Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The AMAZON: Remembring the UN Rio Declaration of 1992.

It is no longer new, the Amazon Rain Forest and the Indigenous People of Brazil are on Fire. And one thing is clear: When we born down the Amazon for money, we suffocate the World.
The United Nations has over the years developed numerous papers and articles on how to integrate human rights and investors’ interests when structuring natural resources agreements with host nations in order to ensure sustainable peace and development. The Article that I find the most revealing and endearing is the Rio Declaration of 1992. Four of the article are reproduced below. Principles 1, 3, 4, & 24 of 1992.
“Human beings are at the center of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.”
“The right to development must be fulfilled so as to equitably meet developmental and environmental needs of present and future generations.”
“In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it.”
“Indigenous people and their communities and other local communities have a vital role in environmental management and development because of their knowledge and traditional practices. States should recognize and duly support their identity, culture, and interests and enable their effective participation in the achievement of sustainable development.”
Today, the Amazon Rain Forest is under severe threat of extinction and pictures of death envelope the land, according to a report filed by the CNN reporter on the ground. Peoples lives do matter and the Amazon is worth saving. And President Jair Bolsonaro is playing the tough guy. Climate Change is real. But the skeptics are not relenting in their denial. Anyhow, we must save the Amazon.
To understand why Brazil's rainforests are burning, you need to grasp how…

President Donald Trump and the Absurdity of Climate Change Skepticism

This is a story about the American Vacant Chair at the G7 Summit Discussion on Climate Change, the Environment, and the Fire in the Amazon Rain Forest held in Biarritz, France, and why the vacant seat was not unusual.

"Absolutely we need to exit Paris because it's a bad business deal for this country and the President has talked about an America first strategy in trade and an America first strategy in protecting our border and what Paris represents is an America last strategy with respect to the environment. We are leading the world now, we are at pre-1994 levels with our CO-2 footprint, not because of Paris, not because of a government mandate but because of innovation and technology. For those who say we are going to lose our seat at the table, we are the United States, we don't lose our seat at the table." Scott Pruitt, Chairman of EPA - Fox News, May 19, 2017.

On June 01, 2017, Scott Pruitt had his way: President Donald Trump announced American withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change Accord of 2015. However, when the right time came for America to lead on CO-2 deliberations, consistent with Mr. Pruitt's declaration of May 19, 2017, America fails to lead. Its footprint was conspicuously missing. On Monday, August 26, 2019, American seat was vacant at the table during a discussion on Climate Change at the just concluded G7 Summit at Biarritz, France. Sad to say, on the environment and climate change, America under President Donald Trump is not leading.

President Donald Trump nominated Mr. Scott Pruit as his Administrator of the EPA. Mr. Scott Pruitt, like Mr. President, is a climate change denier. Before coming to Washington DC, Mr. Pruit was the Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma. And he specializes in the persecution and bashing of the EPA. In his capacity as the AG, he set a national record as the guy with the highest number of lawsuits ever filed against the EPA. Why him? Birds of the same feathers flock together. And as the Administrator of the EPA, he set another national record - the Administrator with the highest number of roll-back of EPA regulations put in place by the previous administrations.

His support for the fossil fuel industry knows no bound. He is against every established empirical evidence supporting the fact that climate change is real. He was and he is the darling of the coal industry and the oil giants. And as most Republican purists who came to Washington to change everything, he did not last long on the job. On July 05, 2018, he resigned as the Administrator of the EPA following series of investigations bordering on financial impropriety and excessive travel costs that he faces.

His deputy, Mr. Andrew Wheeler, was subsequently confirmed by the Senate as his replacement. Mr. Andrew Wheeler, unlike Mr. Scott Pruitt who is an outsider, is a Washington based lobbyist, a quintessential insider, and a wheeler-dealer. He has a law degree with an MBA to boot. According to CNN, he was a former aide to Senator Jim Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican who's an outspoken climate change skeptic. The Senate Minority Leader, Senator Chuck Schumer, according to CNN, dubbed Wheeler "a former industry lobbyist who has worked on behalf of big polluters and climate change deniers." "He has spent years working to undermine or lobby against the environmental protections he may soon oversee."

