Friday, May 28, 2021

Southern Youths: Making it to Europe on Shoe Strings.

What you are seeing on the video is the third stage of the voyage to the unknown by Southern Youths of Nigeria. (The video is no longer)

The first stage is surviving the harassment and extortion from the officials of the Nigerian National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEa), stationed at Oworo town, by the intersection of the Lagos-Ibadan-Ondno highway and Benin-Auchi-Okene road to Abuja.

The second stage is surviving the ferocious heatwaves of the Sahara Desert and the Janjawid Arab militia who navigate the Sahara Desert mercilessly, fishing for vulnerable voyagers to extort.

The third stage is the transit camps in Rabat, Algiers, and Tripoli. This is where you now come across a retinue of dubious Nigerian commission agents, working hand-in-hand with native swindlers, feeding helpless Nigerian travellers with bogus stories of the safest routes to Italy or Spain across the Mediterranean Sea. These agents are heartless and deadly. They would arrange for ill-serviced and ill-equipped boats for a treacherous journey they cannot guarantee. Most of the boats cannot survive mild currents and that explains the waves of incessant drownings you see every day across the Mediterranean Sea. 

The fourth stage is making it out to safety after surviving the Mediterranean Sea. And that's the video that you are watching now. 

I do not write this story for the fun of it or for entertainment value, but to show the Fulani Bandits and Kidnappers, reaping where they did not sow the travail and tribulations that Southern Youths contend with every day trying to make it out of Nigeria to Europe. The majority of them are university-educated, but they would rather die on the way trying to get out than remain here and suffer and die. 

Education is free in the North, but you would rather send your kids to the streets to become an Almajiri than send them to school where they can learn to read and write and have government jobs waiting for them. A luxury Southern youths do not enjoy. 

When they grow up, they turn ready reservoir of recruitment bonanza for recruiters who are recruiting Killer-Herders, Kidnappers, and Election Rigging Tools. How can you break the poverty circle, when Boko is forbidden? 

To Dr. Sheikh Gumi and all the Bandit, Herder-killer, and Kidnapper sympathizers, it is not an Eldorado in the South, this is just one example of what Southern youths go through to survive the perilous situation that your people plunge Nigeria into. 

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