So, the problem is global and it has been with us for ages. 

Please, I am not by any stretch of the imagination promoting polygamy or condemning it. It is a cultural issue in some jurisdictions and categorized as an abomination or a social taboo in some others. In this piece, I am simply reacting to an emerging trend that has defiled all the odds. Its metamorphosis is seemingly beyond repression in light of external influences. It cannot be subjected to legislative overhaul or man-made regulatory mechanisms.

Thanks to social media, we are in a world today, where victims of unintended deprivations or societal ills have a ready audience to present their frustrations. A new beginning where women may likely cast the first stone, in rebellion against illegality or social deprivations that circumscribed the expression of obscure impulses - the yearnings of the physical and the spiritual of our being. 

We cannot conclude the debate without weighing the benefits of monogamy or the ills of polygamy against women's inherent need or desire to be married and have children. Again, what were those societal ills that the abolition of polygamy was meant to address? Or was it simply Biblical or moral persuasion? Did anyone foresee the possibility of women outgrowing men in population or that most men will have difficulties settling down for marital life? Welcome to a new world where things may never be the same again and where old things continue to slide into oblivion without constraint. 

To be continued.  

Alex Aidaghese

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Writing for Leaders and Decision Makers

Every writer on Facebook or in Social Media has his or her own audience. As I have told a friend a few years ago, the utility of a given work or essay is ABSOLUTELY NOT in relation to the strength of the debate accompanying it or the number of those clicking on the like or love icon, or sharing it. It is the strength of the impact on the target audience. The jolt factor. That's what matters. 

Most often, when the rebuttal to a contentious essay comes up from the targeted audience or an interested party, not many people can connect the dots. Only the author and his audience or the interested party are in the picture. In this essay, I will cite four instances - two from Nigeria and two from the United States - where rebuttal happens without any reference to the essay or view that motivated it.

It is in that light that I explain the recent warning from Mr. President, directed at the organizers of the EndSARS Peaceful Protest and my recent essay, titled "The Persecution of the EndSARS# Peaceful Protesters and the False Coup Narrative of Northern Governors." I argued that the warning from the Nigerian Police Force was motivated by the outcome of the communique issued by the Northern Governors after their emergency meeting in Kaduna. I described it as imposing regional values on a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic nation-state. What the President did yesterday, was simply damage control on behalf of the Northern governors that it wasn't a regional decision, but that of the Presidency. You have to know your audience to decipher when a rebuttal comes. 

June 2013, following the hoopla that accompanied the abrogation of the Boko Haram sect by the Jonathan Administration, Punch newspaper published a story titled "North kicks against a ban on B’Haram, Ansaru." And it was widely read.  Not because of the content of the story per se, but for the dominant comment accompanying the story. 

I wasn't a fan of President Jonathan; nevertheless, when he proscribed the Boko Haram sect and declared a state of emergency in Adamawa, Yobe, and Borno State, I wrote a piece on the same subject, calling on Nigerians to ignore Mallam El'rufai and Retired General Buhari incendiary comments, and rally round our President. I sent the essay to some major newspapers and Sahara Reporter, but they declined to publish.

So, when Punch's story came, "North kicks against a ban on B’Haram, Ansaru," I saw an opening for me and an opportunity to publish my views unedited. I cut and pasted my story verbatim in the commentary box of Punch's story. And I signed it as Nonaligned Progressive (I didn't use my name). The moment my piece appeared at the commentary box, it became the major story, supplanting the original story by the Punch newspaper.  My comment received more than 100 thumbs-up and more than 400 comments - all of them, endorsing my views. 

Given the massive positive response to the essay for an extended period, I anticipated a response from either the Arewa Conservative Forum Group or an academics from Bayero University. A few days later, the rebuttal came. Not from Bayero or from the ACFG. But from Mallam Nuru Ribadu, at a speech he delivered to a certain student union group at ABU, Zaria. And the focus was on TYRANNY. 

First, let's revisit the word, tyranny as used in my essay and then as used by Mallam Nuru Ribadu in his rebuttal. 

This is the concluding paragraph of my essay, dwelling on "tyranny."  

"As Professor Wole Soyinka would say, “the man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny.” If the Borno occupation by the sect is not a tyranny, I wonder what it is. Therefore, all of us must stand with the President and support our Military in their collective commitment to liberate the supposedly free people of southern Kaduna, Plateau, Borno, Yobe, and of Adamawa State from the siege and grip of the Boko Haram sect." Alex Aidaghese.

