Monday, November 25, 2019

Republican Congressman Devin Nunes, Getting High on His Supply

"Lesson number two, don't get high on your supply." That was Elvira Hancock advising Tony Montana in the movie, Scarface, not to become an addict in his own drug supply. Tony did. In the end, he went down in a hail of bullets.
Robert Kelly, popularly known as R. Kelly, the R&B crooner behind some hit songs like "Your Body's Callin" and "You Remind Me of My Jeep," gotten unapologetically and irredeemably embroiled in his own supply of songs in real life and got badly burnt in the process. As widely reported over the years, Mr. Robert Kelly was living a life of the songs he was singing.
Congressman Devin Nunes is a great actor. His performance in the past few days in Congress was testamentary. And he is a Ranking Member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence charged with investigating the "dig up dirt on the Bidens" grand scheme.
He comes across as a man possessed. Acting as if he is in possession of information that other members of the select committee are not privy. His questions are well-choreographed, not always based on facts or the testimony of the invited guests. And most often, his closing remarks are grossly incongruous with the issues raised during the hearing. Above all, branding Democrats as a bunch of unpatriotic characters out to get the President out of office through legislative coup has been his hallmarks.
As the drama unfolds in the investigation and Mr. Nunes emerges as the dominant dare-devil character, his viewers did not know that he was a major participant in the "dig up dirt on the Bidens" saga that the House Select Committee on Intelligence and himself are investigating. That he has been a spoiler from day one is an understatement.
"They're All In On It: Devin Nunes Met With Ukrainian Officials To Get Dirt On Biden" was a headline a few days ago.
"According to CNN, “A lawyer for an indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani tells CNN that his client is willing to tell Congress about meetings the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee had in Vienna last year with a former Ukrainian prosecutor to discuss digging up dirt on Joe Biden.”
"That indicted Giuliani associate is Lev Parnas, who was arrested last month with Igor Fruman in connection to their “complex scheme” to pressure Ukraine into digging up dirt on Trump’s political opponent, former vice president Joe Biden."
"Trump, of course, immediately claimed he didn’t know the two criminals, but pictures quickly surfaced showing that he has met with them multiple times. As I wrote earlier this month, Trump even discussed the “secret mission” regarding Ukraine and the Bidens when he met with Giuliani and the two men at a holiday party last year."
"Parnas’ willingness to testify to Congress that Devin Nunes was also involved in the scheme to get dirt from Ukraine on Joe Biden sheds more light on why the California lawmaker has spent the impeachment process shamelessly defending Trump and pushing Russian talking points."
Where we go from here regarding the continuous participation of Congressman Nunes in the hearing and investigation is everyone's guess. The apparent ethical challenge is not an exclusive issue for the Intelligence Committee. The entire House of Representatives is implicated. 
Based on the revelations so far, it is trite to conclude that, like R.Kelly, and Tony Montana, Congressman Nines is substantially damaged, credibility and integrity wise. This episode is more than ethical challenges; it is a calculated fraud on the American people. 
He knew the ramifications of what he was doing. And he knew the conduct he engaged in is clandestine, ill-conceived and ill-executed to inflict irreparable harm on the Bidens, and at the same time, conferring undue political and electoral advantages on a designated beneficiary. 
The American Foreign Service Personnel who came before his committee to testify, sworn to an oath to abide by the truth and nothing but the truth. Legally and morally, Mr. Nunes and his fellow members of the committee are within the threshold of that oath and affirmation and remain bound by it. And to the extent, that their conduct in and outside of that committee hearing ran afoul of the fundamentals of the oath, they are subject to the same level of penalty as the Foreign Service Personnel in the event that their testimony infringes on the oath. 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Debating Cannabis (Weeds, Igbo, Marijuana, Itaba-elimin, Morocco) as a Religious Sacrament.

