Sunday, August 18, 2019

Why Nigerian Government Must STOP the Involvement of Chinese Multinationals in the Production of Consumer Goods in the Country.

Over the years, we have seen videos and videos of Chinese citizens and companies engaging in massive adulterations of consumables and consumer goods at home and abroad meant for African markets. We have seen videos of plastic rice. We have seen videos of adulterated wines, meat, and fish being injected with chemicals to increase their weight and size. Today, the once-booming Fish Farm business in Nigeria, which was a great source of income and means of livelihood for jobless Nigerians is tumbling down irretrievably.
Chinese Multinationals are now directly involved in the industry; thus, driving indigenous fish farmers out of the business using the price war. You may argue that their fish are cheaper to buy and that it is about consumer choices or behaviours. That's cool.
However, the vulnerability factors manifest when domestic farmers are driven out of the business. And that's when Monopoly sets in. And as our Economics Teachers told us in Economics Class in Grammar School, in the occurrence of a Monopoly Market, the Monopolist determines the price you pay for his goods arbitrarily, by manipulating the supply curve. They also told us that when too many hands are chasing fewer goods, the price will rise automatically and drastically.
So, if you are excited now that you are buying and consuming cheaper fish, thanks to the Chinese Multinationals in Nigeria, wait until the Nigerian farmers are completely pushed out of the market. By the way, do you even know what they are using to feed those fish to Nigerian consumers?
Please, take note, price-wise and health-wise, the Chinese multinationals do not have your interest to protect. It is about controlling the market and the bottom line.
While some African countries are already reining in on these fraudulent individuals, arresting and prosecuting them along with their host collaborators, the Nigerian Government is seemingly oblivious to the economic concerns and the implicated health hazards.
America has the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 that regulates and monitors the activities of Americans, individuals or business entities in foreign countries. Remember the Halliburton scandal in Nigeria under the administration of President Obasanjo? All the US citizens involved were prosecuted, fined and some sent to jail. The Chinese Government doesn't have any law like that regulating the activities of Chinese citizens and business entities overseas.
I know they have been of tremendous support to African Countries in the areas of merchandise, housing materials and transportation, especially the high-speed rail networks. But it is not a Father Christmas kind of engagement or activity. They are benefiting and profiting tremendously from their engagements in the economic expansion drive of African countries. So, our interest comes first. Thank you.
Chinese want to finish Africans. They will kill us all slowly and then take over the continent because they know that our leaders and our business people are all corrupt. Check out this video.

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