Saturday, March 14, 2020

Debating the Education and Emancipation of the Talakawas and the Almajiris: Before Alhaji Balarabe Musa, Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, and Baba Ahmed Joda, there was Mr. Alex Ehimhantie-Aiyo Aidaghese

THE INTEGRATIVE MODEL - March 31, 2012. 

The Integrative Model, as excerpted in this essay is not a complete document. It is a summary of one of the weekly speeches (papers) I delivered in my "Oral Communication: Business and Organizational" class in 2002 while completing my graduate studies at Harvard. The theme of the speech was how to overcome the economic ills and social deprivations underlying the application of Affirmative Action admission policy at most American Universities - a policy framework that is consistent with the fundamentals of the Nigerian Federal Character and Quota System. In my speech,  I supported both policies to the chagrin of my predominantly white audience, in spite of the fact that I was once a victim of the Quota admission policy in Nigeria. I argued that we should not eliminate the policies, repugnant as they seemingly are in the opinion of the victims, without first, eliminating, or at least, reducing the social inequalities and circumstances of birth that place some candidates at a position where they suffer entrenched economic, social, and academic competitive disadvantage over some other candidates. In hindsight, in the US, you could make the argument about the inherent social inequality (slavery and second-class status) to justify Affirmative Action admission policy, but in Nigeria, that is a complicated narrative to push. I hold this view believing that the educational and socio-economic gaps that led to the creation of the Federal Character and Quota System in Nigeria are self-inflicted - leadership crises. The fact being, in Nigeria, we never had the experience of the educationally advanced south colonizing or enslaving the educationally disadvantaged north the way White men oppressed and dehumanized black folks for centuries of slavery in the US. Anyway, intent on avoiding washing my country's dirty linen at a public forum, I deliberately ignored that distinguishing aspect between the American Affirmative Action and the Nigerian Quota Systems during my presentation and Q & A. Following the suggestions of the Assistant Professor who took the class, I expanded the Integrative Model to about Five thousand words, with details on the funding process and implementation mechanisms. Also, the segment on a handshake across the Niger between the real Progressives of the South and the Intellectual Mavericks of the North, covering a roadmap to capturing political power at the center was developed in 2011. For the purpose of records, an extended version of the Integrative Model is likely to be available at IBBs's Office or Library in Minna, Niger State. I will come back to this later as an addendum at the end of the essay.


Today, free education at all levels, though practicable, is an aberration at the national level, because Dr. Jubril Aminu now Professor (Senator) Jubril Aminu was of the view that a nationally implemented free education at all levels has the potential to escalate the already educational gap between the North and the South. In his own words: “In the Universities themselves, the Federal Government is now contemplating introducing free education. Whatever may be the merits of this considered step, its likely effect on the University population must be mentioned. It is going to result in an even greater imbalance in enrollment for the simple reason that at the moment, there are a fair number of highly eligible candidates for University education, mainly from the educationally advanced states, who unfortunately cannot enter University simply on financial grounds.” That was Professor Aminu in his memo, titled “Educational Imbalance: Its Extent, History, Dangers and Correction in Nigeria” when he was the Executive Secretary of the National University Commission. Please, permit me to break that down for you.

His ethnic-influenced logic was that a nationwide free education program implemented at the national level has the potential to balloon the already existing educational gap between north and south. His reason is that candidates from the "educationally advanced states, who unfortunately cannot enter University simply on financial grounds", will eventually be able to do so under the proposed free education program. He wasn't ecstatic about the likely benefits of the program to the North, but he was unduly concerned about the likely benefits to the South. It was his view that poor families in the north will not embrace the free education program at the same level as their poor southern colleagues. His reason was: the aversion of western culture and values by northerners. That was Dr. Aminu’s argument somewhere else in the memo, not mine. In other words, Boko, is indeed, Haram in the opinion of Dr. Aminu.

Based on that premise, he concludes that the idea of free education being contemplated by the government is not a national priority. And our federal military government bought and swallowed his retrogressive arguments hook, line, and sinker.  In other words, if free education policy is not good for the north that, unfortunately, needed it more than the south; it is considered not good enough for Nigeria at large. He was wrong. By the way, it was actually the same period that they removed the Federal Government subsidy on feeding by Nigerian University students. Remember the Ali Must Go student protest?

