Saturday, November 23, 2019

Debating Cannabis (Weeds, Igbo, Marijuana, Itaba-elimin, Morocco) as a Religious Sacrament.

Mark 2:17, the Lord declared: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” Well said. If you don't need healing, whether medically, Igboitically, medicinally, spiritually or otherwise, do not patronize the Marijuana Churches. After all, beds of the same feathers flock together.
Be that as it may, can you really justify the Church, administering Marijuana (Itaba-elinmin) to those who are medically and unmedically in need of it, without the Church meeting the mandatory regulatory requirement expected of Marijuana Dispensary Clinics? That is the gist of the essay.
And in Mark 12:17, Jesus Christ also declared, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." That was in response to a question regarding the reasonableness of paying taxes to Caesar. By that statement, Our Lord and Savior is espousing the sovereign status of the State and the wisdom of abiding by the rules and regulations as given by the Sovereignty.
I am very conversant with the convoluted regulatory monstrosity that encapsulates securing a license for Marijuana Dispensary Clinics in the United States. So far, only one Nigerian ( a young Yoruba gentleman), of all the Oyinbos involved in the Dispensary Business, who has been able to scale the regulatory challenges.
I do not think it is morally and legally tenable for individuals to knowingly undermine the system and the law to do what might be morally justified subjectively - dispensing Weeds to those in need, and who might not necessarily fit within the category of those medically certified to need it under the applicable laws.
The issue really is not whether those who flock to the Jah Churches or Marijuana Sacrament are medically certified to obtain Marijuana, but the deliberate act of the leaders of those places of worship in using God or Jah to override set of rules and regulations.
Anyway, I foresee the Uber impact manifesting very soon in the Marijuana business. Every store owner who is able to buy and sell will be able to buy and sell just like the way the product is in Holland, Netherland. At that time, just like Uber, all our cities, towns, counties, and states in the US would have promulgated applicable laws to give effect to Marijuana distribution and consumption.
Where sincerity, religion, sacrament and cannabis collide.

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