The main purpose of the EPA is to protect the environment. It does that by planning, educating, monitoring, analyzing, reporting, and enforcing environmental protection law. If the two gentlemen described above are the best candidates President Donald Trump could consider capable to head that agency, now you know why the seat reserved for the American President at a discussion on Climate Change and the ongoing fire at the Amazon Rain Forest at the just concluded G7 Summit in Biarritz, France, was vacant. They made a living as Lawyers bashing the same agency President Donald Trump nominated them to head and regulate. So the reasons for the regulation blockage and rollback of existing ones are crystal clear.

As a student of the industry, there are some salient aspects of the EPA regulatory mechanism or regime that I consider overbearing. Declaring, for instance, a vast expanse of land untouchable or protected because of the presence of certain endangered species, like turtles, needs a rethink. Other than that, the ecological ills and environmental hazards associated with unregulated fossil fuel and CO-2 emissions have been so scientifically-proof documented by the EPA and related international agencies to make challenges coming from climate change deniers in America look like mischief-makers and casualties of the financial influence of the Coal industry and Crude Oil giants.
US president misses key G7 meeting as summit agrees €20m fund to fight…

Monday, August 26, 2019

G7 Summit: Nigeria, Missing in Action at the Global Stage - A Case for Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo's Transition to Global Spotlight

Guess who was late for dinner or wasn't there at All? The most powerful President in Africa, of course. Let's not change the narrative; at diplomatic settings - be it tete-a-tete, bi-lateral or multilateral engagements - the cap doesn't fit. And if the cap doesn't fit, you must not wear it. Period. I could see about five African Presidents and Heads of State in the video, hobnobbing with foreign global leaders at the G7 Summit. And these are countries whose economy cannot be said to enjoy parity or rival that of Nigeria.
Also, the insecurity scourge and instability ravaging most countries in Sub-Sahara Africa were covered at the highest level at the ongoing G7 Summit. And Nigeria was visibly absent, in spite of the fact that we are at the center of gravity in that instability benchmark.
If they can't fathom the words that are coming out of your mouth and you can't make a sense of issues on the agenda or undergoing deliberations, of what use inviting you or your country to an interactive type a conference. That is the Nigerian tragedy of the moment.
They have interacted with him before. They have welcomed him with open arms into their august body in the past. But they felt no rhythm and they heard no blues note to gravitate to. And they sense no semblance of wisdom they could relate to or exploit for the good of mankind or take home to act upon in their future dealings with a modern Nigeria.
It has nothing to do with over-bloated ego or grossly embellished integrity. It is about making a coherent, persuasive, and intelligible case for what strengthen your interests and the interests of your allies. And it is about how you orient yourself, the aura you exude, and the ideas you hold. That's how to garner leverage and sustainable global recognition.
Adding to that, you can project an image of sainthood if you like. But the blood in the land in Nigeria in recent history cannot be washed away whimsically or obscured in ridiculous explanations. The whole world is now a global village; you cannot run away from your shadow. The representatives and Ambassadors of foreign Missions in Nigeria are not gullible or readily susceptible to superficial statesmanship. They have a credible understanding of the actors behind the bloodshed in Nigeria and who are profiting from the instability.
President Buhari, based on his performance at the recent Nigerian Presidential election debates and interviews - objectively and reasonably analyzed - is far from being tagged "well-informed" or abreast of emerging domestic and global socioeconomic nuances. The disconnects are enormous and his handlers are not managing the situation professionally. To his handlers and Advisers, he is a King, answerable to no one and taking no lectures from anyone.
Moving Forward.
This is no gimmick; if you love Nigeria; if it is about Nigeria, then, it doesn't really matter who represent and project Naija image and interests before foreign leaders at the global stage. If you don't have it, you don't have it. Therefore, someone fit must act. And that's the essence of a deputy.
The Vice President is highly polished and articulate. Above all, he is scholarly, whose academic background and brevity of thoughts, in spite of everything, are impeccable. He doesn't need to, and he is not known to regurgitate incoherently from prepared speeches.
It's high time we take the bold steps and make him the face of Nigeria where Presidential presence is mandatory overseas. No one is disputing the fact that President Buhari is our President until, of course, the Presidential Election Tribunal rules otherwise. Nigeria is greater than anyone. And its interest overshadows all else.
In the past two years, we've suffered xenophobic attacks in African countries at an unimaginable scale. We have the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Diaspora Commission, and the Presidency. But no one has thought it diplomatically imperative to initiate a cease and desist order with the government of the countries involved. As at the time of the writing of this essay, Abuja is yet to invite the Ambassador of Ghana, Libya, or of South Africa for an explanation over the brutal killings and vandalism of Nigerian landed properties and businesses in those countries.
There is no doubt a huge vacuum at the global stage pleading for a strategic approach and a credible voice to occupy. And there is no one in doubt of Professor Osinbajo's intellectual endowment and grasp of foreign affairs and diplomatic niceties. Why he is not on the ground at the ongoing G7 Summit in France is a misguided executive judgment. And as usual, the country is paying for the inaction of a few whose understanding our unity is defined by the quest to own and control the rude oil wealth.
As long as they have the crude oil money to appropriate and stockpile for the use of their generations yet unborn, they won't suffer a sleepless night, agonizing over the paucity or stagnant flow of foreign investments to Nigeria. Head or tail, Nigerians lose as always. But we can't always be on the losing trajectory. And that's what makes the demand for Osinbajo's heighten portfolios and involvement in our diplomatic dealings outside of Nigeria most imperative now.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Esan (Ishan) Homeland: Confronting the Crisis of Marginalization.