The truth is that the educational gap between the north and the south that people like Dr. Aminu wanted to bridge, by all means necessary, did not happen overnight in the south. It was made possible by the embrace of the teaching of the Christian Missionaries in the South - the integration of religious studies with the scholarly pursuit of Western education by the Ibos [Igbo or Ndigbo]. And the free education program of Action Group in the western region, as well as, the acceptance and embrace of Western culture and values side by side with the Yoruba creeds by the people of the old western region of Nigeria.

Dr. Aminu acknowledged these facts in his 53-page memo, rather than strive to give it a nationwide experiment, he demanded that the rest of the country stands still for the north to catch up, whether or not the northern political leaders were willing to embrace the same values and cultures that made educational advancement possible in the geographical south. And that is the tragedy of the Nigerian educational system, evading abatement or total elimination. 


That educational policy selfishly designed to frustrate poor southern families who couldn't afford school fees in the 70s is today, a boomerang before Dr. Aminu. It succeeded in creating generations of uneducated, easily manipulated religious extremists in his backyard – a cesspool for Boko Haram adherents and a recruitment reservoir for those who want to impose a state religion on the rest of us. 

What is required in the process is a coherent national policy at the elementary and secondary school levels, with the full support of the federal government, similar to what Action Groups and the Unity Party of Nigeria did in the Old Western Region and Bendel State. It was the same policy adopted in Kano State by the late Abubakar Rimi in the Second Republic – a grass-root popular educational initiative that won his administration a UNESCO Award. 

Boko Haram is chickens coming home to roost. A child growing up should have a home, a government that cares, and the opportunity to make a choice about what to make of every religious doctrine contrary to the arrested development phenomenon within the Muslim faith in the northern part of the country. 

There are Muslims within the Yoruba race; most of them are well educated, while others are reasonably trained. The same is true of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Indonesia, and Iran, just to name a few countries. Why must Northern Nigeria be an exception? It's about the opportunity gap and the leadership philosophy, specifically, on the educational agenda of those trusted with government power and responsibilities in the northern region. 

No matter the level of our understanding of the political, educational, and religious situation in the north, compulsory and free education for all children of school-going age from Elementary School to Grammar School level is the best way to go - it will go a long way in shaping the future of these abandoned children and how they embrace religious doctrine and distorted teaching


Education is a right, and it is the best investment in the life of a child. Religion is a choice and should be treated that way. In the northern region, the majority of the children have grown up to believe that religion, and not education, is a fundamental right; the way, the truth, and the only avenue to emancipation or salvation. 

A child capable of imbibing and reciting entire Quranic verses verbatim is capable of solving Quadratic Equations in a Mathematics class if he or she has the opportunity to take the class.  No matter how you look at it, it’s all about effort and the leadership that you have and what their views are on education, equal rights, and egalitarianism.

Also, the Quran does not forbid integration or teaching of English Language, Arithmetic, Social Studies, and Sciences simultaneously with Islamic studies. Christian Missionaries in the Eastern Region and the Western Region - before and after our independence - perfected the integration approach successfully. It encompasses the Bible on the right hand, then English, Mathematics, History, Civic, Agriculture and Social Sciences on the left hand. You can't beat that. 

The same can be replicated in the Northern region concerning religious studies side by side with western or popular education. The truth is you cannot force these children and their parents to send their wards to popular schools, but you can inculcate popular subjects or courses into their curriculum at the Islamic Learning Centers. In that case, the government will have to negotiate the modalities with the Imams and Sheiks who are managing those institutions. This paper is not by any means, arguing for the elimination of Islamic Schools. Rather, the government should work hand in hand with the proprietors of the Islamic Schools; upgrade the physical facilities and inculcate regular subjects or courses into their curriculum by bringing in additional teachers.

It is not too late to give it a try in the North and rescue these children from the stranglehold of feudal teaching that turned innocent souls into a carrier of IED and enemies of civilization. It's about the opportunity gap - accessibility.

We must not give up on educating these children because the informed citizenry is the most potent and decisive weapon against false beliefs and extorted indoctrination. No one would buy into the disproved belief in the North that western education is forbidden, if regular education was part of his or her adolescence.


There must be a distinction to be made between religious purity and survival instinct through purposeful engagement in the national economy. God and Allah help those who help themselves. That is a fact and not just a saying. Our Islamic scholars, teachers, and leaders should be willing to embrace changes and accept the fact that religious freedom is most ennobling when combined with economic and social emancipation.

