Friday, March 20, 2020

Fox News and Decades of Falsehood and Deliberate Misinformation.
This is a video of how Fox News has succeeded in misinforming and misleading the predominantly poor and the illiterate majority in America over the years - double talks and calculated lies.
Racism, racial tensions, and the general intolerance in America of today are the hallmarks of misinformation and false teachings, similar to the upsurge in religious-related intolerance in Nigeria.
To the Fox News talking heads, truth doesn't matter; it's what strengthens the narrative they are pushing at a particular time. And it can be changed as circumstances evolve or dictate. That explains the nature of the double talks in the video.
And if you think Americans are so enlightened and sophisticated not to buy into the blatant hogwash, think again. Thanks to the Fox Networks, the Republican Party of Reagan and Lincoln, of family values and small government and intellectuals is now a hallow chamber of race-baiters, back-benchers in global leaderships, and enemies of the environment. 

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