Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ryan's Mitt Romney problem

Ryan's Mitt Romney problem

Knowing Governor Romney's VP Choice is a story in total disbelief. He wants vouchers for the elderly and the middle class with specific amount to cover their health insurance bills. The trouble is: once their insurance and related bills exceed the amount specified on the vouchers, they are on their own. The author of that plan is Congress man, Paul Ryan, the man Governor Mitt Romney wants to be his running mate. If that is not pushing Grandma and Grandpa off the cliff, I wonder what it is. That is Republican party for you. Now you know why we must support and stand by President Barack Obama for the November election. We must not turn our backs on the elderly and the baby boomers. You cannot undo budget deficit by denying healthcare coverage to the old, the helpless, and the unemployed. Every American is not Donald Trump. Mr. Romney should know that. 

This guy is a born again right-wing ideologue who is interested in cutting taxes for the rich and the famous. We need to take care of our deficit in a more responsible and efficient ways instead of cutting spending indiscriminately. No doubt, such draconian cutting and austerity measures proposed my Mr. Ryan and Governor Romney, would exacerbate middle class pain and misery. That is not the America the beautiful. This is a call to stop Ryan. 

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