Mark 2:17, the Lord declared: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” Well said. If you don't need healing, whether medically, Igboitically, medicinally, spiritually or otherwise, do not patronize the Marijuana Churches. After all, beds of the same feathers flock together.
Be that as it may, can you really justify the Church, administering Marijuana (Itaba-elinmin) to those who are medically and unmedically in need of it, without the Church meeting the mandatory regulatory requirement expected of Marijuana Dispensary Clinics? That is the gist of the essay.
And in Mark 12:17, Jesus Christ also declared, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." That was in response to a question regarding the reasonableness of paying taxes to Caesar. By that statement, Our Lord and Savior is espousing the sovereign status of the State and the wisdom of abiding by the rules and regulations as given by the Sovereignty.
I am very conversant with the convoluted regulatory monstrosity that encapsulates securing a license for Marijuana Dispensary Clinics in the United States. So far, only one Nigerian ( a young Yoruba gentleman), of all the Oyinbos involved in the Dispensary Business, who has been able to scale the regulatory challenges.
I do not think it is morally and legally tenable for individuals to knowingly undermine the system and the law to do what might be morally justified subjectively - dispensing Weeds to those in need, and who might not necessarily fit within the category of those medically certified to need it under the applicable laws.
The issue really is not whether those who flock to the Jah Churches or Marijuana Sacrament are medically certified to obtain Marijuana, but the deliberate act of the leaders of those places of worship in using God or Jah to override set of rules and regulations.
Anyway, I foresee the Uber impact manifesting very soon in the Marijuana business. Every store owner who is able to buy and sell will be able to buy and sell just like the way the product is in Holland, Netherland. At that time, just like Uber, all our cities, towns, counties, and states in the US would have promulgated applicable laws to give effect to Marijuana distribution and consumption.
Where sincerity, religion, sacrament and cannabis collide.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Something About News Conference and Investigation.

How the Press Conference About the Investigation of Email Server Derailed Hillary's Presidential Dream. And Why the News of the Demands Made Upon Ukrainians Officials by Mr. Rudi Giuliani to Announce at a Press Conference that Joe Bidden and his Son are Under Criminal Investigation May Not Amuse You. It is informed by a favorable precedent. 
“Any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position should have known better. He called her “extremely careless.” That was Mr. Comey, the FBI Boss, a couple of weeks to the 2016 US Presidential election between Mr. Hilary Clinton and Mr. Donald Trump.
Reading the New York Time story, you will have a good understanding of what happened in 2016 and why President Donald Trump and his Private Attorney, Rudi Giuliani, allegedly exerted pressure on Ukrainian President and Ukrainian Officials to address a press conference and apprise the global audience that they are launching a criminal investigation against the son of the former Vice President Joe Biden over his business dealings in Ukraine as well as the discredited allegation of the involvement of Ukrainians in the 2016 Presidential election. Allegations that have been debunked over and over again by the US domestic intelligent agencies and their global counterparts. The President knows quite well that Joe Biden's son was never culpable in his business dealings in Ukraine, but he insisted on a press conference by Ukrainian officials, knowing the irredeemable damage that such press conference inflicted on Hilary Clinton in the last Presidential election.
That Press Release by Comey nailed Mrs. Hillary Clinton. Was it deliberate or he was simply trying to shield the Bureau by revealing to the American Voters prior to the election that Hillary was investigated, but no indictment in view? Sadly, at that point in time, the election was around the corner and unmitigated damage was unfolding. As it turned out, Hillary could not recover. Now you know why a similar demand unfolded months ago in Ukraine.

Debating Quid pro quo.