Today, the Esan land is cut off from civilization - no federal highway coming in and no federal highway going out. We are now a forgotten tribal enclave - no Senator and no House of Rep members to make our case at Abuja. Our number one citizen is arguably Senator Clifford Ordia and he is the main focus of this short essay. I understand that he is a gentleman and a nice guy. That may be true, but as of today, the Esan men and women at home and aboard deserve more than a nice guy at the National Assembly. It is about our interest and to what extent he has represented that interest adequately for the benefit of the Ishan folks. So far, it's been a disaster.
About an hour ago, I came across a post by my learned friend, Mr. Agboroh Francis, detailing his sad experience traveling by road through the entire Esan tribal region searching for escape routes, contending with incredible difficulties.
According to Mr. Agboroh "I just returned from a friend Mother's burial in Ekpoma. I have not experienced such a traumatic experience in my life. I spent about an hour in one spot between Benin and EKPOMA. The road is too bad and travelers are made to pass through the bush to find their way out. After the burial l decided to come back through Uromi, Iguebe, Ebele, Ekpon, Igbanke, Agbor, Abraka. My people, the story of the road is almost the same. The difference between the Benin / Ekpoma road and Uromi /Agbor /Abraka road is the difference between Christmas day and December 25th. Let's forget political parties, some of our politicians are wicked, heartless, selfish and bad. These roads are federal roads and the chairman of the party in power at the center and Edo State is from Edo State. The state governors can do something to these roads as temporary measures. I am really disappointed"
He is not alone. I had a similar experience in 2016 while traveling from Abuja via Auchi and Ekpoma to Benin City. I spent more than an hour at Ekpoma. Three years later, it is still the same sad story. And it is a federal road - a gateway between the South East, Niger Delta, and the Northern region.
At the state level, we are not fairing better, either. Thanks to the machinations and dictatorial vigor of our former Son-in-Law, Comrade Adam Oshiomhole, the entire race is now a caricature of "Esan the indomitable" of Chief Anthony Enohoro, Chief Ijewere, and Professor Ambrose Ali. Under the Comrade, no Esan man or woman was good enough to earn his trust for Gubernatorial nomination or for the post of the Deputy Governor.
And consistent with Oshiomhole's humiliation credo, the new Governor-elect, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, wasted no time escalating his master's blueprint disqualifying every visible Esan folk for a leadership position. No Esan man or woman was good enough for his Chief of Staff, as the Secretary to the State Government, or as the Press Secretary to the Governor.
Today, I am glad to declare that I have stopped complaining; it is no longer about the discredited, fraudulent, self-serving, and failed Esan players. But about us who refused to get in the game and get dirty.
Moving Forward.
Someone has to make a credible case for Ishan. Someone has to cry out loud about Odu River Work at Abuja. And someone has to ensure federal presence in Esan land as it is the case in most other communities in Nigeria. We have had enough of what Chief Anthony Anenin did or did not do. Or what Arch Mike Enolemenmen did or did not do for Ishan as a Minister of Works.
It is about the moment and it is about moving forward. We can't continue to tolerate ineptitude and tokenism. We can't continue to send backbenchers to Abuja as our leaders. It is no longer about what they have achieved or failed to achieve. Now, it is about us - about what we can do and do better than the players at the scene.
Therefore, it is time for Senator Clifford Ordia to go. HE HAS GOTTEN HIMSELF A CHALLENGER COME THE NEXT TIME. He has outlived his usefulness and we have no use of him or any of the leadership of the two major political parties anymore. After all, this is still the land of Chief Anthony Enohoro, the young Esan Parliamentarian who moved the first motion for Nigerian independence in 1993 at the Western House. We can do it again, and we will replace that lost glory by the Grace of God. Thank you and stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What is the Worst Thing that Could Happen to Ndigbo?

