Monday, February 19, 2018

One Good Turn Deserves Another.

He was not good enough, academically speaking, to make the list of the top six students sponsored to the Harvard Law School Summer Program by his University. But the young man pleaded with the University to add his name, not as a potential Harvard Law School student, but as an observer - just a participant in the summer program.
After much pleading, the University allowed him to travel with the team as a mere participant to Massachusetts. And Harvard was informed of his status. So, he accompanied the selected few and participated handsomely in the summer program.
When it was all over, the young man's efforts did not go in vain. The Harvard Admission Team invited him to their office and gave him the biggest surprise of his life. They offered him Admission on the spot. and another document to sign - a full scholarship award form. Harvard Law School didn't put a price on him. All they wanted was to support a poor black kid from the Commonwealth of Virginia to fulfill his Harvard dreams.
At the time Mr. Reginald F Lewis died, he was the richest African American and the highest individual donor to Harvard University in the history of that institution. The Reginald F Lewis International Law Center, sitting magnificently and majestically inside of the Harvard Yard, was donated to the Law School by the unknown, but a profoundly ambitious poor black kid. One good turn, no doubt, deserves another.
Mr. Reginald F Lewis is the author of the celebrated classic "Why Should White Men Have All the Fun." I am looking forward to watching the documentary.

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