Thursday, February 28, 2013


Mr. Bob Woodward is a well-known Journalist and a highly respected and influential author – writing books about Washington, the Presidency and those that make America what it is in terms of power and influence. That the term “sequestration” has gained tremendous notoriety in recent times in American polity, especially in the pundit market, is not by accident - Bob Woodward. My first encounter with Bob Wood Ward was through a non-fiction book I bought at the now defunct Kingsway Store near Down Town Benin City in Edo State, Nigeria in early-eighties. If I remember correctly, the book was titled “The Greatest Election of the Eighty.” It was about President Nixon, President Reagan's campaign and election,  and the Water-Gate Scandal. Since then, I have come to hold Mr. Bob Woodward and Mr. Carl Bernstein in the highest esteem, believing that they are forces to reckon with in the media field. 

Sequestration is not a frequently used vocabulary. Nevertheless, it has become the most popular word in American lexicon due to Republican intransigence and uncompromising resolve to frustrate and derail the President second term agenda. It is a continuation of the war they couldn't win at the poll. The impasse, this time, is unresolved because the President is not willing to be hoodwinked once again by Republican members of congress the way they did in 2010, when they successfully tied extension of unemployment benefits for displaced workers with the extension of President Bush Tax Cuts for the rich. 

It doesn't take rocket science to understand that an economy that is going through a slow, but steady growth, needs continuous funding, sustained capital infusion and spending to engender stability and sustainable growth. It is about raising revenue and vigorous investment in infrastructural development and technological innovation in order to stimulate growth and enhances job creation. Rather, Republican members of Congress are pushing for austerity package: Tax cuts for those who don't need them, and at the same time, demanding across the board cuts in public spending to be able - in their view - to reduce deficit and balance the budget. Theoretically, such measures may sound enticing, but in real world, it stagnate economic growth. And the most vulnerable are the same people who voted these tax cuts obsessed gentlemen into office to represent their interest. 

I do not want to delve into the nitty-gritty of  sequestration or the history of its entrance into our taxation and revenue raising mechanisms. Suffice it to say that as originally contrived, it was meant to keep the economy moving - a stop-gap measure that was necessitated by the uncompromising resolve of GOP to spite the President. 

My intervention this time is prompted solely by the involvement of Mr. Bob Woodward in the whole picture. The ongoing campaign of calumny and the antagonistic posture of Mr. Woodward is extremely offensive, to say the least. It has the potential to create undue distractions in the polity with devastating impacts on the President economic expansion drive. This is a drag; the proposals on the table are consistent with the promise made to the voters during the last election. 

So, it was not by accident that the contentious sequester deliberation took a dramatic turn for the worse following Mr. Bob Woodward media blitz. According to news report quoting Bob Woodward, "the aide yelled at me for about a half hour, ... and then followed up the tirade with an email." "I apologize for raising my voice in our conversation today,” the official wrote Woodward. “You’re focusing on a few specific trees that give a very wrong impression of the forest. But perhaps we will just not see eye to eye here. … I think you will regret staking out that claim.”

It is a known fact that Mr. Bob Woodward depends on inside information to write his books. Like it or not, President Obama has just begun his first year of his second term mandate. And Bob Woodward, who, going by tradition, relies on Staffs of the White House for inside information for his books cannot afford to dispense with that priceless privilege - unrestricted access to sensitive information at the White House. Unless, of course, he won’t be writing any book soon. A likely scenario that Mr. Bob Woodward cannot contend with. That, in my humble opinion, explains the nature of  "I think you will regret staking out that claim”, especially if subsequent facts debunk Mr. Woodward’s “claim.” 

Indeed, Mr. Woodward is an icon, a living legend. And no one can take that away from him. That he is making round the media houses and talking about the ills of sequestration is understandable. That he is doing so to apprise the media personalities of the threat from the White House aide, is to say the least, drab and uncharacteristic of our revered Columnist. The threat, “I think you will regret staking out that claim”, in the context in which it was used, simply implies potential ground for omission on the part of Mr. Woodward. 

So, to say it was a threat in terms of harm to Mr. Bob Woodward, and to warrant public outcry all over the place is absolute bunkum and a mischievous interpretation of facts. There are those who would waste no time pumping up and inflaming the already heated situation just to spurn Mr. Woodward into engaging on fruitless war of words with the White House. 

Anyone out there in the mood or contemplating on how to bring down this President should think again. Right now, everyone seems to have forgotten what the language was in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 among the extreme right: "We want him to fail", and "My goal is to make Obama a one term President." Every attempt was made to ensure that the comatose economy and job growth do not experience revival. All with a view to defeating the President at the 2012 Presidential election. That is over now. But what is most surprising is that at the moment, no one wants to give a thought to that ugly episode in our political history or stop to reflect on the situation on the ground that made sequestration a better option when made. It shouldn't be whose idea it was, but why it was germane it at the time, and to make it better.

To be continued. 

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