Thursday, November 21, 2019

Something About News Conference and Investigation.

How the Press Conference About the Investigation of Email Server Derailed Hillary's Presidential Dream. And Why the News of the Demands Made Upon Ukrainians Officials by Mr. Rudi Giuliani to Announce at a Press Conference that Joe Bidden and his Son are Under Criminal Investigation May Not Amuse You. It is informed by a favorable precedent. 
“Any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position should have known better. He called her “extremely careless.” That was Mr. Comey, the FBI Boss, a couple of weeks to the 2016 US Presidential election between Mr. Hilary Clinton and Mr. Donald Trump.
Reading the New York Time story, you will have a good understanding of what happened in 2016 and why President Donald Trump and his Private Attorney, Rudi Giuliani, allegedly exerted pressure on Ukrainian President and Ukrainian Officials to address a press conference and apprise the global audience that they are launching a criminal investigation against the son of the former Vice President Joe Biden over his business dealings in Ukraine as well as the discredited allegation of the involvement of Ukrainians in the 2016 Presidential election. Allegations that have been debunked over and over again by the US domestic intelligent agencies and their global counterparts. The President knows quite well that Joe Biden's son was never culpable in his business dealings in Ukraine, but he insisted on a press conference by Ukrainian officials, knowing the irredeemable damage that such press conference inflicted on Hilary Clinton in the last Presidential election.
That Press Release by Comey nailed Mrs. Hillary Clinton. Was it deliberate or he was simply trying to shield the Bureau by revealing to the American Voters prior to the election that Hillary was investigated, but no indictment in view? Sadly, at that point in time, the election was around the corner and unmitigated damage was unfolding. As it turned out, Hillary could not recover. Now you know why a similar demand unfolded months ago in Ukraine.

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