And here is Mr. Ribadu at his speech at ABU a few days later, addressing "tyranny" a few weeks later. 

The tragedy of our democracy is that it is one in which the yearnings of the youth are stamped down in order to perpetuate a tyranny of interests. Tyranny it is when a certain slim range of people impose their private interests on the majority; tyranny it is when the agents of change are left on the cliffs of unemployment, poverty, insecurity, substandard education and, worse still, policies destroyed by our heritage of corruptions.”   - Nuru Ribadu.

Dr. Rueben Abati, the Press Secretary to Mr. President, thought Mr. Ribadu was talking to his boss, and he went ballistic on poor Ribadu, lobbing uppercut on him from left to right. But like the thousands of other Southern intellectuals and commentators, he was missing in action on the real issue. 

Now a few instances from America. 

About twelve years ago, I used the word "neophyte" in the same sentence to describe the way this gentleman handles a certain important national matter. And that evening the gentleman, was in the news. At a well-televised press conference, he alluded to the term, neophyte as he was tagged by some people earlier in the day, but went ahead to explain the reason for his action. That discussion was just between me and a friend on this same Wall. No one else was involved. Beginning from that day, I came up with zero tolerance for obscenity or abusive words by anyone when responding to my comments or responding to other commentators. I came up with that decision because I am writing for a global audience and the majority of them are not even on my friends' list. 

The second instance was during the 2012 US Presidential election. After the publication of "OBAMA: Citizen United, Invisible Resistance, and the Hacking of American Democracy" on June 08, 2012, I decided to take a break from writing or commenting on the looming US Presidential election. I took that decision when I realized that each time I post a comment on my Facebook Wall or on my Blog, Republicans would flip the argument immediately to the advantage of their candidate. Upon that realization, I went on a timeout. 

However, one faithful morning, I acted contrary to the oath, when I came upon a discussion on a friend's Wall centered on the absence of religious factors in the Presidential campaign and debates. I stated in a brief post that, but for the fact that Governor Mitt Romney the Republican candidate is a strong member of the Mormon Faith, Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition (a conservative group) would have turned the campaign into a religious show, smearing President Obama ignominiously. To my utter disbelief, what took place immediately was the most daring exercise in talking points rebuttal. 

That afternoon the Republican campaign team, flew Mr. Ralph Reed from his base in Atlanta or wherever he was at the time to Washington DC. He appeared at a joint press conference with Mr. Ryan, who was Mr. Romney's presidential running-mate, and use the opportunity to label President Obama anti-Christ, amongst other disparaging epithets. It was disgusting and unbecoming of a religious figure of national repute. It is another way of saying, bring it on, Mr. Alex, we are watching you. We can inject religion into the debates and campaign and label your candidate satanically of we want, I watched the press conference in total amazement, but at the same time, marveled at the American pristine sense of partisanship during an election. (Please, what happened or is happening between President Donald Trump and the President-Elect, Mr. Joe Biden is an aberration. It should not be used to define or gauge American democratic values).

Finally, a few years ago, I published an essay that would likely take about ten to fifteen minutes to skim or peruse. And the moment it was posted, some dude was already liking it. How? I just shared it! I reasoned out loud. I went to his messager and unleashed a catapult: Do Not Do it Again, Buddy, you are not doing me a favor or conferring any bankable honor or benefit on me by clicking on the "like" button. Do yourself a favor, read it and learn something new. Alternatively, read it to broaden or alter your perspectives on the subject matter. That is how intellectualism is made. It is about you, the audience, not the writer. And certainly not the number of likes or debates. I know who you are. Who you are writing for. And what you are writing about. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Good morning, Mr. Garry. 

Please, this is a follow up to our telephone conversation last night regarding the process of name search, reservation, and registration with the CAC. 

First step: You pick a name

 (1) Ishan Agenda Worldwide

Second step: You add two other similar names as required by the CAC. 

(1) Ishan Agenda Worldwide.

(2) Ishan Agenda Worldwide Development Forum

(3) Ishan Agenda Wordwide Networks. 

Third step: Your lawyer file the three names with the CAC for the purpose of one, name search, and two, reservation of the name. 

Fourth Step: CAC will send you a letter, indicting the name the aailable name out of the three names that you submitted. And you have 60 days to use the name.

Fifth Step: Your Lawyer will publish the name with about three Newspapers. And the publication will include the names of your BoT members and their addresses.

