Thursday, December 29, 2022


The world liked and loved him, but he didn't like himself. I used to have his pictures all over my wall at the university, and I idolized him endlessly and unconditionally. He was the best there was in dancing and entertainment, and the World loved him for the love he gave. The "Off The Wall" Album's picture was the best we had of him. He had problems with the looks and colours of the man in the mirror. All the skin disease excuses are not tenable. There was nothing wrong with his nose; he bruised and battered it trying to make it look like that of his friend, Elizabeth Taylor. He had numerous battles with nature. Thus, allowing Sony Music to accelerate his death. They had a $25,000.00 weekly paid Medical Doctor by his bedside who regulated his sleeping and waking up with the aid of gas. Even when Sony Music knew that the man they were milking and filming and recording was dead walking, they didn't take him to a regular hospital. They kept "knocking him out" with artificial devices to sleep and waking him up at their regulated time. They succeeded in isolating him from his friends and immediate family members. And the man died when nature went on holiday.

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