Thursday, January 7, 2021

The worst mental infliction or psychological torture you can subject yourself to is grieving over the assumption or rumor that your lady friend who you can't date, doesn't have the capacity to date, or in the position to date or marry is falling for or has a soft spot for another guy you have no cause to hate. I have seen so many good ladies losing out on quality relationships on the strength of the gossips or self-serving opinions of their trusted men friends or Pastors. 

Happy New Year, once again, my friend. Hope your family members are doing well.

My niece, Emiehi, told me that she came over to your office and that you gave her some money. Please, I want to thank you for your generosity. But the one thing you didn't realize was that with that money you gave her for her transportation, she was able to repair her phone and called me. She just told me that. And I want to thank you. My regards to brother Monday. By the way, you have a little sister those days, where is she? Hope all is well with her as well. 

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