Six Step: After about 28 of the publication of the name in Newsapers, your Lawyer will formally file the application for the registration of the name with the CAC.

Please, as I suggested at the meeting yesterday, ensure that the three names that you send to the CAC, are similar. In other words, ensure that the two additional names are closely related to the first one, because you don't know the one the CAC is going to pick. 

Thank you.

Alex Aidaghese

The Coup False Narrative in the Persecution of the EndSARS Peaceful Protesters. 

The EndSARS peaceful protest was televised live. And the shooting and killing of the participants at Lekki Toll Gate were televised live. What was not so revealing, and still unresolved, was who ordered the armed Military men out of Bonny Camp to attack the peaceful protesters? Governor Sanwo Olu of Lagos State has vehemently and unequivocally denied contacting the army or having a hand in the bloody attack on the peaceful protesters. The question remains: who did? 

The attack on the protesters at Abuja as well as the burning of private vehicles were televised live. And there is overwhelming evidence to support the conclusion that the attacks and the vandalization of private properties were organized by the Presidency. And most disturbing, was that the attackers used government vehicles. These are not allegations or figment of once imaginations. There are tons of videos available in the public showing the deployment of ground troops.

A few days after the brutal attack on the EndSARS peaceful protesters, the Northern Governors had an emergency meeting in Kaduna, Kaduna State. Unexpectedly, the communique issued after the end of the meeting stated unequivocably that the protest was calculated to remove President Buhari from office. Another Treasonable Felony Trial in the Making. And a few days after the meeting of the Northern Governors, the Police Force issued a stern warning that it will not tolerate another protest from the same group. So, who is taking decisions that are binding on Nigerians? Northern Governors? 

Following the release of the communique, there is a dramatic change in the handling of peaceful protesters in Nigeria. Today, those who are directly or remotely connected with the EndSARS peaceful protest are targets and enemies of the state, thus contending dangerously with arrest and forfeiture of a private bank account. Only in Nigeria. When was that decision taken? On what ground are you prosecuting them? If I may add, President Buhari and Mallam El'Rufai were regulars in protest match during President Goodluck Jonathan. And not even once did they suffer assault, arrest, or prosecution. 

So, to my Nigerian commentators, if you don't know, I want you to know right now: The Buhari Administration, his cabal, the Ministry of Justice, and the Northern Governors are treating the EndSARS peaceful protest as a failed civilian coup. I repeat, they are treating it as a coup by you to remove President Buhari, a Northerner, from office. 

Southern Governors should wake up. Nigerians should wake up. Men and women of conscience should wake up. What they are doing to the peaceful protesters is illegal and unheard of. It has a semblance of the Treasable trial felony of Chief Obafemi Awolowo and his Action Group men. A trial and incarceration that planted the seeds of the 1966 military coup.

The cowardice, ignorance, and disinterestedness that Nigerians exhibited when Gideon Orkar and his fellow coup plotters were sentenced to death post-trial are at play once again, today. EndSARS protesters did not carry arms against the state like coup plotters. The EndSTARS peaceful protesters did not vandalize Lekki Toll Gate. They did not touch government properties at Abuja. Government hired tugs did. 

So, the prosecuting of those involved in the protest and the seizure of their bank accounts must be condemned by Nigerians in the strongest term. We must call an end to it. The right of the people to protest against oppression is an inherent right and a fundamental attribute of human existence. Enough is enough. Southern Governors should speak up. Northern Governors are not above the law. And we know where lies the grundnorm. This is a page from a conquest theory and apartheid regime.  

Friday, November 13, 2020


Martin Lurther Kink Jr. was a Christian and a Baptist Minister. He couldn't stomach the state-sponsored inequality that cast his people unworthy of the protection of the state and denial of basic human rights. And he took his demands for racial tolerance and equal rights and justice to the streets of America and to the National Mall in Washington DC. Besides the "Sermon on the Mount" by Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the "I Have A Dream" speech by Martin Lurther King Jr. remains the most memorable speech by any leader in the history of the human race. Just the way Jesus Christ went to the Temple to confront the merchants who turned his Father's House of Worship into one of bargain and exchange, for money changers, and hawkers of influence, Martin Lurther King Jr. went on a match from Selma-to-Montgomery. All for his people to be free. You are not more special than these two.

