Monday, October 19, 2020


That very day, I intend to hike a ride at the front of Alele Williams International Airport to Lagos as I always do. After waiting for about thirty minutes, this clean vehicle pulled over by the sidewalk (a brand new 505). The moment we saw him parked his vehicle, about ten of us rushed towards him, each trying to gain entrance from both sides of the vehicle. But the door wouldn't open. As all of us pulled back, he rolled down the glass on the front passenger side and said, the gentleman with a briefcase. And I jumped in. After securing my seat at the front seat, I pointed at one of the girls who was also traveling to Lagos and pleaded with the driver to pick her. He declined, saying that he just needs someone to chat with on the way. 

The moment I sat down, he asked if I am a student and I told him yes, sir. Which university, I told him. What are you studying? I told him. What year are you now? I told him.  Where are you from? I told him. Then, he asked, how come you didn't travel abroad like most Bendel guys like you. I told him, I had a visa to travel to London, England, at the same time that my admission came, but I decided to go for my degree first before traveling out of the country. He said that's not bad. 

As the journey continues, I asked why he was comfortable to stop at the Alele William International Airport to pick up, knowing the hostility of the Agberos who police the gate, extorting money from drivers who dare to stop to pick up passengers. He said, without hesitation that "they (the Agberos) are no longer in the country." What do you mean by they are no longer in the country? I asked him. He said they have all gone to Europe. How did you know that? I asked. That was when he disclosed his identity to me. 

That year, there was a newspaper report that about 75% of the Nigerian International Passports that were either confiscated or allowed into Germany, were issued in one passport center - Benin City. And at the same time, about 80% of Nigerians crossing the Sahara Desert through Algeria via the Mediterranean Sea to Europe, grew up in Benin City and its environs. 

Then, I asked the gentleman, given that you know so much about Bendelites and their frolicking to Europe, how come the government has not stopped the issuance of passports in that location? He said it is not a crime for the government to issue a passport. What you do with it is outside of the control of the government and the issuing authority.  Then, he asked, where were you during the SAP riot. And I told him I was on campus, but traveled to Lagos when the school was closed down. He added, what took place in Benin City was the worst in the whole country in the history of students riot. And he continued, this is a gateway state, populated by very enlightened citizens, if there is a breakdown of law and order in Benin City, the federal government is worried. 

Therefore, the more of Bendelites that are leaving the country - by any means necessary - the better it is for the stability of this country, the government, and the security agencies. So, the federal government is very much aware of the exodus, I asked? Yes, absolutely, he replied. And he added, don't forget, this is the city that produced Lawrence Aninin who terrorized Benin City and Warri for years before he was captured and executed. Hearing that, I didn't have much to say gain. IBB was the Military President at the time.

This discussion took place about 30 years ago. In the past 20 years, crossing the Sahara Desert to a point of no return is no longer feasible. Besides, those that were stranded in Algeria and Libya for many years have started coming back home. One would have thought that President Buhari and his security networks, manned by his trusted tribesmen would be smart enough to take due notice of the volatility of the Benin City rioters. Bendel or Mid West is a nation within a nation. They are very much aware of their minority status and marginalization. You are dealing with a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

So, they are unconventional in every respect imaginable. Who would have thought that protesters would resort to self-help by cooking their own meals in the public space? While the celebrities and the Ajeburta protestors in Lagos were having a field day enjoying sumptuous meals provided by philanthropists, the Benin City protesters were on their own, cooking their own meals. That's how they survive in Europe and North America. As for the runner away prisoners, that's an eye-opener for Abuja - it is a message to you, to wit, given the opportunity, we will not wait for a minute to vanquish every one of you, because you don't have what it takes to govern. 

And to the Benin City protesters, I condemn every form of vandalism, raping, kidnapping, invasion of Police Stations, and the destruction of Public and Private properties. What you are doing in Benin City is a replication of the barbarism of SARS and you don't want to be mention in the same sentence as them. 

By the way, Alele William International Airport is actually Uniben Gate. And that was where most Bendelites hang around to hike a discounted fare to Lagos those days.     

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