For instance, Senator Sani Yerima, representing Zamfara West Senatorial District at the National Assembly, Nigeria, was the one who escalated the application of the Sharia Law in the Nigerian legal system, when he was the Governor of Zamfara State for eight years. While the Senator, with unrestrained shrewdness and bravado, devoted so much time and energy to amplifying religious indoctrination in his domain, regular or western education was left at the mercy of Imams and Sheikhs. 

If you must know, the cut-off points for candidates of Zamfara State origin at the yearly Unity School examination are as follows -  for the male, four points, and for the female, two points. Whereas, for most other candidates from other states in the same test, the cut-off marks are at least 120 to 130, depending on the educational level of the state in the regulatory brackets. And that is the state where Mr. Yerima was the Governor from 1999 to 2007 and has been a Senator at the Nigerian Senate ever since. 

Again, if you must know, Senator Yerima is not an ordinary man. He is well learned. He has a Master's degree in Economics from Bayero University, Kano State, Nigeria. In other words, he is highly abreast of the values of western education. While he chooses to make Sharia Law the envy of all faiths in his domain - and to the delight of the adherents of the Islamic religion - the educational system in his state pleaded un-heard for attention. 

Therefore,  the first step in bridging the educational gap between the Northern region and Southern region of Nigeria is to rein in on most of the State Governors and influential political leaders from the Northern region like Professor Jubrin Aminu to jettison their age-old feudal philosophy that perpetuates caste system.  

The current helplessness of the less privileged in the North is disgraceful and cannot be sustained for too long. Therefore, government intervention academically at the very early stage in the lives of the affected children should be encouraged. It will go a long way in shaping their perception and understanding of religion, its social and moral impacts, and the extent of its limitations in the context of economics – the creation, distribution, and consumption of wealth.



Surprisingly, and of course, more disappointingly, a substantial majority of contemporary northern intellectual class and the political elite groups who, no doubt, are the direct beneficiaries of feudal educational largess (full scholarship, lucrative and strategic job placement opportunities in government and in public sectors upon graduation), are now blaming the pervasive bombing campaign by the Boko Haram sect on poverty, marginalization, and revenue allocation disparity. Most disappointing is the fact that some of these privileged, educated elite groups do not suffer any equivocation when justifying Boko Haram's barbarism on every available social media regularly.

Problematic as that affinity (love fest between the sect and the intellectuals) seemingly is, it doesn't foreclose the need to negotiate to unite by and between the authentic southern progressives and the present generation of northern intellectuals because of overriding national interests.

But first, there must be a meeting of the minds on one fundamental issue - defeating the status quo. And that brings us to the thesis of this essay.


How do you make a change in a given society, when those who ought to be at the forefront of change [northern academics, mavericks, and intellectuals] are the direct beneficiaries of the policies [feudalism and class system] that made the call for change inevitable?

This is not an isolated or abstract academic puzzle - it is the real deal at the core of our political impasse as a nation-state. And it is the first hurdle that those of us (non-partisan real progressives from the South) who think one great Nigeria is not an illusion (a reality) must first overcome to develop a formidable framework for a genuinely progressive movement nationwide.

Here is my approach to the thesis.

In light of the current development in Nigeria, it is incumbent on the part of the vocal northern intellectuals to rebel in principle against the age-old oligarchy system of government prevalent in the northern region to collaborate with the progressives nationwide, to create a political culture that will stand the test of time and benefit everyone equally. 

Given the scale of unrest in the north, rebelling against the feudal philosophy that perpetuates the class system, becomes a moral obligation, because (1), it is the right thing to do given the level of discontent as well as the total disconnect between the nouveau riche and the talakawa. (2), the obscene wealth flowing to some individual families in the north from lucrative oil blocs appropriated during the past military regimes is more than necessary to develop the region, and (3), the unpredictable nature of the class warfare that will engulf the area and the spillover effect to the other parts of the country, should status quo remains unchanged, is more potent than imagined. 

Therefore, it is imperative on your part (Mavericks and militant intellectuals of the North) to either step out of your protective closets and align with progressives southerners in order to build a sustainable human and economic development throughout the northern region and Nigeria at large, or you remain ensconced in your El Dorado and suffer the Muammar Qaddafi's foolhardiness in the long run. Time is of the essence. 


I have no doubt in my mind that a progressive administration - precisely at the national level, devoid of ethnic or religious coloration - is our best hope given the level of discontent on campuses and the apparent disconnect between the governed and successive governments since independence. Until we have a genuine leader who espouses financial discipline, transparency, and accountability in the management of our wealth, we cannot make tomorrow better than today.