Jesus Christ didn't wait for or look up to their Roman Colonia Masters to prevail on the Pharisees and Sadducees or for Pontius Pilate to remind him that he is the King. And Jesus Christ did not ask for the protection of the followers of His teaching (who will later be called Christians for the first time in Antioch). He took the fight to the enemies. And even at the point of death, he stood his ground. And he was peaceful. Martin Luther King  Jr. took the fight to the National Mall and to the enemy's territories. And he was peaceful. Where is your peaceful protest?

Today, you would rather dwell on what men and women do in the privacy of their own home than to talk about poverty, inequality, disease, bad roads, the poverty of ideas ravaging our leadership structure, nepotism, the killing of peaceful and unarmed protesters at Lekki Toll Gate, the humongous salaries and wages of the members of the National Assembly, the massive disconnect between Abuja and Nigerian reality, as well as the obscene emptiness of Aso Rock. And you are waiting for President Donald Trump to fight your fight. 

Black Life Matters was a global crusade. How many of you in your church in Nigeria or your idolized and hero-worshiped evangelists in the US spare a second to empathize with the movement or condemn the heartless killing of Trayvon Martin or George Floyd? Too pedestrian to worth your while.

They told you that he was going to send American Military Forces to protect Nigerian Christians in Nigeria. Really! The last time that I checked, Nigerian is a sovereign nation. Two, American President does not have the power to suo mo tu send Military Forces to another country. Even if he does, Nigeria is not like the Vatican where the population of the faithful is in a bounded area. Which makes the expectation logistically untenable and the lie, too juvenile.

There is a popular video by Rev. Fr. Oluoma Chinenye John that made the rounds on Facebook and WhatsApp a few months ago, calling on Nigerian men and women of God as well as Muslims to match to Eagle Square at Abuja. How many of you crying captivity since the US Presidential election share the video on your Wall? I did three times. 

Fight your own fight, gentlemen. Stop waiting for heroes in the wrong places. Emancipate yourself from the mental hijack of Chief Femi-Fani Kayode and the sophistry of my fellow Esan brother, Pastor Chris Oyakhilomen. Please, take the bull by the horn - you know who your enemies are. CALL THEM BY NAMES. Stop speaking in tongues about them in your places of worship. 

Do you know what would happen if 20% of you match to Eagle Square at Abuja and take the STOP THE KILLING OF CHRISTIANS CAMPAIGN directly to President Buhari and the cattle merchants and land grabbers who are sponsoring and arming the killers? President Donald Trump can't do that for you. He didn't promise that, either. The UN can only condemn it, but they can't fight the fight for you. You have the manpower, you have the resources, and you have the means. Fight your battle. 

Please, take a page from the works of our Lord Jesus Christ and Martin Luther King Jr., their audacity, selflessness, and the no-hold-barred chastisement of the political system that peprpetuates un-Godliness, inequality, and man inhumanity to man. And free your mind of the escapism of some of our evangelicals that is holding you hostage. You are clothing somebody in a borrowed robe that he didn't even bargain for. 

And if I may ask, are you more Christian than your folks in the States? And does it matter to you that not even 1% of them espouse your views about the US Presidential election and the candidates? They sold you a dummy and you fell for it under the spell of prophesying. Now that your prophecy did come true, you are blaming the gods. Come on brethren, the gods are not to blame. Blame it on your naivete, ignorance of the facts on the ground that you are not familiar with, and the false narrative you concocted to hoodwink your gullible followers. 


It is NOT about Dangote. It is about the system that creates the absurdity. Nigerians should Debate the system in light of the absurdity and similar occurrences, and not Dangote per se. If 25% of the social media hours that Nigerians devoted to debating Biden vs Trump are devoted to debating the anomalies that encapsulate closure of our borders, Abuja will consider a rethink or review the measure by now. Cattle Colony was not taken off the table because the faceless authors of the policy at the Ministry of Agriculture consider it repugnant. It happened because you said no - NOT in my backyard. So, my friends, it's time we - individually and collectively - rethink and rebel against our capacity for tolerance. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sir, how do you factor in the success story recorded by the Chadian troops who invaded Nigeria and killed thousands of the Boko Haram sect about a year ago as well as the near annihilation of the sect recorded by Lt. Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika (Rtd) before he was removed by President Jonathan as CAS into your clueless treatise? I still remember vividly the threat from Mr. El'Rufai to bundle Ihejirika before the World Court at the Hague for a war crime prosecution. So, my friend, I firmly believe that there are ample proofs to support the conclusion that the Boko Haram scourge is surmountable. If we remove the appeasement factor and be willing to deal with the sect as enemy combatants, and wage a true war of conquest reminiscent of the 1967/70 civil war, the sect will not last more than a month in the hands of Nigerian troops. 