*Dr. Walter Ofonagoro
*Dr. Chuba Okadigbo
*Emeka Maduegbunam, 
*Joe Igbokwe, and
*Orji Uzor Kalu

The Ikemba of Nnewi, Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu, in his book "Because I Am Involved," opined in his tribute to Chief Obafemi Awolowo that if the Ndigbo had been fortunate to have a leader like Papa Awo, they would have been a lot better as a race in Nigerian affairs. (This is not the exact quote.)
Today, the presidential race for 2023 is already on course and El'Rufai is already poised for action, leaving no stone unturned, to discredit and disqualify Chief Asiwaju before the real race starts. The question is, where is the Ibo man in the picture, given the fact that the tribe has not produced a President or a Vice President since the fall of President Shehu Shagari and Alex Ekweme? Well, Ukiwe, under IBB was short-lived. It is not about "it is our turn," but who is it? Who is running? Who is interested? Who is strategizing like Asiwaju and El'Rufai?
On Selflessness and Real Radicalism.
In the West, we have had 
*Tai Solarin.
*Gani Fawehimin (SAN), and 
*Professor Ayodele Awojobi of Unilag, (Mr. Dead Easy), who once drove a tractor to court in one of his numerous court cases against President Shehu Shagari. It exemplified selflessness at the time. He was a Professor at a Federal government-owned Unilag. But he was never daunted. He fought corruption and corrupt practices in government relentlessly. He was a one-man ICPC and EFCC at the time.
And now, we have
*Ambassador Femi Aribisala 
*Femi Falana (SAN), and 
*Femi Fani-Kayode. 
Hate him or love him, Mr. Femi Fani-Kayode is the voice of reason and the face of conscience in Nigeria today. He is telling credible stories - historical and evolving and emerging issues you cannot doubt.

Where is the Ndigbo public radical or conscience of the nation in the picture?
Maybe Professor Odikalu is arguably not a household name. What about Barrister Olisa Agbakoba - brilliant, but laid back. Josephine Obiajulu Odumakin is married to a Yoruba man.

On Cultural Influential Group.
Today, when you say "Afenifere," names like
*Bisi Akande, 
*Yinka Odumakin, and 
*Chief Fasoranti would come to mind easily.
Not so with the Ohanaezi Ndigbo Cultural Group - no name comes to mind easily.

On Elder Statesmen.
You have 
*Professor Soyinka and 
*Former President Obasanjo, as the face of the nation. 
Also, Ndigbo doesn't have any. Except for Professor Nwabueze.

What about on the Monarchy side?
We have the 
*The Oni of Ife, 
*The Alaafin of Oyo, 
*The Oba of Lagos, 
*The Alake of Egba Land, and 
*The Awujale of Ijebu Land, etc, etc., etc.

In addition, you have Gani Adams, 
*The Aare Ona Kankanfo of Yoruba land.

On the Ndigbo side, I don't know what has become of the Obi of Onitsha title? No other notable face or title on the scene.
Now, let's take a brief look at the North and its traditional voices.
*The Northern Elders,
*The Arewa Consultative Forum,
*Chief Anthony Sani (not the former Senator Shehu Sani of Kaduna State). Anthony Sani, Kwankwaso and the former Governor of Niger State, Babangida Aliyu were the ones who fought against the passage of the PIB into law.
*Dr. Junaid Mohammed,
*Professor Ango Abdullahi, 
*Dr. Gunmi, 
*The Sultan of Sokoto.
*The Emir of Kano
*The Emir of Gwandu, just to name a few.
They speak for the North, no matter the government in power.