Example: Go and burn down that house, was my instruction to them. I didn't tell them to commit arson. I repeat, I did not instruct them to commit arson. Okay, what is the difference between arson and burning down the dwelling of another? There is none. One is the act itself. And the other is the legal definition of the act. Arson is the legal name for the act of burning the house or dwelling of another. You cannot turn around to say in your defense: I told them upfront not to commit arson.
In the instant case, there was a standing order to freeze the $400 Million military aid that Congress approved for Ukraine until President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is willing to initiate an investigation into the business activities of Biden's son in Ukraine, with a view to digging up dirt on Mr. Biden and his son. Mr. Biden being his political rival. That has not been disputed.
Adding to that, a situation where your private Attorney became more powerful than your Secretary of State, your Ambassador to Ukraine, and your Ambassador to the European Union in dealing with Ukrainian officials was unequivocally designed to escalate the purpose and intent of the original demand (digging up dirt on the Bidens).
But for the whistleblower, there would not have been a cessation of activities in the 'money for hand(dirt) back for ground(aid)' show of shame. That you stated up front that there is no quid pro quo didn't exonerate or excuse your action from the purview of quid pro quo. Was there a condition? Yes. Was that condition in the best interest of the United States? No. On whose interest then? For your own best interest - to discredit your main political rival and secure an electoral advantage over him subsequently. 
The explanations of the Acting White House Chief of Staff, though persuasive, does not fit in here. If the conditions attached to the Military support package were tied to eliminating corruption in Ukraine, then, in that case, one could willingly excuse the conditions on the basis of serving the national interest. In the instant case, we know that's far from the truth. Demand on a foreign government to dig up dirt on your potential political rival is not in the national interest. I beg to conclude. 
With handwritten notes in hand, President Trump shares his view that Amb. Sondland's testimony has exonerated him.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Almajiri Culture: Overcoming A National Scourge.