Given the fact that the present [Jonathan] administration has not exhibited any modicum of rebellion against status quo in terms of ideas and war against corruption, the earlier progressives of all shapes and stripes unite around a bold agenda and unseat the power clique the better for the nation at large. And that, my friends, is the surest route to emancipating and reinventing the Nigerian man inside of every one of us.

Therefore, this paper is more of a progressive pitch, making a case for (1), the need for southern progressives and northern mavericks and intellectuals to unite and rebel against greed and feudal principles in order to avert imminent class warfare. (2), that given the seemingly fragile state of our sovereignty, the idea of Sovereign National Conference, though well-intended, should not be a 'take it or leave it' option, because there are too many uncertainties surrounding its successful evolution within a definite time period. (3), that progressives and mavericks - with a uniform political and socio-economic agenda nationwide - stand a better chance at uniting this country and arresting the ills that facilitate religious intolerance, greed, corruption, and political assassinations, and (4), that the ruling class - from north to south and east to west - often times capitalizes on existing ethnic mistrust to perpetuate their dominance of the political forces at the perils of the greater majority. Therefore, defeating them in a democratic setting is morally imperative.


The political elite knows too well that Nigerians are a bunch of gullible, docile, and ethnic chauvinists; afflicted with a chronic short-term memory disorder. We celebrate big names in and out of government, disregarding their abysmal performance while in office, especially if such big names are members of our own tribe or community. It is symptomatic of hapless minds, of beat-up people searching for heroes and handouts from the wrong places.

What we perceived as the policy of the north, what we are worrying about as northern dominance, are not exactly so. They are the handiwork of a negligible few, intent on monopolizing wealth and power, with the active support of gullible, predominantly uneducated followers who are psychologically and mentally enslaved by misinformation tactics perfected by daily handouts that are made possible by stolen wealth. The pains and sufferings of the Talakawa and their counterparts in the south do overlap and bear similar patterns. Corruptions and squandering of riches are as rampant in the south as they are in the north.

Granted no society can completely eradicate corruption from its system, but quality leadership will go a long way in defining how its citizenry and the community at large react to graft, bribery, and corruption. Therefore, more emphasis should be on quality leadership, from top to bottom and from north to south.

That being said, any extorted [forceful] religious indoctrination of the unaffiliated should be treated the way it is - an act of war against the Sovereign [the Nigerian nation-state]. For Nigeria to live up to its promise of one nation, one destiny, it must be willing to mobilize every resource at its disposal to defend threatened rights. 

Our desire and our love for the good life, intellectual and educational pursuit, freedom of worship, and the pursuit of happiness shall not be compromised. Never, never; we will never compromise on those things that we hold dear to our hearts. We will never bargain away our fundamental rights to associate and worship the way we want or negotiate away our inherent rights to educate our kids in any part of Nigeria that we chose, and the way we want. Not now, not at any time. Nigeria is not for sale, and the culture of entitlements must be discredited and abandoned. We will never surrender in our search for that egalitarian society and a real federal system of government that benefits every individual, tribe, and region equally. 

Mr. Alex Aidaghese is a Lawyer and a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). He has a dual LL.M in the Laws of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law and Policy from the University of Denver, Denver, Colorado. He also completed the one year Masters level Certificate of Special Studies (CSS) in Administration and Management (now Masters of Liberal Arts in Management) at Harvard University Extension School, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He contributed this essay from Sugar Land, Texas. December 2011 - March 2012.

Blogger's Comment. March 14, 2020

After the publication of this essay, four things happened.

1.       President Jonathan, as the President at the time, experimented with the integrative model educational policy as theorized above, starting from Sokoto State. According to press reports, he builds more than Four Hundred new schools for the training and education of the Almajiri population all over the Northern region.

2.       There was indeed a handshake across the Niger River between the Northern Mavericks and Southern Progressive as recommended by this author, which culminated in the formation of APC and retired General Buhari as its Presidential candidate for the 2015 Presidential election.

3.       Following his victory at the Presidential election, President Muhammadu Buhari and a coterie of his town folks, pushed the architect of the new party, Asiwaju Tinubu, under the bus. Thus, went into the flame the blueprint and the progressive agenda of APC, and

4.       President Buhari and his folks abandoned the Almajiri Educational Initiative that President Jonathan invested heavily on, when he was the President.  

Now you must why I am Standing for the former Emir of Kano, Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi. He is the major voice right now for the social and educational emancipation of the Talakawas and the Almajiris.

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