Friday, August 10, 2012

NUC Short-changed Northerners In Awarding Presidential Scholarships, Says ACF | Sahara Reporters

NUC Short-changed Northerners In Awarding Presidential Scholarships, Says ACF | Sahara Reporters

I abhor discriminatory practices in its entirety. If The protest is on the basis of favoritism or discrimination by the National University Commission to the disadvantage of candidates from the northern part of the country, they have my support. On the other hand, if the protest is in view of application of Federal Character or the non-application of Federal Character or Quota System, I would advice them to accept the fact that the principles have outlived their usefulness in the Nigerian polity. 

The present educational situation in the North calls for transparency and accountability. All the Governors and Commissioners of Education who have served in the Northern part of the country should come out and give account of what they did with their budget for education over the decades. How many students did they graduate? Did they make any effort to counsel the talakawas, the almajiris about the importance of western education and the benefits in terms of economic and social emancipation? 

These are very briliant Nigerian children left behind by feudal educational policy. If they could muster enough mental power to memorize every gamut of the Holy Quran, invariably they should be able to grasp every element of the English Language, Arithmetic, Social Sciences, and Integrated Sciences at early age. These children should be the main concern of the Arewa Consultative Forum and all the Sharia loving Governors.

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