Friday, November 2, 2018

Kanye West: Contending With Supper Stardom and the Not So Real World of David Chappelle and Michael Jackson. Part One.

At the height of his glory at Comedy Central, David Chappelle, to the surprise of the American Entertainment Industry, left $55M on the table and worked away.
He eloped to South Africa, with nothing. He wasn't mad. But he ran away to evade the impending madness and health hazards ensconced in a lucrative financial package that had doomed so many a stars. And like Martin Lawrence, he lives to tell his story. Michael Jackson didn't. He couldn't say no to Sony Music and died in the process.
Sony Music stands in a better position to explain the circumstances surrounding the death of Michael Jackson. They didn't. They have "the last acts of Michael Jackson" on video. And with that, they're now sitting on top of a gold mine.
Sony Music embarked on a do or die video recording escapades of Michael Jackson and by Michael Jackson, purposely ignoring his rapidly deteriorating bodily organs. They had on standby an Oxygen gas tank and a $25,000.00 weekly earning Medical Doctor to package him alive for the show.
The Doctor was a Michael Jackson Regulatory Device - he knew when to put him to sleep and when to wake him up; when to proceed to the theatre and when to call it a day.
At that point in time, MJ was a walking zombie; alive courtesy of his Doctor. Sony Music milked Michael until the last drop of the natural blood in him was gone.
And MJ died so that Sony Music could get the best of its investments.
The Doctor was tried but found not guilty.
Sony Music was not culpable. They were simply investors and spectators who pull no trigger on MJ. But they knew he was surviving on drugs and gas ceaselessly administered on him by their highly remunerated standby Physician. It was All About the Benjamin. In the end, Sony Music walks away reacher. But not the legendary MJ.
Today, Kanye West is his own boss, unlike Michael Jackson and David Chappelle. He is in charge - in total control of the sources of his wealth. But his love life is in the public domain.
He is living a make-belief world and his bizarre performance of late creates rooms for concerns.
His Kardashian World is in a bubble - a world where no man has ever experienced sustainable sanity. Jenny is now a mere caricature. Odum's Basketball career came to a sudden end - a shyly looking gentleman is now having a recurring battle with drug addictions.
I am not stopping Kanye West from loving President Donald Trump. I am not stopping Kanye West from acting professorial. But if he must do so, he should first cultivate a reading habit. Kanye, you're not David Chappelle. His vocabulary is at a Ph.D. level.
He could crack the most sexist and racist jokes and his predominantly Caucasian audience would still laugh. Because he doesn't have problems with words.
Stop telling the history of Black Slavery, which you're apparently least prepared to teach. You have a limited grasp of the English Grammar. You're the opposite of Will Smith, LL Cool J, David Chappelle, Tupac, Clifford Joseph Haris Jr. also known as TI, and last but not the least, Curtis Jackson, popularly known as 50 Cent.
That you are a successful musician or a child prodigy as you claimed you are, doesn't make you a quality voice for the Black race. You have problems with books and you're intellectually barren.
Tupac was a communicator because he was a voracious reader. You're not. Indeed he was a gangster rapper, but he recorded "Brenda Got a Baby" and "Dear Mama", among other remarkable hits. And he knew Delore. He knew when to fight to protest his "trade" and when to speak for his community of color.
You're illiterate, brother. You're not educated. And you don't read. Borrow a page from David Chappelle and proceed on exile or stay out of the limelight momentarily. Saying you're going gaga is an understatement.

Wonderful interview with Dave Chappelle on Anderson Cooper 360. This is part one of 2.…

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