I am of the opinion that President Buhari and those managing the war against the sect, cherish the life of the sect more they cherish the life of the Nigerian men and women they are sending to the war front to fight. The "fifth columnists, or saboteurs that we cannot easily identify" are within the leadership of the Nigerian Armed Forces. The first start is for President Buhari to sack the Service Chiefs. Then, the entire leadership of the Nigerian Armed Forces MUST reflects Federal Character. By Federal Character, it goes beyond Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa. What about Officers from the minority tribes? I recommend that the President appoint a minority Officer as the Chief of Army Staff and another minority to be in charge of recruitment and head of the frontal attack against the sect and insurgent terrorizing the North Central region.

Truth is, on the war against the sect, I don't trust President Buhari and all the President Men in charge of the war. A picture of the cadaver or of a dead Boko Haram sect irritates them. And that explains the enormity of the vituperation unleashed by Mr. El'Rufai and Gen. Buhari when President Goodluck Jonathan and Lt. Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika were fighting the sect. In other words, ethnic and religious factors are real. Unless we are willing to accept that premise, the theory of cluelessness in the war against the set will continue to gain traction and we will continue to waste the precious lives of those we are sending to fight our war, and depleting our hard currency on unserviceable weapons in the process.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Southern Intellectuals and the Perils of Intellectual Absentia: A Review of Governor Fayemi's Speech at Arewa House, Kaduna on October 31, 2020.

A few years ago, Governor El'Rufai came to Lagos for a conference and he took the opportunity to lecture Lagosians on how to overthrow a godfather. It made major headlines at the time. It still does today. And no one is in a hurry to forget the speech. A few days ago, however, Dr. Fayemi, the Governor of Ekiti State, was invited to Kaduna by the "Centre for Historical Documentation and Research (Arewa House), Kaduna", as the 2020 speaker. And thanks to Governor El'Rufai of Kaduna State, I reproduced the speech verbatim and my Wall.

In the past few days, I searched for the speech on WhatsApp groups and on Facebook to see if it is making the rounds as usual, but nothing pop up. Hate him or love him, when Governor El'Rufai went to Lagos to lecture them on how to overthrow a godfather, it wasn't for the fun of it or because he so much loves Lagosians. It was in the fulfillment of work in progress, of power grab at the center that he envisioned, and to demystify a major challenger ahead of time.

So, when Dr. Kayode travel to Kaduna to drum the overdue concept of True Federalism and equitable sharing formula of our natural resources into the ears of the Arewa Power Brokers, one expects the public affairs analyst of the Southern intelligentsia elite to give it the same wide coverage they gave Governor El'Rufai's sermon on the demolition of a godfather? Chances are that they didn't see or read the essay or that it is too long to worth their while or data/wifi usage.

First, most Southern public affairs commentators, lack, or highly deficient in the proper True Federalism or Restructuring narrative, and when they see one who does, they're easily distracted, or simply believe he has nothing to teach me.

Show me another Southerner in government today, who, in recent times, had the audacity or the intellectual wherewithal to dwell on Restructuring and power-sharing formula as vigorously and extensively as Governor Fayemi did a few days ago in Kaduna State? It is not just that he did or that he did it vigorously, but for the fact that he took the message to the major adversaries of True Federalism. They have a team and they speak in one voice and take a stand. We assemble a team on an Adhoc basis and we are not adept at fighting to win. We give press conferences without taking a stand. And that's why what we have and who we are as a nation-sate are the true definitions of what they want.

First, we must learn to cherish creditable work when we see one. Until we learn to embrace others and take concrete steps to overcome our Mr. Know It All Syndrom, we will not be able to garner a concerted synergy to wage a formidable battle for the culmination of what we truly want out of the geographical expression called Nigeria.

