Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Interpreting the New Mandate in Nigeria!

President Buhari is quite familiar with the history and attributes of the first five or ten people that he recruited to work with him. And this is the invisible team. Something similar to a behind the scene team that I recommended on my Facebook Timeline the very month he was elected President of Nigeria.

The decision, therefore, about who is hired next or has been hired is the collective action of that invisible team - the first five or ten people. In other words, what becomes of the progressive dispensation or the change mandate is dependent on the state of mind of this invisible team recruited by the President and their subjective interpretations of Buhari's ideological state of mind. So, call it Buhari dispensation if you wish, but it is certainly no longer a progressive mandate.

From all indications, majority of those presently called to serve knew nothing about the struggle. They were comfortable living a different Nigeria - a constituent of the same decadence pleading for reform. And between us and them, it was, and still, a different world - a different reality.

I am spending my fifth month in Nigeria, and I have come to realize, disappointingly though, that Nigerian political leaders will never send their colleagues to jail for corrupt practices. They are birds of the same feather - they party together and they eat and wine together and fellowship together and fund religious projects together. Yes, religious project!

And no one is asking where the money is coming from. So, they (the politicians) would rather scheme on how to swindle the other guy out of power and office than scheme or collaborate with law enforcement agencies on how to send him to jail for stealing public funds.

Granted, this is an old story. former Governor Ibori, in the eyes of the Nigerian legal system, is a man of impeccable character. And to his own people, he is a "God sent" who abhorred corrupt practices and knew nothing about squandering of riches. But the court in the UK ruled otherwise.
oday, there are many Iboris in our midst - highly celebrated and revered by those they are grooming for the next phase.

Now, we can only weep for a stolen mandate whose course knows no Awo or Aminu; and for a dream whose fulfillment is now on trial, subject to no judge and no jury, but the whims of the king who remember no Sadat and dream not of a Murtala.

Hope and Pray

Weep not, brother; God did not give us the Niger Delta, the Plateau, the Ekiti, and the land that nurtured the ground nuts pyramids for us to grieve and wail uncomforted.

And I am hopeful. Yes, in spite of everything, I am hopeful - supremely confident that the future will be better than today. The expectation is high, and Pray the President cannot afford to disappoint the black race.

Debased or subservient the soul of our armed forces has become, you cannot overrule the evolvement of a Jerry. Nigerians are not oblivious of who stole what. And time is of the essence.

We cannot and must not watch, when it is apparent that you cannot recoup the stolen wealth from those you accused of culpability.

And on a lighter note:  To you my diaspora buddies, don't believe the hype about homecoming. Unless, of course, you have a ready job waiting for you. It is not easy penetrating the corridors of power in Naija.

Don't get me wrong; Nigerians are very loving and happy people, willing and ready to indulge you with sumptuous fish dinner unsolicited. But trust that there is neither apprenticeship nor sponsorship program for fish hunting.

And the recipe: forget it, broda. It is as elusive as your visa. So, grudge no one, but pray, pray brother, pray sister that your family members do not give up on you fast - feeding you and sustaining you until God knows when.

Alex Aidaghese
+234 (0) 708 695 1511

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