On Restrcutrung and True Federalism.
Towards the end of 2017, the Northern Traditional Rulers and Political Leaders met in Kaduna and came up with a Communique. Let me summarize it.
(1) We do not understand the meaning of Restructuring. (Mind you, they didn't say True Federalism of Decentralization of Power).
(2) Even if we do, we believe it is not realistic, and 
(3) Southerners should bring it on, we are ready, and we are not worried about going our separate ways.

When the Northern Political Leaders made their position on Restructuring public, only the Yoruba cultural group, Afenifere and yours truly, responded accordingly, knowing full well the enormity of the influence they exercise over our federal government since the amalgamation. Yours truly, as a concerned Nigerian, published the story as well as the group photographs they took at the meeting on this Blog. I warned Nigerians that the group speaks not only for the North but for the Nigerian Federal Government. Then, I knew the hosting of a Sovereign National Conference or structuring mechanics for True Federalism under this administration was dead. And it didn't take long for yours truly to be vindicated.
On January 01, 2018, President Buhari in his New Year message to the nation, said, inter alia:
"In respect of political developments, I have kept a close watch on the ongoing debate about “Restructuring”. No human law or edifice is perfect. Whatever structure we develop must periodically be perfected according to changing circumstances and the country’s socio-economic developments. We Nigerians can be very impatient and want to improve our conditions faster than may be possible considering our resources and capabilities. When all the aggregates of nationwide opinions are considered, my firm view is that our problems have more to do with process than structure."
That was it - "My firm view is that our problems have more to do with process than structure." Yes indeed, more about the process and not the structure. And that was how the APC presidential campaign promise of restructuring in 2015 died prematurely under the dictatorship of President Buhari and his influential powerbrokers behind the scenes.
The Northern political leaders and traditional rulers killed it first. When they did, no one down south could connect the dots or discern the nexus between the group action and the decision of the Presidency. The Afenifere Group and yours truly did. And we made our views public.
There was no Ndigbo scholar, elite, or intellectual or social-cultural group around to challenge the President on his New Year address or the Northern traditional rulers on their stand regarding restructuring. Buhari only echoed their sentiment. And that's the number one problem confronting Ndigbo intellectuals and their elite groups. They don't seem to be aware when the real issue is evolving or when the North is about to strike or they simply don't care.
Nnamdi Kanu is just acting on a void created by the disappearance of the Ndigbo leaders and their intellectuals from the scene.
There is no denying the fact that Ndigbo dominates discussions on social media concerning Nigeria's public affairs. And there is no doubt that Ndigbo has a Prophet(?) Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB. Nevertheless, when push comes to shove on very important national issues, they are either sleeping on their rights or fully engaged in debating extraneous matters. More than three months after a Yoruba man wrote a provocative essay on the 1966 Coup and published by the Vanguard Newspaper, they are still debating the issue online on the website of the Vanguard Newspaper. Yes, they dominate in social media. And that is just it. But they cannot mobilize to protect their land or their helpless mothers and sisters from foreign invaders.
March 17, 2016, according to verified newspapers and television report, 'Armed men in Military uniform invaded the Ugwuneshi community in Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State and arrested 76 of their youths and elders on the allegation that they were planning a counterattack against Fulani Herdsmen who kidnapped two of their women. They were taken away in the Military trucks to Umuhia Prison and detained for two weeks.
April 25, 2016, armed Herdsmen, about 500 of them, descended on Nimbo Village in Enugu State before dawn, and at about 7 a.m., they went about killing every human being on sight. Before the attack, the Governor was alerted. In turn, he alerted the Commissioner of Police. And Abuja was alerted. But no counter-attack came from the Police or from any of the nearby Military units. They entered the village. They killed. And they went away. Untouched.
One would have thought that upon the invasion and killing of the unarmed women and children of the Nimbo village by unknown invaders, no foreign-looking braggart would dare enter South East again. Wrong.
There was no concerted effort made by the elite intellectuals to unravel how the armed 500 fighters entered Nimbo village before 7 a.m. succeeded in killing so many villagers and went away safely. And there were no concerted efforts made by the vocal elite groups to unravel who gave the order to involve military vehicles and military men in the invasion and arrest of 76 elderly men and youths of the Ugwuneshi village.
The intellectuals amongst them who ought to be the voices of reason and of wisdom and the way to go are not leading. They are so embroiled in strategizing on how to secure the next federal government jobs that they hardly take a stand or speak up openly on behalf of their own people. The argument is that they don't want to step on toes. Whose toes? Are you less of a Nigerian than the ones whose toes you dread treading on? It is that inherent culture of "special toes" that you Ndigbo intellectuals must join your folks to fight first,, Nigeria belongs to all of us equally and no one is superior to the other. That is nobler a fight or struggle to engage in than the culture of greed and intellectual buffoonery reminiscence of Dr. Walter Ofonagoro, Dr. Chuba Okadigbo, and Mr. Emeka Maduegbunam.
No matter how smart and financially comfortable they are, it is all about the federal government jobs. And that's where they become willing to prey on the political machination of the Northern political leaders. Now you know why Kanu is not just a voice of the frustrated Ndigbo today but has turned into a prophet and a spiritual leader overnight.
When Chief Anthony Enahoro moved the motion for Nigerian Independence from Great Britain in 1953 and Sir Almadu Bello, the Sadauna of Sokoto opposed it, Papa Awo reclined to his Oduduwa Republic enclave and mobilized his Boys to action. They built an economy that was second to none in the developing world before our independence in 1960. He didn't hang around Lagos to massage the ego of Bello or Balewa hoping that when they are willing to approve our independence from Great Britain he will get something.
I don't want to go about listing again all the innumerable "firsts" that Papa Awo and his "Boys" accomplished between 1952 and 1960, but you cannot reach the same conclusion analyzing the developmental strides of the other regions in the political scene between 1953 and 1960. So, it's all about the leadership and the intuitive instincts required to look inward.
Leadership or the lack of it is the worst thing that could happen to any tribe or country. Ndigbo, sad to say, is the major casualty of the lack of it in Nigerian affairs. Individually, they are one of the smartest, creative, and entrepreneurial human beings on the face of this planet. But as a group, it is a disaster.
Please, find the referenced opinion about Papa Awo by the Ikemba towards the end of his Book - "Because I am Involved."

