Thursday, December 17, 2020

 Arewa and the Symbolism of Greed and Unfounded Fear of Domination.

Greed is a specificity of feudalism. The Propagation of religion and ethnic superiority cards (disinformation mechanisms) is rooted in the fear of regional domination (second colonization). That domination is a hoax. It is the survival instinct of all the Buharist Oligarchs of the North. The lies are not propelled by the love of the people. It has no moral component. And certainly not for the liberty or protection of the talakawas, the almajiris, or the toiling abokis of our world. President Buhari, a Northern Muslim, discontinued the Almajri Integrative Educational Initiative began by President Jonathan. That's a fact.

That punches holes in the fear of domination influenced by the lust for power. Economic freedom is rooted in educational or mental emancipation. No Southerner is interested in the colonization of the North. Northern Oligarchs and their overpampered and privileged intellectuals are the colonizers of the North. Consequently, complicating our economic development.

Northern intellectuals, the beneficiaries of the feudal culture, are the authors of Boko Haram's theory. So, before the birth of Boko Haram the terrorist group, there were sympathizers of that philosophy within the Northern academics. Simply put, the theory anchors on the alleged aversion of the western-style educational system by, presumably, all Northern children and their parents. That argument was deployed to fight the implementation of Free Education at all levels, proposed by the Obasanjo Military Government. It will widen the educational gaps between North and South, they argued.

Where are we today? The disappearance of Chibok Girls is chicken coming home to roost. The kidnapping of more than 333 students at a boarding High School in the Katsina State is chicken coming home to roost. The Buhari's rejection of the Almajiri Education Initiative is a continuation of the colonization of the North by the North. And the colonization of the North provides the bulwark, numerical strength, and the voting power to lord it over the entire country.

To move Nigeria forward, you must, first, tackle that religious lies, the race lies, and the colonization of the North by the South lies. You take of these three lies, you will be able to eliminate the census lies, and ultimately, stop the Oligarchs Buharists of the North from hijacking power at the center. They don't care who they recruit from the West, South-South, Middle Belt, or Southeast into public offices as long as they (the oligarchs) remain untouchable, mismanaging our resources and disgracing our armed forces before the world.

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