Monday, February 19, 2018

Celebrating the Stars: Who is Afraid of the Bold, the Beautiful, and the Intelligentsia?

When you knowingly transformed the opportunists, mediocre, social misfits, and neophytes into "honorable", what would you expect to get in return? You will reap disappointments, idea-deficit, persecution complex, hatred, resentment of opposing voices, greed and fleecing of the nation's wealth. Because the opportunists have no reckoning of values, whether social, moral or family, beholding to.
As a nation and as a people, you cannot continue to cloud the stars around you and expect greatness around you and in the larger society. You ignore them, you do so at your own peril.
Yes, I celebrate the stars and cherish the visionary leadership.
When Dele Giwa died, I cried. When General Abacha's son, the lawyer, died in a plane crash, I cried. When President Thomas Sankara died, I cried. When Col. Yohana Madaki died, I cried. When Papa Awo died, I cried. And when Anthony Bello died, I cried. They were stars in their own right, within the friendship they kept, and a reflection of mankind, of a lifestyle a society, should yearn for.
Now, I don't cry anymore. I chose to celebrate the living and the stars around me and amongst us. It ought to be a beautiful world, a beautiful life. It brings out the best in us. Happy Sunday, folks.

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