This essay is a continuation of my One-Man-Gang-Sovereign-National-Conference.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Happy Birthday to Former President Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB).

If I could travel to Minna, Niger State privately to seek his support for an educational foundation project I was working on in 2008; invariably, I should have the courage and the honor to identify with him openly and to join thoughts with other well-wishers to wish him a happy birthday and good health as he celebrates his 78th Birthday.
As every one of us, he is not perfect. He is human. He built the Third Main Land Bridge and the Federal Capital Territory. He vanquished the shantytown called Maroko and in its place, a marvel of the African continent emerges - Lekki Phase One and Two. With Lekki in the making, there was massive spending on infrastructure and property development, leading to a massive expansion in the job market.
He picked two Esan (Ishan) guys to Chair the newly formed two political parties - SPD (Cheif Anthony Anenin) and NRC (Chief Tom Ikimin). Today, the Esan tribe is marginalized at the federal level and at the state level.
He had a powerful executive team made of industry titans and technocrats. On the side, he created the Council of Economic Advisory headed by Professor Ojetunji Aboyade, an erudite Economist from the University of Ife. The Co-Chair of the council was Chief Hasan Adamu (hope I got his name right) the Chairman of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria at the time. It was made up of fearless and independent-minded Nigerians.
From Imo State, he brought in Chu Okongwu Ph.D. Economics (Harvard), the inventor of the Imo Formular when he was the Commissioner of Finance in Imo State, to head his Commerce Department at the national level. Also, he brought in Dr. Kalu Idika Kalu, the IMF renown Economist who resurrected the near-comatose Economy of South East Asia countries, to manage his Finance.
And from the University of Ibadan, he brought in Dr. Olu Agunloye, the MIT Wizkid as the premier CEO of the newly formed Federal Road Safety Commission. A commission that would issue you a speeding ticket along Benin-Ore Road, but would direct you to go Kaduna to make the required payment. It was a deterrent to secure compliance with speed limits by drivers. And it works. But that culture is over now.
Also, he brought in the ace scholar, Professor Bolaji Akinyeme to manage his External Affairs Ministry - the guy who would later initiate and collaborate with India and Brazile to form a group called the Concert of Medium Powers. Nigeria, though under a Military dispensation was a force to be reckoned with at the global stage.
There was also Olu Falae as the Secretary to the Federal Government and later as a Minister. My favorite of all his men was Mamman Kontagora, the Minister of Works. He was my man of the year in 1985. And also the man of the year for the Newswatch Magazine. Once, he made the Newswatch Magazine's cover and he was reported to have spent a whole night along a highway in the middle of nowhere during an inspection tour of some of the highways undergoing construction under his Ministry. Those were IBB's men.
There is no denying the fact that IBB made a huge blunder, abdicating on his obligation to allow the free and fair presidential election that he conducted to evolve into declaring the clear winner, MKO Abiola as the President-elect. And that remains a sad chapter in our political history, which no one can erase. He is either a student or a victim of the topsy turvy that defines the Nigerian leadership struggle.
In spite of everything, IBB knows Nigerians more than anyone else of his generation or professional background. Of all the Presidents and Heads of State, we have had since independence he is head and shoulder above all of them in terms of performance and accomplishment. Above all, he was never afraid or resentful of powerful and independent-minded intellectuals. No matter their religious background or tribal affiliations, he was unconditionally disposed to working with them. And that's what I love the most about him. Happy birthday, Sir. The Lord is your strength. And may your days be long and free of ill-health. Amen.

