Sunday, August 18, 2019

EGYPT: Breakthrough in Power Generation and Electricity Supply!

When the whole of the Arab World was shut down in 2011 during the Pro-Democracy uprising, popularly dubbed the Arab Spring, Egypt was not excluded. Though Cairo came to a standstill for about two weeks running, the City did not cease to shine. What Nigerians did not avert their minds to or talk about at the time or after, was the UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY throughout the period.
A few years after the crisis, Egypt is making a huge break once again with one of the largest installations of Solar Power in the Developing World. Egypt has no oil. No Niger Delta. In addition, Egypt doesn't boast of a Kogi State or a Zamfara State with massive deposits of natural resources. It has the Nile River, Tourism, and the yearly financial aid from the United States Government.
And they have men and women blessed with bold ideas, foresight, and vision. Above all, they have leaders who speak one language - it is Egypt first. Not religion. Not a tribe. Or a blood tie. No Federal Character and no Quota System.
Before the overthrown of President Mubarak, there was only one fully organized opposition group in Egypt - the Muslim Brotherhood. In no time, the Brotherhood organized itself around the vacuum and secured power at the top. One of them became the President. But he gambled and gambled woefully. Egypt did not embark on a revolutionary journey, sacking a "President for life" to have an Islamic extremist as President and Head of Government. The Egyptians regroup once again and sacked the Muslim Brotherhood from power.
As they were contending with that leadership crisis, they never cease to dream about the fulfillment of the largest solar power plant ever assembled.
What is the Headline News in Nigeria today? Cattle Colony for foreign Herders. Nigerians dying every day from fuel inhalation and the explosion of electricity generators. The kidnapping of innocents commuters. Soldiers killing of Police. And Police killing of poor Nigerians at checkpoints along Benin/Ore Road. At the same time, Bandits and terrorist herders are making their own laws and live free of prosecution. And the Boko Haram sect is now richer and deadlier than ever.
As all these are unfolding, stooges are paying homage to Daura every now and then to curry favor. A favor that would not have been possible but for his monopolization of the entire wealth coming from the devastation of the Niger Delta.
Meanwhile, the privileged opportunist kid who managed the Buhari's Energy and Power Ministry in the last four years with abysmal outing is once again listed for another Ministerial slot. As the wise men of the old would say, show me your friend, and I will tell you who you really are.
Granted, President Buhari is an old man and under the spell of infirmity, but what, for Christ sake, is preventing his appointees from being global, bold in ideas, visionary, creative, and entrepreneurial? Why are you guys so dumb and dumber? You travel overseas often. Your children are schooling in western countries. You see their infrastructural facilities. And look at what you are collaborating with Chines Multinationals to give us as modern rail system! Where are your education and exposure?
Worst case scenario, President Buhari remains in office until 2023. Every one of you will give an account for your stewardship and indolent. Right now, most African countries are rebelling against Nigerians. I asked a young Nigerian "why the craze for Nairobi and Accra?" His answer was a stable power supply.
The Egyptian government has said it expects the 1.6 gigawatt solar park it is building in the south of the country to operate at full capacity in 2019.


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