Sunday, August 4, 2019

Presidential Dirty Jabs + White Supremacy Rhetoric = Domestic Terrorism.

When Presidential race-baiting rhetoric and campaign of hatred are celebrated as paragons of virtue and voters-winning strategy, domestic terrorism and historic massacre become a commonplace of public life. There is a nexus. Indeed, there is a nexus between his speeches at rallies and the ongoing targeted mass-shootings.
This is no longer about the NRA. It is the President of the United States of America who is giving life to gun violence. It is the President of the United States of America who is reverberating the hatred and the racists' tendencies buried inside most Americans.
He is said to be courting "White Votes" by his relentless racist embedded jabs at campaign rallies all over the US. Well, the message is getting clearer now - the massacre at Walmart in El Paso, Texas, close to the border of the United States and Mexico and predominantly patronized by Mexican shoppers, and a nightspot in Dayton, Ohio, populated by African Americans.
If for any reason the massacre that took place in El Paso, TX, and Dayton, Ohio are considered hate crime, it is NOT out of place to demand that every pronouncement at campaign rallies that fuels it is treated as a hate crime. Period.
Leadership is not a joke. And it is never a do or dies game as the case is in most developing or underdeveloped countries of the world. America is a beacon of democracy; supposedly the envy of the world in the leadership selection process. What I'm hearing coming out of the President's mouth at campaign rallies in the past few months, projects ready-made materials for a movie script on racism.
This is God's Own Country and it is bigger than any individual. We are overcomers, and we will overcome him, his message of hate, and his attacks on people of color. The earlier the President come up with a major speech on tolerance and celebration of diversity, the safer and better for every American. Because he is the President of all, irrespective of race, color, and political label.
May the soul of the departing Americans in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, rest in peace.

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