Measurements of Mediocrity: President Jonathan vs President Buhari as Umpired by Mr. Sonola Olumhense

Some Excerpts
"So effective has Buhari been at futility that Jonathan is emerging as an improbable “hero”. For instance, the election he conducted in 2015 which produced Buhari has been praised not only internationally, but consistently by Buhari. On the contrary, the presidential election conducted by Buhari in 2019 has been exposed for alleged rigging and allegedly denounced internationally and is being challenged in court."
"We didn’t think much about it at the time, but Jonathan was not averse to exposing his own work to interrogation or to report on it. That is: he was not afraid to speak in the past tense, as people do when they address what they have attempted or what has been accomplished. In 2013, for instance, Jonathan published his midterm Transformation Agenda report."
"In contrast, Buhari does not report on anything. He prefers the colour and sound of future tenses where words are free, but accountability is not. 2014? “I will,” Buhari said. 2016? “I will,” Buhari said. 2019? “I will…”
"Sadly, this is the only language he appears to command. That is why no projects are completed; sometimes they are barely even continued."
"It is, therefore, the saddest of ironies that there are Nigerians who, in 2019, are choosing between Jonathan and Buhari. We are now measuring not achievement or excellence, but levels of mediocrity."
"Five years ago, Jonathan lacked credibility, but Buhari had boatloads of it. Today, Jonathan’s place in Nigerian history has not really changed, but Buhari lacks credibility in every category of measurement, making people forget why they rejected Jonathan."
"One of the related lessons is that you cannot transform society or change it unless you can inspire. And you cannot inspire unless you have credibility. You cannot have credibility unless you have character."
"As weak as Jonathan was, he did not fear men and women of intellect or ideas or character. Buhari does, and this weakness is why his era has seen not one novel idea since he took office. Not one. On the contrary, he tramples on good ones unless he can manipulate them. Jonathan disbursed National Honours to corrupt Nigerians, for instance, but for Buhari, no Nigerian of character exists save for himself."
"That is why, despite 30 years of his bragging and his bravado to reclaim the country’s leadership, Nigeria under his control essentially and systematically what it always was: if you have it or can capture it, it is yours."
"Only last Friday, the indolence and incompetence of his government cost Nigeria over $9 billion damages in a British court for its failure to honour its contract with Process & Industrial Development Limited (P&ID). Until the government chose to stink up the matter, that sum was $6.6 just two years ago."
"This is another illustration of the abysmal governance that is taking Nigeria to unprecedented depths of poverty, dissonance, and conflict. Except that at home, such issues are masked with blackmail, propaganda, and manipulation."
"It is exactly what happens when standards are so low that we use mediocrity as levels of measurement."
Copyright PUNCH.

Sonala Olumhense On second thought, it is not true that President Muhammadu Buhari is an incompetent underachiever. He has a big accomplishment, and I concede it to him. Let us go back to 2015. ...

America's Ongoing Pursuit of Justice and Democratic Values

Tyranny thrives on fear, silence, and compliance. Democracy demands courage - Illinois Governor JB Pritzker. Extremist ideologies, like Nazi...