Please, find below, some excerpts from "UNFINISHED GREATNESS: Towards a More Perfect Union in Nigeria." Text of the Address by His Excellency, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, CON Governor, Ekiti State, Nigeria and Chairman, Nigeria Governors’ Forum on the 50th Anniversary of the Centre for Historical Documentation and Research (Arewa House), Kaduna, Nigeria | Saturday, October 31, 2020

"Precisely because we have refrained from heeding the wise counsel of Shehu Usumanu Dan Fodiye in his book Bayan Wujub al-Hijra “One of the swiftest ways of destroying a State is to give preference to one particular tribe over another or to show favour to one group of people rather than another.” Reading through the research conducted by the Arewa Research Development Project, one of the foremost, contemporary research projects in Northern Nigeria, I was struck by the conclusion on one of the research projects, “In the contemporary world, issues of nation-building are increasingly being centred around citizenship rights and equality in accessing these rights, special and conscious efforts to safeguard minorities and disadvantaged groups, gender equality in political and socio-economic spheres of a nation, protection of cultural assets….” These are indeed conditions that will ensure political integration and progressive development."

"The evolution of Nigeria’s federalism has not served our best interests and it is not surprising that there have been protests and attempts at constitutional reengineering. Two prominent examples were the 2005 Constitutional Reform Conference convened by President Obasanjo’s administration and the 2014 National Conference at the instance of President Jonathan’s. In the two conferences, one recurrent and topical issue remains how to remake and allocate powers and resources."

"However, the truth is that in a democratic dispensation, roots and branch structural changes (like region or state creation) would appear to be unrealistic as we cannot easily go back to the pre-1966 regional structure nor is the 54 federating units proposal of the 2014 conference realistic, no matter the appeal or attraction. Rather, our preoccupations should be, how can we better organize, mobilize, and collaborate for the inevitable task of stability, nation-building, and economic productivity?"
"Even at that, the more contentious parts of our quest for a more perfect union resonates/revolves around devolution of powers – that is, re-allocation of powers and resources and reconfiguring the country’s federating units. The reasons for this are not far-fetched. First, long years of military rule have produced a concentration of powers and resources at the centre to the detriment of the federating units. Two, the 1999 constitution, as has been argued by several observers, was hurriedly put together by the departing military authority and was not a product of sufficient inclusiveness. Part of the focus of the reconfiguring exercise should be: what items should remain on the exclusive legislative list and which ones should be transferred to the concurrent and residual lists? Other topical issues include derivation principle; fiscal federalism and revenue allocation; land tenure, local government creation, and autonomy; etc."
"Again, in arriving at a position on what ought to be in the quest for a more perfect union, I wish to further say that my sentiments are more associated with strengthening the sub-national units in the re-allocation of powers and resources. The assignment of functions that would be consistent with a devolved but strengthened federal system would have a short, exclusive federal list focusing on national defence and security, macroeconomy, foreign affairs, customs, and excise; joint responsibility in respect of certain functions that are currently assigned exclusively to the federal government (for example, internal security and policing) and primary responsibility of the sub-national governments in respect of the other functions in the second schedule of the 1999 constitution whilst the remaining powers devolve to states."
"On revenue collection and sharing, the position of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum bears restating. It is that the sharing formula should be reviewed in favour of the states, especially given the argument of devolved responsibilities to the sub-nationals. In the context of the proposed new Federal structure, Governors’ have argued for a formula along the lines of 42% to states, 35% to the Federal, and 23% to Local Governments."
"Remaking Nigeria through the devolution of powers and re-organisation of the federating units is an idea whose time has come. To quote Professor Attahiru Jega, again,, “by working hard and rationally, scientifically, to remove all the distortions in our federal system, we would have a better functioning federation with only states as federating units; with a conscious commitment to zonal cooperation among contiguous states, with local governments subsumed under states…with substantial devolution of power, responsibilities, and resources from the federal government to the states, and with mechanisms of ensuring greater equality of opportunity for all and affirmative action for the inclusion of the marginalised, minorities and groups discriminated against in the country…”[Jega:2017]"

"Equity, fairness, and justice are imperatives of a prosperous and progressive society. Peace is definitely not the absence of conflicts within a polity but indeed the presence of social justice. Excellencies, Royal Highnesses, Distinguished Guests, I leave you with another famous quotation from Shehu Usmanu Dan Fodiyo which I understand had been the guiding principle of Sardauna’s leadership style in life. In his book, Bayan Wujub al-Hijra, the great Islamic reformer said “A kingdom can endure with unbelief, but it cannot endure with injustice.” May we have the courage and the conviction to confront injustice in our country. I thank you for listening."
Dr. Kayode Fayemi, CON
Governor, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Chairman, Nigeria Governors’ Forum
Kaduna, Nigeria
October 31, 2020.

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