Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama: The Second Coming and the Consolidation of Hope

A Decisive Win and a Decisive Mandate!

President Obama won a second term of four years – winning the Electoral College Vote and the National Popular Vote counts with a clear margin for a popular MANDATE as we rightly projected a few days ago. This is realpolitik, and no doubt, a vindication and strong endorsement of President Obama and what he stands for. No one can deny that or take that away from him. 

Congratulations, Mr. President. You deserve it. And American people deserve the best of you and your highly esteemed team. As you take charge once again over the Oval Office, I wish you and your lovely family the very best in the next four years and beyond in all your endeavours. Therefore, let the Transformation be Televised for a better tomorrow, without undermining the interest and struggle of the middle-class and the less privileged in the larger society. That is the mandate and that is the message.

The Winner and the Loser!

Democrats gain more seats to take a majority in the Senate. 

President Obama won the National Popular Vote and the Electoral College Vote counts decisively for another term of four years as we rightly projected a few days to the election - November 1, 2012.

Senator Mitch McConnell: he will never be the Senate President. Not now. And not anytime soon. Government is not the problem. The Mitch McConnells of this World are. Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey and President Obama's collaboration during the Sandy onslaught is testamentary to Obama's innate zeal to lead passionately, without regard to political differences. 

It takes leadership and greatness to compromise. Leadership is not about hatred and perfection of intransigence; it is about building consensus and delivering on the promise made to voters. President Obama is not running for another term, Senator Mitch McConnell, you are. Your advertised goal and unsuccessful attempt to make President Barack Obama a one-term President and its attendant ideological gridlocks in the Senate, as well as the setbacks suffered by the American people in the process will always remain the major chapter in your life as the Republican Minority Leader of Senate during President Obama first term in office.  Be careful of what you wish your enemy. I will come back to this later.

To Governor Romney, you fought a good fight and I must praise you for bringing elevator-pitch insight into the campaign. The humane poise you brought into the debates was really disarming. In the end, the better candidate won. You would have been better off, without pandering to Right-wings irredentists and talk heads on TV and Radio parading as strategists and pundits propagating hatred and the hackneyed "government is the enemy" baloney. Indeed, that hogwash worked in the past, but not in this new World where no one and no institution has control over nature or weather conditions. 

And to my Republican friends, this is the moment of truth - the moment to contrive a new definition for "conservatism" or "limited government." It ought to be about basic ideological principles and beliefs. But now, it is something else - it is about hatred. It is about abhorrence of those people, the party with contrary views. It is about the annihilation of President Obama and all that he stands for, even if they are in consonance with your once-held beliefs. 

It is no longer about the people, their welfare, their healthcare or their educational advancement, or their job. And it is certainly not about the pursuit of happiness any more. 

It is now more about what other people do in their bedrooms and how they desire to live their lives. Yet, Republicans and Tea Party apologists want the government out of their lives. What a contradiction. Heal yourself first, my friends. You are the loser in this election. And your brand is stale, to put it mildly.

Our Involvement!

Our involvement in the election was motivated by passion and love for a President who wants to do well for his people, but who the Mitch McConnell of American politics and reactionary TV Anchors boasted to frustrate out of office. Their plan was to destroy him from his very first day in office. Yes, He is a BRODA and I love Him. Who fight Him fight Me. His defeat by Governor Romney would have been very devastating to me - psychologically of course - as a Black man. It is about Black Pride because the disdain from Republican members of Congress borders on who he is - a black man. It has nothing to do with him being a Democrat.

Indeed, they resented President Clinton. But they never ever chorus or pray for him to fail as a President. They never like him, but they work with him. Americans must have forgotten that President Obama did offer to walk with them and invited them to the Oval Office, but they never really considered him worthy of their attention as a member of a superior race. (If you happen to be reading this and you are of a different race, please do not take it personally; I am only painting a true picture of what Republic Members of Congress - all White men - did to President Obama in collaboration with Fox News Network. It was all about "I want him to fail"). 

Yes, they played the race card and tried every trick in the book to impede his second-term run. Our message on this Blog was direct and specifically tailored to fore-stall that occurrence. In the final hours, our projection was 100% accurate - a decisive Electoral College vote and a decisive National Popular vote count. See OBAMA Will Win Decisively, posted November 1, 2012.

In the end, righteousness prevailed over shenanigans, and evil machinations suffered fatal blows. And Senator Mcconnell's obstructionism and four years of vicious attacks on President Obama became his WATERLOO. Senator Mitch McConnell: YOU ARE THE MAIN LOSER IN THIS ELECTION. 

We came, we saw, we conquered! It was a war worth fighting. And we soak it in with passion, believing that it is a noble undertaken deserving total commitment.

In the end, the President got the people's mandate on a clean slate. He has no third term in sight. This is the time to implement the changes we all champion. He's already been rated "Great President" and history will be kind to him. 

As always, I am overwhelmingly optimistic that the next four years will be one of unmatched possibilities and accomplishments - something to remember by history and future generations.

Now is the time to move the country forward. And it is time Republican members of Congress do the right thing - come to the centre and collaborate with the President to transform our beloved country for a better future for the next generations. 


Despite everything, African countries are developing faster than you can imagine: they need your support and they want to know that you care. Not necessarily because you are a part of the soil, the rich culture and land of the Greats, but because you are the leader of the free World. State-Visit is important, highly important, but continuous phone calls and contacts by any means necessary with Presidents and Heads of Government in the continent, and reminding them about the sanctity of human life, liberty, and the need to embrace accountability and glasnost, will go a long way to stabilizing the continent politically and economically. It is worth doing, Mr. President. Africa is moving forward and we need you by any means possible.


Finally, Mr. President, the mandate is overwhelmingly all-encompassing. Therefore, let the transformation be televised. Changing Washington takes courage and audacity. It requires consensus and collaborative engagement knowing that there are members of Congress and other interest groups with different views and belief systems. Be that as it may, you are the President-elect - you have the vote and you have the mandate. This is your time. If Americans had wanted changes other than those that you stand for and campaign about, they would have voted differently. Reflect, Mr. President. Reflect. For the second time to be better than the first, you must not forget the slogan: "Moving Forward." And for the "Moving Forward" to be meaningful and worth remembering it must be well-encompassing (not leaving anyone behind), bold and audacious (not allowing naysayers and obstructionists to impede the momentum and derail the dream) and it must transcend every gamut of American ageing institutions (the need for innovation cannot be overemphasized).  

Stay blessed and stay strong. We love you. The World loves you. And God loves you more.

Alex Ehimhantie-Aiyo Aidaghese

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