The Integrative Educational Initiative: Originally Written by an Esan Man, Adopted by an Ezon President, but Abandoned by a Hausa/Fulani President.
-January 02, 2012
That educational policy selfishly designed to frustrate poor southern families who couldn't afford school fees in the 70s has succeeded in creating generations of uneducated, easily manipulated religious extremists in the North – a cesspool for Boko Haram adherents and a recruitment reservoir for those who want to impose a state religion on the rest of us.
What is required in the process is a coherent national policy at the elementary and secondary school levels, with the full support of the federal government, similar to what Action Groups and the Unity Party of Nigeria did in the Old Western Region and Bendel State. It was the same policy adopted in Kano State by the late Abubakar Rimi in the Second Republic – a grass-root popular educational initiative that won his administration a UNESCO Award.
Boko Haram is chickens coming home to roost. A child growing up should have a home, a government that cares, and the opportunity to make a choice about what to make of every religious doctrine contrary to the arrested development phenomenon within the Muslim faith in the northern part of the country.
There are Muslims within the Yoruba race; most of them are well educated, while others are reasonably trained. The same is true of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Indonesia, and Iran, just to name a few countries. Why must Northern Nigeria be an exception? It's about the opportunity gap and the leadership philosophy, specifically, on the educational agenda of those trusted with government power and responsibilities in the northern region.
No matter the level of our understanding of the political, educational, and religious situation in the north, a compulsory and free education for all children of school-going age from Elementary School to Grammar School level is the best way to go - it will go a long way in shaping the future of these abandoned children and how they embrace religious doctrine and distorted teaching.
Education is a right, and it is the best investment in the life of a child. Religion is a choice and should be treated that way. In the northern region, the majority of the children have grown up to believe that religion, and not education, is a fundamental right; the way, the truth, and the only avenue to emancipation or salvation.
A child capable of imbibing and reciting entire Quranic verses verbatim is capable of solving Quadratic Equations in a Mathematics class if he or she has the opportunity to take the class. No matter how you look at it, it’s all about effort and the leadership that you have and what their views are on education, equal rights, and egalitarianism.
Also, the Quran does not forbid integration or teaching of English Language, Arithmetic, Social Studies, and Sciences simultaneously with Islamic studies. Christian Missionaries in the Eastern Region and the Western Region - before and after our independence - perfected the integration approach successfully. It encompasses the Bible on the right hand, then English, Mathematics, History, Civic, Agriculture and Social Sciences on the left hand. You can't beat that. The same can be replicated in the Northern region concerning religious studies side by side with western or popular education.
The truth is you cannot force these children and their parents to send their wards to popular schools, but you can inculcate popular subjects or courses into their curriculum at the Islamic Learning Centers. In that case, the government would have to negotiate the modalities with the Imams and Sheiks who are managing those institutions. This paper is not by any means, arguing for the elimination of Islamic Schools. Rather, the government should work hand in hand with the proprietors of the Islamic Schools; upgrade the physical facilities and inculcate regular subjects or courses into their curriculum by bringing in additional teachers.
It is not too late to give it a try in the North and rescue these children from the stranglehold of feudal teaching that turned innocent souls into a carrier of IED and enemies of civilization. It's about the opportunity gap - accessibility.
We must not give up on educating these children because the informed citizenry is the most potent and decisive weapon against false beliefs and extorted indoctrination. No one would buy into the disproved belief in the North that western education is forbidden (reputed of Dr. Jubrin Aminu and the Boko Haram sect) if regular education was part of his or her adolescence.
There must be a distinction to be made between religious purity and survival instinct through purposeful engagement in the national economy. God and Allah help those who help themselves. That is a fact and not just a saying. Our Islamic scholars, teachers, and leaders should be willing to embrace changes and accept the fact that religious freedom is most ennobling when combined with economic and social emancipation.
For instance, Senator Sani Yerima, representing Zamfara West Senatorial District at the National Assembly, Nigeria, was the one who escalated the application of the Sharia Law in the Nigerian legal system, when he was the Governor of Zamfara State for eight years. While the Senator, with unrestrained shrewdness and bravado, devoted so much time and energy to amplifying religious indoctrination in his domain, regular or western education was left at the mercy of Imams and Sheikhs.
Therefore, the first step in bridging the educational gap between the Northern region and Southern region of Nigeria is to rein in on most of the State Governors and influential political leaders from the Northern region like Professor Jubrin Aminu to jettison their age-old feudal philosophy that perpetuates caste system.
The current helplessness of the less privileged in the North is disgraceful and cannot be sustained for too long. Therefore, government intervention academically at the very early stage in the lives of the affected children should be encouraged. It will go a long way in shaping their perception and understanding of religion, its social and moral impacts, and the extent of its limitations in the context of economics – the creation, distribution, and consumption of wealth.
Mr. Alex Ehi Aidaghese,
Sugar Land, Texas, January 02, 2012
The Integrative Model, as excerpted in this essay is not a complete document. It is a summary of one of the weekly speeches (papers) I delivered in my "Oral Communication: Business and Organizational" class in 2002 while completing my graduate studies at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. The theme of the speech was how to overcome the economic ills and social deprivations underlying the application of Affirmative Action admission policy at most American Universities - a policy framework that is consistent with the fundamentals of the Nigerian Federal Character and Quota System.
In my speech, I supported both policies to the chagrin of my predominantly white audience, in spite of the fact that I was once a victim of the Quota admission policy in Nigeria. I argued that we should not eliminate the policies, repugnant as they seemingly are in the opinion of the victims, without first, eliminating, or at least, reducing the social inequalities and circumstances of birth that place some candidates at a position where they suffer entrenched economic, social, and academic competitive disadvantage over some other candidates.
In hindsight, in the US, you could make the argument about the inherent social inequality (slavery and second-class status) to justify Affirmative Action admission policy, but in Nigeria, that is a complicated narrative to push. I hold this view believing that the educational and socio-economic gaps that led to the creation of the Federal Character and Quota System in Nigeria are self-inflicted - leadership crisis. The fact being, in Nigeria, we never had the experience of the educationally advanced south colonizing or enslaving the educationally disadvantaged north the way White men oppressed and dehumanized black folks for centuries of slavery in the US.
Anyway, intent on avoiding washing my country's dirty linen at a public forum, I deliberately ignored that distinguishing aspect between the American Affirmative Action and the Nigerian Quota Systems during my presentation and Q & A. Following the suggestions of the Assistant Professor who took the class, I expanded the Integrative Model to about Five thousand words, with details on the funding process and implementation mechanisms.

America's Ongoing Pursuit of Justice and Democratic Values

Tyranny thrives on fear, silence, and compliance. Democracy demands courage - Illinois Governor JB Pritzker. Extremist ideologies, like Nazi...