Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Almajiri Integrative Educational Model and the Intransigence of Northern Governors.

The Integrative Education Model is a sound educational policy framework that argues for the integration of Western Education into the regular Curriculum of the Islamic Schools in the Northern Region of Nigeria - the Quran on one hand, Western or popular education on the other hand. In the opinion of the author, the model is consistent, and, in fact, try to replicate what the Christian Missionaries did in the old Eastern and Western Regions of Nigeria before and after independence - Bible, on one hand, Western or popular education on the other. Which was historically a huge success in the Southern part of the country. President Jonathan adopted the policy successfully in most of the states in the Northern Region before leaving the office. Today, the program is on life support - near abandoned, not just by the Northern Governors, but by a President who happened to be a Northerner as well.
According to Mr. Modibo, the former UBEC Boss: “The state governors left the schools unoccupied, abandoned and vandalised because most state governments refused to even take them over, not to talk of fulfilling their own obligations contained in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the federal government. The state governors left the schools unoccupied, abandoned and vandalised because most state governments refused to even take them over, not to talk of fulfilling their own obligations contained in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the federal government. The state governments were not happy with the decision of the federal government to undertake the project through UBEC and the Eduction Tax Fund (ETF), as they wanted the money to be given to them so that they could nominate contractors for the project. That episode was the last in the history of woeful failures to address the challenge of mainstreaming the Islamic system of education thereby catering for the multitude of mainly children of the poor in the Northern region who often migrate far from their homes following their itinerant Malams and surviving on charity."
As I stated a few days ago, I want to repeat: If I don't know what is at stake, if I don't know what they are doing and what they are doing wrong, and if I don't know how to do better those things they are doing, I won't be writing. For instance, Professor Jubrin Aminu who argued that education should not be free at all levels in Nigeria because it will only benefit the South and, at the same time, widen the existing educational gaps between the two regions, was holding a Federal level position at the time as the Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC). No one raises a voice in condemnation of hi racist and divisive views on national education.
After that, they rewarded him with a bigger post - the Vice Counselor of the University of Maiduguri. As the VC of Unimaid, he embargoed the hiring of Southern Scholars as lecturers. He listed those he wanted on his campus in order of priority or importance - Northern lecturers, White lecturers, and followed by Indian lecturers. Again, he was never reprimanded or censored for his opened racism.
Later, they rewarded him with yet, another bigger position at the national level - the Minister of Education. The same guy who argued against free education at all levels on the ground that it will only benefit the South, based, as he argues, on the unproven theory of aversion of western education by northerners. And the same guy who argued against the recruitment of Southerners in his University was appointed to manage the same education at the national level. And that's how to be an untouchable Northerner.
As the Minister of Education, he invented the Nomadic Educational Program and they gave him a blank check to fund the program. However, after a few years of unquantifiable financial wastage, he abandoned the nomadic education program. Also, it was under him that later Professor Festus Iyayi and his family were booted out of their Uniben staff quarter over the disagreement regarding the suitable salary and welfare package for our University lecturers.

A few years later, they made him the overseer of our main source of income - the Minister of Petroleum Resources. As you can see, the more antagonistic they are of Southern interests, the more they are rewarded with powerful positions at the center, without any regard to their ability to deliver. 
On the other hand, Mr. Alex Aidaghese (a Southerner) who later wrote the Integrative Model that was tested and successfully implemented by President Jonathan (another Southerner), was never compensated or even acknowledged. There is no day that someone from Nigeria is not coming to my Blog to read the essay on bridging the educational gaps. In fact, the former UBEC Boss did reference the integrative model in this very interview. Today, the program is abandoned.

Moving Forward.

For the purpose of bringing the best out of the policy, what they should have done, was simply to invite the author of the policy for consultation on the approach, financing, and implementation process. I hold this view (about extending consultation contact or support to the author), not because I am the author, but because it is the right thing to do. Nigerian children deserve better. The Almajiri culture is a can of worm that is already exploding. Until the endemic culture is eliminated, there will never be peace in the Northern Region, and by extension, Nigeria as a whole. President Jonathan had no idea about who the author is; presumably, one of his men saw it on the web and ran with it. 
The essay is available on my Blog and it speaks for itself. I highly recommend it; again, not because I am the author, but because you will become richer in commonsense about Nigeria of two nations, the power play, the untouchable characters, and the making of the progressive administration of President Buhari at the federal level. It is a total package.
Finally, patriotism is about who loves and genuinely feels for the socio-economic emancipation of the Almajiri, the Abokis, and the Talakawa - and in the process, writing and propounding ideas that leaders can read, understand, and implement to make life better for the underprivileged. I represent that vision and that's why I write and stand by this essay. A culture where those who point out the racism and bigotry of named individuals are themselves branded as racists and blacklisted from the federal government should be discredited and abandoned. Let me rephrase that: Professor Jubrin Aminu for instance, promoted and openly engaged in racist practices, but he was never reprimanded, yet he was continuously rewarded with a more powerful national appointment. On the other hand, the power behind the throne in Nigeria would blackist anyone who condemned such racist conduct of Prof Aminu. That's a huge problem. How for instance, was Aminu able to move from the Dept of Customs to manage the National Pension Funds that he ran as a private central bank? We should all speak up. I do because I am a patriot and know what is at stake and how to do better, whatever it is that they are doing. 

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