Saturday, August 18, 2012

Obama hits GOP on education funding - Reid J. Epstein -

Obama hits GOP on education funding - Reid J. Epstein -

The best investment in the life of a child is education. Republicans, over the years, have been behaving badly over the education of our children. They have open disdain for the Department of Education and some of them want to eliminate the department entirely. The Department of Education made it possible for me to go to graduate school. I am not alone; thousands of graduating students every year in the US would not have been able to achieve their educational goal, if not for the loans and grants that they received from the Department of Education and Uncle Sam. How can we dominate the World with our “exceptionalism” brouhaha when Republicans have unrepentant delight in closing down schools and frustrating willing students out of schools and onto the street because they want to cut taxes for millionaires and balance the budget? 

Republicans would rather preside over the unlettered citizenry because it makes dictatorial tendency unnoticeable and difficult to challenge. Republicans believe in a master-servant relationship with the rest of us. Democrats believe in the people – a dynamic citizenry in a society where there are equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunities for those who work hard. Newt Gingrich wanted to take the presidency from President Clinton, at the end; he was the one who was disgraced out of office. President Bill Clinton was on the side of the people. President Barack Obama wants the best for the middle class and every American family. He is on our side - the side of the people. Therefore, like President Clinton, President Obama will triumph over the inequities of the Republican members of Congress and the talking heads on radio and on TV who have been praying for his failure.  

They boasted of making President Obama a one-term President. They declared on TV and on the floor of Congress that they want him to fail. They took filibuster to a new low. They frustrated his job creation initiatives and sat on every new appointment he introduced to revitalize the economy. They support cut tax cuts for millionaires and the rich and the famous, but they want to deny health coverage to American families, close down our schools and defund those they cannot close. They want to cut spending, kill the environment and send Fire Fighter, Teachers, and Police Officers home with pink slips.

Their goal is to declare austerity measures in the land because they believe in stagnation. It is either trickle-down economics or nothing.  We tried it before and it didn’t help; Wall Street operatives appropriated the bail-out money for themselves and sat on what is left. It didn’t trickle down. What trickles down was the money injected into the auto industry. That is a direct investment.

By the way, how can Republican grow the economy when they don’t want to spend? How can they create jobs when there is no investment?  You spur growth in the economy by investing directly on the people – education, investment grants to entrepreneurs, and tax breaks to those who keep jobs at home, development of new projects and upgrade of our infrastructural facilities. The growth and expansion in the auto and ancillary sectors is a good example of direct investment and what it can do to spur economic growth. Not the trickle-down economics that Republicans cherish with fanaticism. All they want is tax cuts for the rich who do not have need for it.

Americans are saying no to Governor Mitt Romney (the Tax loophole and offshore accounts specialist), and his running mate, Paul Ryan - the architect of the plan to push Grandpa, Grandma, the middle class, and the uninsured over the cliff. They don't mean well for American people. Therefore voters should not trust them with their vote.  Their desire is to send us back to President Bush era where Wall Street went on the rampage - betting on taxpayers’ money, cooking up mortgages on bogus collateral and sending Americans into unwarranted bankruptcy.

President Obama came in, working tirelessly with his team; they turned the economy around for good. And now the talk is about job creation and not pink slips or closure of factories that was the hallmark of the previous Republican government. The American auto industry is back again with full force, thanks to President Obama’s initiatives.  There is health coverage for the uninsured and children up to age 26 can now obtain coverage under their parents' plan. Most importantly, pre-existing illness is no longer a barrier to obtaining health insurance as it was in the past.  All thanks to President Obama and his administration.  The President is not going anywhere. We are voting him back to the White House and into the oval office for another term for him to finish what he started.  He earns it and he deserves it.  We should ensure it by our support, our rally, and our vote.

He is the author of  "OBAMA: Citizen United, Invisible Resistance, and the Hacking of American Democracy."

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