Friday, August 24, 2012


In the words of President Barack Obama, "the first piece of advice is this. Don't just get involved. Fight for your seat at the table. Better yet, fight for a seat at the head of the table. If you decide not to set yourself at the table, you have to make sure you have a say in who does. It matters. My second piece of advice never under estimate the power of your advice. The last one is simple, but perhaps most important. Persevere. Persevere. Nothing worthwhile is easy." Commencement Speech at Barnard College, New York, 2012.

Ladies and Gentlemen, to be able to have a say in who seat at the table, you must register to vote. In addition, you must ensure that you have the means to exercise that right - a government issued ID. People fought and died in the struggle to have the right to vote written into law. Therefore, we must not take it (the right to vote) lightly or treat the opportunity that it provides with levity. Today, that right is facing imminent, but avoidable extinction following the passage of Voter ID Law by most GOP controlled General Assembly throughout the United States - a diabolical political machination calculated by Republicans to defeat President Obama without going to the voting booths. This is a timely warning; nevertheless, overcoming GOP and their voodoo game plan is a task that must be done. 

As the 2012 presidential election draws near, there are States, Cities, and Counties all over the United States where there are new Voter ID laws enacted by Republicans that would make it legally impossible for eligible voters to exercise their right to vote.  Republican General Assembly in the affected States, Cities, or Counties enacted the laws to frustrate eligible voters from going to the voting booths. The laws, as designed, purposely targeted African Americans, the young, and the elderly.  No doubt, these laws, as well as proposed changes regarding early-ballot or early voting in some of the Counties, are understandably calculated to defeat President Obama by any means necessary, even if it means using draconian laws to imperil the performance of a lawful purpose by those who are duly qualified to exercise the right.

In a civilized society as ours, it is expected that those who are legally qualified to vote should be able to exercise that right, without any complication imposed by legislative incivility. Republicans want the opposite. Because they firmly believe that disfranchisement of young voters, minority voters, and the elderly is the surest way to defeating President Obama in all the key States in the November presidential election. Republicans know full well who the potential victims of the Voter ID requirements are. This information is nothing new. Democrats are talking about it. And Pundits in the news media are talking about it. I am only interested in solutions. 

Democrats, especially African Americans should brace up for the challenges and do everything possible to obtain a government issued ID to be able to defeat Republicans and their ill-conceived manipulation of existing rules and regulations. For the elderly, there is a difference, and they have my sympathy; we must come to their rescue and help them secure the necessary documents to regularize their eligibility. And as Macbeth would say:  “The flighty purpose never is overtook Unless the deed goes with it. From this moment The very firstlings of my heart shall be The firstlings of my hand.”

At this juncture, I would like to remind my African American friends and family members that the right to vote, inherent and inalienable as it may seem, is incomplete without the ability to exercise it. Going to court to fight for the abrogation of these laws is one step out of many solutions. The best option is simple: the potential victims should get the necessary documents and secure a government issued ID before the Election Day. Those in position to assist the elderly and other potential victims with their government issued ID procurement should start the process right now. Those who are already in the process and assisting should accelerate this noble undertaking. It is worth doing because it is better to eliminate all the Republican troubles and put them behind us now than wait until Election Day or the day after to litigate eligibility and disfranchisement. We should not forget the outcome of the Florida Punch Card saga.

Finally, as the President and Democrats embark on door-to-door, city-to-city, and state-to-state campaigning, they should always remember to remind supporters the importance of voter ID or government issued ID, and the need for those who already have to assist those who don’t have, but are eligible to vote, to secure the necessary documents to be able to vote. That is the first step to defeating Republican in their game.  It is a noble venture and morally imperative in every respect.

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